There was an interesting review of Tepezza in my Korean thyroid community So I'd like to share this with you guys.
It's not my experience. so you should check the exact information by your own.
- When? She took Tepezza from December 2021 in the US.
- How? get an IV 8th times total. but doctor said if the treatment doesn't work she may need to get more IV.
- How much costs? totally 300,000 dollars(facillity fees were almost 90,000 dollars) but she said luckily company insurance covered the huge amount of money so she didn't need to pay that much.
- Results? Her eyes were bulged from 16mm(Left Eye), 17-18mm(Right Eye) each, but now 15mm, 16mm.
- There was no side effects to her until now. And She thinks Tepezza works all situations like antibody is in an active or disactive(I'm not sure I understand this sentence correctly)