Hi there ,
I just wanted some advice. I was recently referred to an endocrinologist as I had been having hormone tests due to family history of early menopause and planning for pregnancy etc. my results showed low TSH (<0.02 mouth/L) and when they retested showed high T3 (7.6 pool/L) and low TSH.
I do have some symptoms ( think nails/ hair) palpitations and anxiety, clammy hands. But feel well in myself , sleep well and am very active. Growing up I always thought I just had a fast metabolism, eating a lot and remaining very thin. Although I am now a normal weight at 9.7 stone.
I am really reluctant to take the carbimazole as I’m not a fan of taking medications ( rarely even take paracetomol) often opting for herbal things more.
Just wanted peoples experiences of that medication. I also haven’t had the cause of the hyperthyroidism yet so feel like starting the medication already feels like maybe to soon as the side effects seem quite difficult.
I also wondered whether having been contraception for the last 15 years and only recently coming off it for these hormone tests for early menopause may have effected the results as well.
Anyways would be grateful to hear your thoughts ☺️
thank you