itchy rash: I have had problems this year with... - Thyroid UK

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itchy rash

islandlass profile image
16 Replies

I have had problems this year with lower legs infection and swelling. treated for this, evetually ater months legs healed then wham this rash started. Having bloods being tested tomorrow for vatious things including thyroid.

Reason for request - rashes are notoriously difficult to treat, on oral medication but has anybody found a topical application such as a cream or lotion to apply which actually worked?

Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated this end.

Thank you.

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islandlass profile image
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16 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

previous post you mentioned low B12

What vitamin supplements are you taking

What are your most recent thyroid and vitamin results and ranges

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to SlowDragon

Blood test tomorrow, requested thyroid a must, doc surpringly said definately, wonder if I have one who is partially on the ball. Never get the same doc. twice but requested I discussed results with her - tuesday by phone. In the meantime I am getting E45 for rashes - a new special edition it seems - as a test (not very hopeful). So decided to see if anybody on site had other suggestion. Trying not to scratch but it is driving me crazy this end.

Vits: d3+ K2. vit C. Selenium. Folate. Zinc and copper 2 weekly. Magnesium. B complex. Iron a problem due to a big time surgical mishit when I was in my early 30s. green vegs I love. Have sourced a speaial liquid iron, not tried it yet.

Healthy diet, all local sourced fresh meat, fish, eggs, bread, veg ect - live on an island, so much locally grown. Have been pretty stable for years, played around with Jabs when I sensed the need, agile, great. If they could see me now, twitching and doing St. vitus dance.

Have upped my jabs to every 2nd day - back to the beginning once more, controlling PA symptoms as that flared up. Sorry for long reply, but trying to give you as much as possible.

I used to get my check ups regularly with Blue Horizen - purse strings are having to be tightened now I am afraid, like so many others.

Thank you for replying.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to islandlass

Unlikely you will be able to get Ft3 tested

NHS private test

Just TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 test - £32

10% off code here


FULL thyroid test including both thyroid antibodies just £29

Test at home or in clinic

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to SlowDragon

They are going to do it much to my surprise, I rarely go near them, have put on record my feelings re treatment years ago, they walk on egg shells with me ever since. Not only thyroid but full blood being done looking for markers as requested also!

Slow dragon I no longer give two hoots what they say, I and my husband paid well over the top, like so many others, for this NHS. Anyone over 60 now are to receive the minimum possible, at least here in Scotland. Saw this sometime ago in their recommendations. My heart goes out to the younger folk, they seem to fare no better.

Will let you know what transpires, at 83 I am not looking for miracles but at least some relief.

Thank you again for you reply.

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to islandlass

I forgot - that last link - are you sure the price is right, I shall keep it for futher use, best I have ever seen, thank you.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to islandlass

yes definitely £29

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to SlowDragon

Wow! will certainly keep them in mind.

SmallBlueThing profile image

My legs have been a mess since a bunch of bites from nymph ticks. The skin can be very fragile, but also with hyperkeratosis, so plaques flake off, leaving patches which may get infected. There's a range of emollients available in 500g pump-action dispensers, with names ending in "base". I prefer Diprobase; the surgery prefers Zerobase, which is a bit cheaper. Doublebase is another that comes to mind. A nurse-led clinic that I was fortunate to be able to attend cautioned against E45, due to the possibility of sensitising the skin, but that was 20+ years ago, and newer formulations may have addressed the problem. In the meantime, the NHS bean-counters decided Epimax was cheap and cheerful enough, but it caused me problems as soon as I tried it. Anyway, the idea is to use an emollient to try and keep the skin supple and free from cracks which could allow bacteria in, while avoiding ingredients likely to cause irritation and itchiness and/or skin peeling/blistering. I was given a pack of Dermol antimicrobial emollient by someone who didn't get on with it, and neither did I. Recently I tried Sudocrem: checking for this reply I found, "only use if advised by a tissue viability/wound care specialist. Sudocrem® contains five of the listed excipients with a greater chance of causing skin sensitisation." So, it's a minefield out there and a case of the fewer ingredients the better, so long as lanolin isn't one of them.

Swelling occurred within a few weeks of my bites and was diagnosed as lymphoedema (there's a HealthUnlocked group for the condition, with helpful advice from practitioners). For several years I added a grain of Thiroyd desiccated thyroid extract to my levothyroxine, as a source of T3, but finished my supply about 18 months ago. Since then, my leg swelling has worsened and my feet can swell and become painful if I go without laced shoes for a few hours. I'm not entirely sure of the connection, but during a hyperthyroid phase (before treatment), my leg swelling quickly disappeared. However, the swelling after the bites also appeared during a hyper phase.

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to SmallBlueThing

Thank you for the information, you are not kidding when you say it is a mine field. will look up the dipro and double. was wary of E45 - remember the days when it was the be all according to NHS, which made me suspicious, cheapest is best for them. I said I would try a smal tube of E45 and see but if the other 2 prove better I will ask for that. Would you believe it, no sun all summer 2 days of heat and sunshine this week just what I did not need, still it cheers one up anyway. Thank you again for advice.

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to islandlass

I've heard of some patients having Aveeno products prescribed. Aveeno Dermexa is widely available, to buy.

Frank57 profile image

My wife who is on T3 and T4 for many many years bizarrely began to get severe rashes mostly at 3am or 4am. Was prescribed a number of anti-rash creams like E45 but found that Fexofenadine works well and was prescribed by the doctor. It apparently does not cross the brain barrier so is less likely to make her drowsy than the other common anti=histamine tablets.

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to Frank57

Thank you for your reply, I am on the same dosage. I also have PA so it does muddle things up a bit, I am waiting on blood test results as I suspect the thyroid is the villian in the piece - just a guess. Fexofenadine did help but now seems ineffective. My lower legs were involved, bit of a mess really. Should hear re results soon, in meantime trying not to skin myself alive - it is awful. This little gland has a lot to answer for.

TSH110 profile image

I suffered with pretibial mxyedema, see if it fits the bill:

If so your thyroid medication needs optimising.

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to TSH110

Thank you for sending this article, it has giving me something to hang my coat on, I really am not going gaga it seems.

Read the article and most of it applies to me, past injury to both ankles in the last 4 years, had similar problems with lower legs before, all symptoms they describe, used topical applications and common sense, bought shoes triple E, it cleared up after a few months. Came back big time and with much more of my body involved this time.

Only part that does not fit , rash spread to whole body, now have definate pimples for want of another word on arms and across chest and back. The itchiness is awful, using what they have prescribed for me. I thank you for taking the trouble to send this, am wondering if I should email it to the doctor or rather all of them seeing I was shoved from one to another, all work part time, so it is a lucky dip today, would they even look at it, will have a think.

My thanks again, very much appreciated. I have avoided contact with doctors for years. If I did not realise how bad the GP situation is I do now. It is as if they do not really care, maybe I am being a bit harsh but that is what I have now seen and was hearing before this experience, especially in my age group, sad to live to see it.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to islandlass

It can’t hurt to check it out with them. I think it can afflict other parts of the body but shins are most common

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to TSH110

Am considering doing thyroid tests, expensive now on a pension but worth it and then go with information. I get better information on here than seeing 4 doctors and 2 over the phone consultations - that was weird.

Thank you again.

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