Further to my last post I am just wondering how long it takes for the body to adjust to a lower T3 dosage? I've been on 6.25mcg down from 12.5mcg for 7 days now and am struggling a bit with tiredness washing over me in the afternoons and needing to lie down after walks. I'm going on holiday on Tuesday as as it's only my 3rd one in 24 years I would like to enjoy it.
How long to adjust to lower T3 dosage? - Thyroid UK
How long to adjust to lower T3 dosage?
In my experience it probably takes a week or 2 of feeling a bit rough with a dose decrease before symptoms even out and you feel a bit better.
Your FT4 is still on the low side, so in time you may well need to increase Levo a little.
Have a lovely holiday.
I notice changes in a few days
I did not lower my dosage on purpose, I was visiting a friend and all of the confusion of waking up in a different bedroom and getting down to breakfast with everyone else on time caused me to forget to take my NDT. I felt like I was going to collapse about 3:00pm and wondered what on earth was the matter with me. When I went back to the bedroom to lie down (because I felt like I was going to die) I saw my pills on the side table and it all came back to me - I didn't take them that morning! So my answer to your question is "about 8 hours!" If I were you I would stick to the dose which makes you feel well right now. My philosophy, which I have written many times before, is that if I die at 90 instead of 95 because of some side effects about T3 which just might be true, then so be it because the alternative is to be close to being bedridden for the last years of my life - and in no way am I risking that.