I had my second child in August 2022 and to be honest I've not felt right since. Since going back to work in June last year I've been permanently exhausted but it's just got worse and worse. Totally mental fog, can't focus, constantly yawning my head off. My body aches constantly but all the while I just thought I'm just tired because my son doesn't sleep.Tipping point was last couple months I've started piling on weight, I eat reasonably healthy and I've actually been getting back into exercise so it made no sense.
Anyway contacted GP (online consultation) and he referred me for bloods. Got those back Monday and had the GP ringing me at 6pm to get me booked in for face to face next day.
My TSH was 117mu/l and T4 4.8pmol/l
The GP on phone was really good, talked through everything and said might need a specialist referral. Asked about symptoms, family history of autoimmune diseases etc. Unfortunately he wasn't available for appointment next day but he wanted me to start levothyroxine ASAP so booked me in with another.
Got in and he said "well I've got myself up to speed with everything and without wanting to put it bluntly, you must have been feeling shit"!
He said he'd start me on 75mg (most he said he could do to start). I asked about autoimmune and he said that was most likely - said they hadn't got those results back yet. No mention of specialist, didn't feel my neck which other GP had said they do. It was a pretty quick in and out, "your prituatiry gland is screaming at your thyroid and its just not responding, once you get started on this you'll feel a million times better". Blood test again in 3 months. So off I went for my prescription, relieved that all this time there has been something wrong and this isn't just what being a mother of two feels like!
On reflection I'm now wondering should I have asked more questions/expected more in terms of the 'why'. I'm grateful to now be getting meds which will hopefully sort the symptoms but equally wondering what's gone wrong, should I be worried, do I need further investigation, visit to specialist etc. there are various autoimmune issues in my family, parental aunts both coeliac, maternal grandfather rheumatoid arthritis, maternal uncle Crohn's, wondering if there may be more to this.
Would love to hear others experience on what to expect following a diagnosis