I want to ask if after taking the road of gluten free and optimising vitamins level, has anyone seen their thyroid levels improved, was anyone able to get off the medication?
Hello: I want to ask if after taking the road of... - Thyroid UK

Giulia12 'was anyone able to get off the medication?'
If your thyroid gland is unable to produce the hormones you need, going gluten free and optimising vitamins levels may certainly help you to feel better, but it won't miraculously heal the thyroid gland itself. Usually, you will need to take replacement thyroid hormones for the rest of your life.
Coming off thyroid hormone replacement is not why people optimise thier nutrients or go gluten-free.
People with Hashi's are very often gluten-sensitive, so going gluten-free relieves some of their symptoms. It has no effect on the thyroid itself.
Nutrients are usually low in those that are hypo because of the low stomach acid making it difficult for them to digest food and absorb nutrients. But you need optimal nutrient levels for your body to be able to use the hormone you're giving it. But optimal nutrient levels cannot heal a sick thyroid.
Thyroids cannot regenerate. So, thyroid hormone replacement is for life.
Hello, no disrespect, but I do not believe that there are incurable diseases in this world. I know people who are off the medication and they are just fine. I myself found lots of solutions (no cost) to clear some of the symptoms that I encountered along the road. Thank you for the information.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
I think there are plenty of things we can do to improve our situation however, I guess it would depend on the nature of the thyroid condition - i.e. putting Graves disease into remission would certainly lead to being able to come off medication, however, if the thyroid has been ablated then this would be pretty much impossible as to date I'm not sure they've found a way to naturally re-active or regrow the thyroid (I might be wrong on that) . There maybe some natural substitutes/additions to medication i.e. Lemon Balm has some reported positive affects for Graves whereas there are some people that say such things as Black Seed Oil helps Hashimotos. Although I would recommend doing your own research.
Diet and Lifestyle changes can certainly improve things too. Stressors tend to be a nasty little culprit in most cases - I know it has been for me and therefore I am having to make some big life changes which seem to be helping (along with medication). Gluten and Diary can certain cause inflammatory responses within the body, however, due to the industrialisation of our food chain, most things - including meats, fruits and vegetables - can nowadays (read up on fluoride in the water and ground to give yourself some nightmares should you wish).
There are people who claim to have put their autoimmune diseases into remission naturally, however, I have seen little scientific evidence to support - not saying they haven't been able to achieve this, especially in mild or early onset cases, just doesn't appear to work for the majority.
I do hope you are able to find the solutions you are looking for and wish you and all on here every success in managing their conditions
Thank you for your optimistic and balanced response. I am looking forward to the time when I will be off medication. It does not mean that I will not take supplements when I see that I need them.Anyhow, like you said, one of the main culprit is stress. I just did Shiatsu massage and another releasing technique that I found it very helpful. It was like a load was taken off my back and head. I experience lots of negativity all the time and I do not know how to stop it coming my way all the time. I know all types of methods to relieve and to stop it for the moment but not to stop it coming for good.
i think people replying may have assumed you are asking about recovering from hypothyroidism and coming off levothyroxine .. but looking at your previous posts you are dealing with Graves and Anti-thyroid drugs ...which is a different question entirely.
Graves can and does go into remission...... (although there is a tendency for this to relapse months or years later) .......remission is possible in graves because the over production of T4/T3 is driven by the stimulating form of TRab antibodies ... when the levels of these stimulating antibodies go down, the thyroid's over activity can go back to normal , because the thyroid tissue was not damaged , it was just being told to work too fast by the stimulating TRab (they basically act like TSH on their thyroid).
however in Autoimmune Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's, the thyroid tissue that produces T4/T3 is progressively damaged ...and recovery of the tissue that has been damaged seems unlikely/ unusual , so even if you were able to somehow stop the autoimmune process doing any further damage to your thyroid tissue , you would still have a damaged thyroid gland that was less able to produce enough thyroid hormone .
By the time most autoimmune hypo patients are started on thyroid hormone replacement , their thyroid tissue is already so damaged that it can't produce enough T4/T3 for their needs.
Thank you. I have to say that I have been most of my life hyper but with no medication at all. It happened that I gained weight and I lost it on a regular basis and I was just fine. One episode of stomach infection led to big changes in my health and adding to that some vaccines I had to do. After that, another major event brought my symptoms to my doctor's attention and they put me on it. Ever since I did that my level of Ft4, Ft3 were very low. I have both Graves and Hashi antibodies. Both were very low as well. In the mean time the Graves antibodies subsided to under 1. I am left with Hashi but my doctor told me that I do not have to worry about that. I have to say that I am way better than I was. The things I am really struggling with at this moment: sensitivity to all the negative things I perceive around me and I am also negative. I do not manage to stop my negativity although I have tried a lot of things; my weakness. I am looking forward to try Magnesium and vitamin B12.