I seem to have a lot of symptoms of thyroid problems,I'm cold all the time,very tiered I go to bed most afternoons with a headache and feel sick,I have had a carpul tunnel opp in one hand but no change both hands are the same,I get very anxious and stressed and my temper isn't good,I haven't been to the doctors yet as im worried can anyone relate to these symptoms ?
hello: I seem to have a lot of symptoms of... - Thyroid UK

I'm only 36 I thought it was in people older,excuse my nievity
Welcome to the forum, Joeltite1.
Ask your GP to do a thyroid function test. Carpal tunnel syndrome, fatigue and feeling cold are symptoms of hypothyroidism. Low thyroid affects women more than men and can be triggered by puberty, pregnancy and menopause and can affect anyone of any age.
The symptom checker below may be useful:
Ah ok thank you,I think my fear of going to the Dr is that he may say I'm ok and nothing wrong
Get a blood test at the earliest possible time. Ask for TSH, T4, T3, Free T4 and Free T3, also Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, iron, ferritin and folate. We are usually deficient in vits/minerals.
Ask for a print-out of your blood tests (we are entitled) and make sure the ranges are stated and post on a new question.
T3 is the active hormone so I do hope your GP tests T3 and Free T3.
Thank you for all your help,I just needed to chat with others to get extra guidance,I will give them a call and make an appointment in the morning
Hi there. I was diagnosed hypo last week with exact same symptoms as yourself, so poor you ! On levo 50 now and feeling really rubbish today. Lazy and miserable. Glad though that I can share, I have never been on a forum before. Sounds like we may have a lot to learn !