I visited my GP today following worsening period pain, and have been told that my symptoms and how the physical examination went are consistent with Endometriosis. A referral has been made to a gynocologist for further investigation. I found out in December that I have Hashimoto’s (but my thyroid levels are normal at the moment). My GP recommended going on hormonal contraception (Mirena coil). I was wondering if any women have any experience of this or insight as to how one condition might affect the other?
Hashimotos and Endometriosis: I visited my GP... - Thyroid UK
Hashimotos and Endometriosis

endometriosis is considered to perhaps also be autoimmune
Have you had coeliac blood test yet BEFORE trailing strictly gluten free diet
Retest thyroid and vitamin levels again in 2-3 months after working on low vitamin D
There’s a definite link to thyroid with gynaecological conditions… and although as yet Adenomyosis and Endometriosis isn’t classed as autoimmune, I’m sure it will it’s an area they are very much behind in but there’s a lot of noise going on at present highlighting things as on average it takes so long to diagnose. There’s no cure for endometriosis other than laparoscopic surgery to remove from the areas where it’s present … Adenomyosis can be helped by hysterectomy.
Endometriosis is thought to be immune and hormones related at present but we may find it’s something else entirely in future… it was always thought as rogue menstruation.
Thyroid can cause gynaecological fertility problems although just because you have any of these conditions doesn’t say you’ll get them but possibly more susceptible, as with some other autoimmune conditions.
I have been diagnosed with Adenomyosis and latterly Endometriosis I’m late menopause and had Mirena in October 2023 for adenomyosis and abnormal bleeding … I’m on Decapeptyl injections my 6th and last at the end of the month (these shut hormones down from pituitary) then possibly a total hysterectomy both ovaries is my option I’ve been told, I will make my decision in early August as few questions I have regarding long term health eg dementia and cardiovascular diseases etc as I am aware of the increase risks of these but so far these studies are with under 45s I’m 58 I’m seen as no longer required to maintain my reproductive organs as they would with younger candidates … I’ve gone privately.
I also have Hashimoto’s, coeliac disease, pernicious anemia and very much linked to thyroid even my GP knew this connection, Lichen sclerosus which 3% can become cancerous so anyone reading this please get checked out and treated as possibly preventable.
The link to these isn’t clear as still lots of studies to be done in this area but oestrogen dominance is very much at play in mine… high oestrogen can be antagonist to thyroid and obviously stimulate endometriosis and gynaecological conditions … but other things can be at play. We may not detoxify the used oestrogen’s we are to use and lose these oestrogens but some don’t and they recirculate and this isn’t particularly good. Fat has oestrogen cells not the good type (as with hrt gel etc) there’s few types of oestrogen circulating. I read progesterone can help thyroid as in balancing oestrogen (which slow down thyroid) but progesterone can speed up conversion but please look more into this as only briefly read about this before.
Sorry to hear this. I’ve also suffered fro horrendous periods since I was a teen and was diagnosed with Adenomyosis after I couldn’t conceive a second child in my late 30’s. I had underactive thyroid symptoms for 10 years and I’ve now developed Type 2 diabetes and Hashimotos and NAFLD which I believe is all triggered by oestrogen dominance and pregnancy hormonal imbalance. I think it’s all definitely connected. Now I’m perimenopausal and on the pill so I don’t have periods anymore- best thing ever. Choose your poison as they say 😬 Hope you get some answers and treatment that works for you