HI All
I have questions about NHS and GP which I never understood.
This is based of my experience of dealing with GPs not possible not a norm I am not sure why this so normalised.
1) Why do GPs prefer to brand every symptom (exhaustion, memory loss, tiredness, sleep disorder so many more) under depression and anxiety? I found most of my GPs till date were very proactive in giving depression and anxiety medication compared to other medications. is this because of cost of depression and anxiety medicine is low? Also, does it cost less to NHS or GP surgery for anxiety and depression compared to other medication
2) I have learnt the hard way that GP does not order blood tests on his, but I have to ask for a blood test. Does the cost of blood tests go out GP surgery allocation?
3) Who within NHS is charged when I am referred to a specialist is it the GP surgery, GP, Hospital or NHS? Who allocated the budget I am charged too when I am referred to a specialist?
3) Referral to a specialist it seems almost impossible. I managed to get a referral to gastro on my persistence my gp kept asking why I was asking for a gastro referral when test according to him are normal. I did manage to speak to gastro specialist on phone 8 months after the referral who looked my result and advised to get an endoscopy. I found that if I try harder I can meet god via nhs but specialists are protected more than my MP.
4) Also if there is medication or injection to be taken again in a few months or a test to be repeated, it is not GP or surgery which would remind or book it but I have to keep a diary of it.
I asked the same question to my GP he outright told I had to keep a record of it in my diary. How would a GP provide care to old people? I felt that if an old patient or a person has memory issues then he would not be able to get the proper medical care within NHS other than anxiety and depression medication from GP.
I ask this I also live alone and I feel if I get old can i trust my GP to provide me with proper medical care ? I have first-hand experience with what b12 can do to memory.
5) Also why no doctor other than a specialist can see my records. For example if go hospital or are referred to an urgent care doctor or emergency doctor via 111, I am told by those doctor they can not view my medical history or test results and only my GP can view my records. They do check me without my test result or medical history tell me to go back to GP and. the GP should be able to see the urgent care comments but not otherwise. I can understand the privacy malarkey but the urgent care doctor know my name, my address, current health condition .What is the harm in letting him view my medical records as per NHS ? If this some HIPPA or nhs policy this seems rubbish to me.