I just thought I would post my experience, prompted by my reply to a previous poster, who asked what they could realistically expect from optimal treatment. I think its helpful to see those that are happy on medication and their journey.
I have been taking 75mcg of levo and 20mcg of lio daily for about 2 years now. Previous to that I was on 150 mcg of Levo only, which suppressed my TSH, pushed my T4 over range and my T3 way low, or under range and I still felt unwell.
I do not split my lio (except for blood tests), I take everything when I wake up.
My latest thryoid function tests, taken about 9am. Last Levo was taken 23 hours previously, and 10mcg of lio was taken 10 hours previously, were:
TSH: 0.36 (0.35-4.94)
Free T4: 10.9 (9.0-19.1)
Free T3: 4.2 (2.4-6.0)
I feel good on this, and this is pretty much what it has been for the last 2 years. Sometimes my TSH is just under 0.35, like 0.32, my T4 is always low and my T3 can vary.
NHS guidelines whilst on combo therapy I have read, say; TSH should be in range, T4 is irrelevant because the T3 pushes it down, and T3 should not be worried about too much as it is a snap shot with a short shelf live, so can vary. I can say, this is what I have experienced.
There is a lot of talk on here about TSH being suppressed on T3 and not being a problem, and T4 and T3 should be in the upper 3/4s of range. When my Endo first wanted to reduce my levo, I worried. When my T4 was so low, I worried and when my T3 didn't seem that high, I worried because of what I had heard, that coupled with NHS Endo's and GPs not understanding the condition.
Then I realised I feel good. It works for me. My NHS endo worked hard and is a lovely man and I am very grateful to him. He is ecstatic about these results! And, I am very happy with how I am feeling. I realise how lucky I have been to be under his care. But it was a long, long journey. Point is, we are all different, what works for some, may not for another.
This is what I wrote on another post in response to someone asking what they can realistically expect from optimal treatment – will they ever feel well again?:
yes, but with caveats ...
1) You need to be realistic about ageing whilst ill! So you won't pick up where you left off when you first got ill and probably never will, but you can be as good as your age will allow. I have occasional aches from arthritis, I have just turned 52. My journey started when I was 38!
2) There will be days when you may feel a little over-medicated or under-medicated, depending on how strenuous your day has been.
3) I still have problems with hair-shedding, that I think has to do with other hormone problems - probably a combination of perimenopause and PCOS. (Luckily I am now tackling this the correct way rather than seeing it as another thyroid issue.)
4) Weightloss – your weight gain won't just fall off. (This is probably due to a combination of my first point and my 3rd point). I am the heaviest I have ever been, but I am comfortable with it and can now exercise, I just don't have the inclination any more as I am far too busy with other things!
Things that have resolved: mental clarity, mood, depression, water-retention, dry skin, nails, aches and pains, flu-like symptoms, energy, mojo, memory, sleep, general outlook, immune system response to illness and exercise intolerance.
It took me a long time to fight the system to get where I am. I became ill in 2008 and was not believed and misdiagnosed with ME/CFS for several years. Some of it due to my naivety some of it due to incompetence, some of it due to abominable care. I have been under the care of an endocrinology department since 2014, who finally trialled me on combo therapy after we both jumped through a lot of hoops. I have been stable and happy for the last 2 years and have just officially been handed back to the GP on a shared care agreement – long may it last! I am aware that this could well be a life-long battle with the NHS, but knowing that I can feel well again, I vow that I will fight if I ever feel I am not optimally treated.
Keep the hope alive. Believe you will get better. Understand that thyroid problems are not a quick fix, its a long game. Don't get lost down rabbit holes of research and theories. I started to give everything 3-4 months, if there was no improvement, I would try something else.
Good luck!