T3 prescription : Out of curiosity has anyone... - Thyroid UK

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T3 prescription

jodes86baldwin profile image
44 Replies

Out of curiosity has anyone self medicated on T3 and purchased from abroad specifically Spain. I have spent the last 3 years asking gp for endo referral to be told tsh is fine.

I'm at my whits end with weight gain! 5ft 2 and 16stone 7lbs

I've had enough not to mention the brain fog and rubbish hair and nails.

9 years I've tried every suggestion that's been posted to me on here.

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jodes86baldwin profile image
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44 Replies
helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

There is no T3 product regularly available in Spain. Any requirement within Spain has to be supplied by special imports - e.g. from France.

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to helvella

So could I buy from France?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to jodes86baldwin

I've never heard of anyone being able to buy from France in the sense or ordering it and getting it delivered.

We used to get the odd post saying an individual had managed to get a packet from a pharmacy somewhere in France. But more who couldn't find anyone to sell it to them. And UK prescriptions are not valid anywhere in Europe.

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to helvella

Thank you for that. Why is it so hard to come by? And are the brands sold online safe?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to jodes86baldwin

In most countries that have T3 (that is, they manufacture it or import it), it is prescription-only. Thus it is not readily available to be supplied. Indeed, most EU countries are pretty strict on managing prescription-only medicines.

And where there are people who sell without prescription, all too many have been found untrustworthy - most often not supplying despite being paid but also, sometimes, supplying product that appears to be fake.

Also, in general, T3 is not regarded as being important, certainly not for most people just because they are hypothyroid.

I do not take T3 so have no personal experience.

📢 ⚠️ Purchasing thyroid medication without prescription - Please Be Wary! ⚠️ 📢 (Repost)


Chiachops profile image
Chiachops in reply to helvella

You can buy it in Turkey, I think it is called tiromel

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Chiachops

Yes - Abdi Ibrahim Tiromel.

But Turkey isn't in the EU - which is why I didn't mention it. :-)

There is also much to be careful about if buying that - or any other medicine - online.

Buddy195 profile image

Did you manage to test ferritin levels via your GP, as suggested in your last post? Having key vitamins optimal is so important to thyroid health.

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to Buddy195

Nope gp refused

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to jodes86baldwin

Can you look to do this privately, as many forum members do? We recommend folate, ferritin, B12 and vit D are checked at least annually.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to jodes86baldwin

No point adding T3 until all four vitamins are tested and maintained at optimal levels

Testing vitamin D twice year when supplementing

How much vitamin D are you taking

What was last test result and how long ago

Aim to keep vitamin D over 100nmol

Test folate, B12 and ferritin at least annually and more frequently after any low results

You were folate deficient recently. Are you now taking daily vitamin B complex after finishing GP prescription for folic acid

Ferritin minimum level 70 and nearer 100 may be better

Anyone who takes T3 without prescription MUST organise all their own tests 6-8 weeks after each dose change

On almost any dose of T3 your TSH will usually drop significantly, so may need to be prepared to self source Levo as well

Before considering adding T3 you need to test TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 together along with vitamins see EXACTLY where levels are

If vitamins are low work on improving to optimal and retest thyroid and vitamin levels again

Did you manage to get Teva at every prescription

Alternative is Vencamil - also lactose free. Currently only available as 100mcg but 25mcg and 50mcg available in July

Are you gluten free as well as dairy free

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to SlowDragon

Thanks for reply. Yes I take vit d, vit b, selenium, vit c and Rose hip, magnesium along with my thyroxine. I'm on 3 different brand of thyroxine as couldn't get Teva from pharmacy and as stated in last post they told me it makes no difference.

I am gluten free but still have minimal dairy in ny diet.

I didn't take the folic acid from the gp after doing much research it turns our that it isn't actually very good to take so instead opted for a methylated b vit instead as recommended by Gary Brecka.

If I source the t3 is it something I take as a combined with my thyroxine?

I am back at the gp next week and again going to try and push to see an endo. Any advice on how I can convince gp for this referral?

To add I have done 12 weeks of slimming World and lost 1 stone but it has been a hard slog and on weighing myself this morning I've gained 5lbs back on. Something is not right and more is going on. Whether it's hormones or thyroid related

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to jodes86baldwin

Like SlowDragon I would share your key vitamin results with us. When I optimised these it made a huge difference to my health.

Some members, myself included, can only tolerate certain brands of Levo. My GP agreed to write the brands that suit me best on my prescription, which avoids any issues at the pharmacy.

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to Buddy195

I asked gp to do that they declined.

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to jodes86baldwin

I’ve never had key vitamins checked via the GP; I do this privately, like many others here.

Judithdalston profile image
Judithdalston in reply to jodes86baldwin

My pharmacy, not the Gp, quite happily has written my preferred levo.brand on my prescription record. In my case to avoid Teva.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to jodes86baldwin

So politely ask GP to test TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

Book early morning test, ideally before 9am and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before

Remember to stop vitamin B complex 5-7 days before test. Taking separate methyl folate instead that week

If GP won’t, test privately

Many, many people find it essential to only take one brand of Levo

Especially if lactose intolerant

Get GP to add note to all future prescriptions

Lactose free Levothyroxine

Teva or Vencamil brand only

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to jodes86baldwin

Here’s link for how to request Thyroid U.K.list of private Doctors emailed to you, but within the email a link to download list of recommended thyroid specialist endocrinologists who will prescribe T3

Ideally choose an endocrinologist to see privately initially and who also does NHS consultations


There’s no point booking any consultation or considering T3 until you have full blood test results and can see exactly what is going on

mstp profile image
mstp in reply to jodes86baldwin

Regarding your wright: If you have reduced dairy perhaps you are not eating enough fat. This is important as it slows down the rate at which food goes through your gut, meaning you feel full for longer. It also means your microbiome have less time to absorb the chemicals they need to keep you fit and well. Increasing fat intake with nuts, extra virvin olive oil, avocados, fermented cheese and full fat greek yoghurt (which are all good fats) may help you lose weight.If you listen to some of the Zoe podcasts it might ve beneficial. There is a particularly good one about 7 things you can do to eat healthily in 2024 broadcast on new years day that I recommend listening to. I have been on t3 only for 12 years now. If you can find a source it may be what you need.

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to mstp

All those things are not allowed on slimming World

mstp profile image
mstp in reply to jodes86baldwin

Yes what I'm telling you is in line with the latest thinking. Do try and listen to that podcast.

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to mstp

I will do thank you

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to jodes86baldwin

Low ferritin and weight gain or inability to loose weight with low ferritin

Really interesting talk on YouTube, link in reply by Humanbean discussing both iron deficiency and towards end how inflammation can also be an issue


jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you I'll give that a watch tonight

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to jodes86baldwin

What are you doing about low ferritin levels

Red meat every day and liver or liver pate once a week

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to SlowDragon

Yes red meat every day. The other stuff I can't eat

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to jodes86baldwin

You can hide liver in shep pie, spag Bol, curry etc

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to SlowDragon

I can't, my mum used to try and hide it in stew 🤢

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to jodes86baldwin

Then you need to organise full iron panel test via Medichecks to see if you need iron supplements

Never supplement iron without doing full iron panel test for anaemia first and retest 3-4 times a year if self supplementing.

It’s possible to have low ferritin but high iron

Test early morning, only water to drink between waking and test. Avoid high iron rich dinner night before test

Stop iron supplements 5-7 days before testing

Medichecks iron panel test


Looking to get ferritin at least over 70 and nearer 100 maybe better

lisabax profile image

from previous posts on here I understand the T3 can be bought over the counter at some pharmacies in Greece. Maybe start another post asking about Greece?

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to lisabax

Thank you for this. I will have a search for other posts first before making a new one.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to lisabax

Not worth doing a new post..

For some time now, T3 has been effectively unavailable in Greece. Even to Greek patients.

There have been many posts which discuss this.

radd profile image

I have DM'd you Jodes86balwin. Look under 'chat'.

Sleepman profile image

Your T3 result from a year ago was good 70 odd percent of range with T4 I think 90 odd %. Either it is not a thyroid problem or like some people on here, there is a I think they call it a fT3 resistance issue?

sparkly profile image

You did absolutely fantastic with sw and lost a stone in 12 weeks. You are very lucky as most people with thyroid issues can't lose weight like normal people but you can. Adding t3 is not a weight loss solution and if not needed you might end up over medicated and ill.I've been on t3 only for 10 years and only ever gained weight till recently. I've lost just over a stone in 15 months but I'm over moon as never able to lose before.

I really wouldn't be chasing something that isn't a problem. You smashed it on sw, just keep doing what your doing and perhaps increase your steps if you want to increase weight loss.

I bet you would do fantastic is followed a high protein, calorie deficit diet and increased your steps. You could check out Team RH on fb, I think the guy is quite rude with some of his comments but if you're able to lose weight normally then this is a excellent approach and much healthier than sw or ww.

You've done fantastic, you'll do it 🤩

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to sparkly

I used to follow team rh theor approach didn't work for me. I'm thinking of going on a keto lifestyle

sparkly profile image
sparkly in reply to jodes86baldwin

Believe me I know how frustrating it is. 20 years I've been battling it and just wish I could diet like normal people. I have or had other issues like metabolic syndrome and fatty liver so that's made it more difficult to lose for me.Only this last year I've improved lifestyle and diet and things very slowly improving. When I say diet I actually increased calories not decreased, starting eating carbs and high protein, drink plenty of water now and do strength training. Also sleep is very important and reduced alcohol but that was easy as I can't really tolerate it now. Also I didn't lose any weight till I started taking berberine supplement which is said to help with insulin resistance, fatty liver, high blood pressure and cholesterol amongst other things, all of which I have/had.

I understand how you feel as you are young like I was when it happened to me. One bit of advice I can give is don't let it take over your life and avoiding doing things with your family in fear of gaining weight.

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to sparkly

I could cry at your reply, it's literally ruining my life. I hate being in family photos, I feel disgusting and like I don't deserve my husband. I feel like I'm letting him down. Clearly he doesn't feel this way its all me and my thoughts and emotions. I hate this condition because no one understands it they just think fat and lazy! I'm 38 and I feel 78, I have a young family that I want to enjoy and I just feel to fat and tired.

I know there isn't a quick fix and I know it takes time and learning but in 9 years I've gone from 12st to nearly 17stone. I feel ashamed! I have felt so low I even thought of flying to Turkey for gastric surgery

sparkly profile image
sparkly in reply to jodes86baldwin

My heart goes out to you. I know exactly how you feel but don't make the mistake what I did and stop going abroad because you didn't like your weight. Or stop going for family meals because of your weight, or stop going on days out because of your weight. Don't miss out on this precious time with your young family.

Weight loss surgery isn't the answer, yes you'll be thin within a year but you cannot eat or drink normally the rest of your life. My friend loves her weight loss but hates every other aspect of it and then the surgeries you'll need for skin removal.

Could you have other issues like me, insulin resistance is a big one for not being able to lose weight.

Look up Stephanie Crassweller and her fb group. All about hormones and metabolism.


This was my turning point when I realised I wasn't actually eating enough. Get back on my fitness pal too. I know I need to start tracking again as I've started skipper meals again and that will be why I've plateaued. But try telling my head that 🤦🏼‍♀️

You've lost a stone like me, we will lose more xx

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to sparkly

Thank you. I just hate being the fat friend x

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to jodes86baldwin

That might help you overcome insulin resistance which is a usual componant of weight gain. If your insulin does not break down carbohydrates it must store it as fat. A keto diet may help your body begin to ask your body to use fats for energy if you reduce carbs. Apple Cider Vinegar which is raw with some of your meals will do wonders and even block some of the starch. I keep it chilled and take a couple of teaspoons with a meal or mix it with something more tolerable.

Estrogen dominance is another factor and you may be getting the wrong kind in many foods.

ShortFormat profile image

I've tried Slimming World, and Weight Watchers, neither worked long term they're just not sustainable always regained more than I lost. I'm now using MyFitnessPal App and have set all my macros to add up to the calories I know I can eat and sustain weight loss. It's been 17 months, I've lost 2 1/2 stone. I use the Premium option only £10 a month worth every penny! You add the food you've eaten, it has a huge database of foods and you can even scan the bar code and alter the amounts/grams/servings to get it spot on. I'm 5' 3" set my calories at 1502 - any less and I don't lose anything. 100g Protein, 50g Fat, 163g Carbs. Absolute game changer for me.

jodes86baldwin profile image
jodes86baldwin in reply to ShortFormat

I used to use this. Thank-you I'll give it another go

Daffers123 profile image

I buy it in the UK

PM me if you want contact details

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