Thanks for all the help when I asked the question about T4, while prepping for my appointment.
The appointment went well, I got a GP with ears!
GP wanted to discuss the last endo letter saying that I can't have T4 increase unless I agree to give up my "self medicating habit." I explained that I didn't feel that it was appropriate for the NHS to blackmail a patient, and that most of his letter was so inaccurate it was be laughable. I referred to the previous endo letter, refusing to prescribe T3 (as expected) from someone who had actually met me, saying if she (me) understands her body and if she is feeling well leave her alone.
She said "your TSH is suppressed, but then it has been for a long time and you are taking T3 so....." Woohoo!
I went through where I had got to with my thyroid pre B12d issues kicking in and confusing the issue, and what I'm doing about it. I also pointed out that the T3 had been prescribed over 25 years ago by an endo and I hadn't just decided that I wanted to take it, which surprised her.
This is something that I have never thought about before. They have 5 mins to read your history and get you packed off back into the world. They're not going to go back 25 years are they. I think that this helped my cause. Didn't get my T3 reinstated but I did get a 25mcg levo increase, with a review in three months to see if I can go back to where I was when I last felt human.
Thanks again to everyone who helped me.