I hearken back to my post a few months ago
where I was struggling (and still am) to find a solution to the severe waking anxiety I have had to tolerate for years now.
As I feel my adrenals are still playing a big part as I cannot deal with the slightest bit of stress, since my last test back in July last year I have trying different split dosage times of my 10mcg T3 but still taking my 125mcg T4 around 9am, go back to sleep until lunchtime, then usually have my first T3 dose mid afternoon and second around 7pm. Then I tried first dose at around 1pm when I wake up with second dose around 7pm
As a trial I went back to take my first dose of T3 with my T4 around 9am this morning and when I got up around lunchtime I have been feeling like hell all day with severe anxiety so I still think I need to take my first dose later in the day away from my morning cortisol to help protect what feels like my wrecked adrenals as T3 can stimulate more cortisol production and I really don't need that.
I read when cortisol levels are high, it signals the thyroid gland to stop producing as much thyroid hormone. Cortisol also restricts the conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 to the active thyroid hormone T3 elevating reverse T3 levels rather than converting which might explain my high rt3 results back when my cortisol levels were through the roof.
I have also read about sufferers split dosing their T4 and wondered what the benefits of doing that are as it's a storage hormone?
Have had a very stressful two weeks with damn pharmacies, my trying to source my usual brands and trying to get back on track from the Aristo brand I gave a chance about a month ago but found my hypo symptoms coming back.
I am now thinking of trialing taking my full dose of T4 with my first split dose of T3 around 3pm. Was also thinking of split dosing my T4 but as I mentioned, I have no idea of the benefits of that if someone could explain please? Could also take second split dose of both at around 7-9pm before my dinner?
Also what is the ideal timespan between each dose ie. 4,6.8 hrs?
I haven't tested since last July and have a kit ready to do so wondering whether to test before I change things again or change now and test in a few weeks? I also need to seriously look at introducing a small 5mcg T3 increase as most have said on here for a few years that my levels are far too low in the range, which could be causing the severe anxiety although I have had a long history of it anyway before I was hit with thyroid problems, but have had so much other stuff to work on having Hashi's, HRT and stuff; you just can't change more than one thing at a time or you don't know what is and isn't working.