Hi everyone, hope you’re all having a good day! I wanted to ask for some guidance re my TSH and T4/T3 levels from you wonderful people as you always know more than the docs!
So, my latest blood test in December (with the last meds taken 24hours before) shows
TSH at 0.058uUI/ml (range 0.350-4.95)
T4 0.98ng/dl (range 0.70-1.48)
T3 3.15pg/ml (range 1.58-3.91)
These aren’t typos - ng and pg are what it says on my results.
I feel pretty good on these meds, I’m managing to exercise and also to work on losing weight - both of which I need to do!
But my doc wants me to drop my T4 from 150mg per day to 137mg per day and keep my T3 at 0.025mg per day.
I’m open to the suggestion, but I don’t want to go backwards! (I know we have all seen this happen before!) She did say she would take me down to 125mg per day, which I refused to do, so we had a compromise (my doctor is totally lovely and always supportive to be fair to her!).
I have Hashimoto’s and another immune-related condition called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, which is quite rare but super involved - the short version is that I’m allergic to many things and have to be super careful to manage food, sleep, stress, exercise, work, avoid perfumes/chemicals etc.
I’m just wondering what others think about this as a way of dealing with the TSH? Do you think there might be another way to do this? I did look at reducing T4 and compensating with a slightly higher T3, but given the relay loop back to the pituitary, I don’t think this would make a difference? Or would it?
As always, it is the fear of feeling worse - even for a short period - but I do get the TSH issue, but my T4 is already at the lower end of the range. So not sure this helps. The reason my endo told me to use T3 in the first place is because he doesn’t think my T4 conversion is very good.
Thank you all in advance for reading and for any help or suggestions you can give 🙏🏻