Hi I am new on here. Never done this before. I have graves disease which was treated with radioactive iodine in 2013. Since then I have been taking Accord Levothyroxine with no problems. Two months ago the pharmacy gave me Teva I didn't think anything of it. Since then I have gradually become very ill. I put it down to all the viruses that are going around. It started with my stomach which gradually got worse and worse burning in stomach and intestines constipation and diarrhoea. The other symptoms are dry and burning mouth, lump in throat, difficulty swallowing, tremors, can't sleep at all, fear,emotional, fast heart rate up to 120 in morning. Could this be the Teva?
Problems with Teva?: Hi I am new on here. Never... - Thyroid UK
Problems with Teva?

We have some members who find Teva levothyroxine the best they have ever had.
And others who find it intolerable. Typically stomach and gut issues but many other issues have been mentioned.
It has been suggested that the mannitol ingredient in Teva is the issue. But this is not proved.
I think rather more dislike it than like it. Personally, I didn't like it and I only had the 12.5 microgram tablets to make up my dose!
Please put in a Yellow Card report so that these issues are recorded.
🟨 Making Yellow Card Reports 🟨
helvella's medicines documents (UK and Rest of the World) can be found here:
helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines
helvella has created, and tries to maintain, documents containing details of all thyroid hormone medicines in the UK and, in less detail, many others around the world.
This link takes you to a page which has direct links to the documents from Dropbox and QR codes to make it easy to access from phones.
The UK document contains up-to-date versions of the Summary Matrix for tablets, oral solutions and liothyronine available in the UK.

How much levothyroxine are you currently taking
When were thyroid levels last tested
Suggest you get back on accord ….see if symptoms resolve
and then retest after 6-8 weeks
all thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am, only drink water between waking and test and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)
Hi Thank you for replying. Yes I will get onto my doctor tomorrow and try to get some accord. I haven't had a test for 4 months which only showed my ths at 0.75. I am taking 100. I can't get my doctor to do a T4 /T3 test he says the lab won't do it even if he asks.
Hi Timmyroo
When I had problems with Teva, the GP pharmacist was a bit snappy and said I should ask the pharmacist who supplied the medicine. Fortunately the pharmacist was very helpful and has made sure they only give me Accord since then, so it might be worth speaking to your pharmacist too.
Best Wishes
Hi Jenny thank you. I will do that.Can I ask what your problems were. Do mine sound the same as mine. It's really nice to hear from other people with Thyroid problems. I should have done this years ago.
In my case it made me feel extremely tired, but not all the time, it was in weird swoops, feeling exhausted for half an hour, nearly asleep, not safe to drive, then okay for an hour, then tired again. Fortunately I had seen comments on here about Teva so I knew it was probably that causing me problems and stopped after about three days.
Thank you Jennifer. That I now realise is how mine started I didn't feel safe to drive at all it felt like the ground was moving. That was 8 weeks or so ago. And kept coming over exhausted as I said I put it down to virus. I have reached a stage where I can hardly have a shower my husband is doing all the cooking and house work. Bless him he's been amazing.
Hi Timmyroo
Following on from SlowDragon if you feel better when back on accord get doctor to fix the brand. I did this and have to remind from time to time but things get resolved quickly- I have also advised the pharmacist separately not relying on the communication between the two.
Two very useful references one in a Pharmacy magazine and the original Gov.uk decision
Hi Thank you for links,I will check them out. Once I change how long do you think it will take to get better. I understand it takes 4 weeks to get out of your system is that right?
Hi Timmyroo
I wouldn’t put a time on it, there are lots of factors to consider - try to keep a note - doesn’t have to be every day just when you notice something just briefly describe and note date and time.
It can be very powerful to collect qualitative information in real time. I continue to do so. It helps manage one’s condition. I can go for months with nothing worthy of note.
Things that could influence-
The half life of T4 is roughly a week depending on our biology. So if you are swapping in the better tolerated brand you may start to notice after a week or may need it out of your system before the benefit is felt.
Then you have the issue of any lingering effects on your body that it needs to recover from irrespective of whether or not you have cleared your system. Treat yourself kindly and look after yourself as you transition back.
Boots have been very good to me, it’s one of the fillers which does not agree with me. Mannitol they make sure they have it noted on my records no Teva and I always check when picking it up. Did a yellow card report. Also notified my GPs surgery so they made a note on my records also. Since I went back to my old make no problems. Hope this might help. Best of luck.
Thank you I will get on to Doctor and Pharmacy tomorrow. Can't wait to get back on to the Accord.
Be aware that Accord is also packaged as Almus and that is commonly what Boots supply. (It is 100% identical - the blister packs even say Accord.)
when I mentioned it to Boots about the Teva brand they had a another customer who had the same problem, so nothing new to them.
I too had problems with Teva and an urgent appointment with gp after serious adverse reactions. (I had a thyroidectomy in 2022.) I was discharged on Accord and have since only used that brand. You can discuss with your pharmacy and also add the details ‘accord only’ when you make repeats online. I was asked to give extra time to source. As also mentioned ALMUS has the same ingredients so I also have that. Apparently Teva is the easiest to source. I also wrote to both the pharmacist and my gp that I could only tolerate Accord so that it showed on my notes. However, I have on three separate occasions been given Teva! How does this happen when two signatures are needed to sign off prescriptions?
It's also worth reading this on switching brands and perhaps use it with GP. I always check what brand I have been given by the pharmacist before I have left the shop. Please yellow card this and mention you have to GP. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
I had the same problem with my new supply, been on accord for a long time and the supplier changed it to Teva. Within a few days got stomach gripes and diarrhoea. Nothing else changed. Teva has mannitol added, which is a sweetener( why?) I got my Gp to change my prescription to accord only. This was a problem as unable to do prescription as a generic make. Had to put a note in direction.
You also need to complete the yellow interaction form, the pharmacist will help with this. Hope this helps,
I too had significant problems with Teva, I spoke to the pharmacist and they put a note on my record not to dispense Teva
I get very itchy with Teva Levothyroxine. As has already been suggested see if switching back to accord helps (check the tablet strip as I think I read that accord can use different manufacturer)
To get a thorough thyroid function test I have to buy my own.
I wonder (if you can afford it) getting a private thyroid blood test via medichecks or similar you would be able to find out your T3 & T4 levels. If you chose their advanced thyroid test you will also find out where your ferritin, folate, B12 & D are as these to can also impact how one feels if they are not optimal.
Hope you find the way forward
It's a disgrace that this is still on the market just keep on the brand that suits you.
Hi Timmyroo❤️
I can Relate to you regarding teva, (no thyroid due to graves thyrotoxicosis TT 2019).. my stupid endocrinologist as again prescribed this medication to me, 3rd time 🤦♀️ and everytime I've been on it I have server problems,
Mine are gut issue, I have colitis and are lactose intolorent, this medication gives me burning in my gut and stomach, with bad acid wash back, diarrhoea, cramping and intestinal inflammation.
I have bad headaches every morning on it, like I've been drinking on the town, I don't drink, an awful metallic taste in my mouth, sweating, palpitations and shaking a weird buzzing sensation in my legs and arms.
Quite honestly I'd sooner suffer the consequences of server hypo than take teva, the idiotic endocrinologist even wrote on her report.. Intolorent to both teva T4, T3 but she prescribed T4 teva anyway.
Started back on it 7 days ago, and all side effects came back, I've now discontinued them as I can no longer cope.
What makes my blood boil is endocrinologists and gps don't believe me, they think I'm being a diva, really the last thing I want is attention, I want on a thyroid medication that makes me feel better... Not worse😡.
I hope you manage to get back on accord,👍 it's bad enough having a thyroid condition, and even worse when they play about with your medication and your health.
Good luck🍀
with thyroid medication you just have to take control yourself, I have been on medication over 70 years
I had a very quick (about a week) reaction to Tiva. No one believed me. Not the GP. Not the hospital. Probably not the pharmacy but they did note I must not be given Tiva again.
I suddenly had an enormous nose bleed. I couldn’t stop it either. Thank goodness for my husband who has always had nosebleeds and so was calm and helpful. I was getting washed in the bathroom when it started. I had nothing on and I was wet. It was so sudden and prolific that I could not get dry or get any clothes on. I was shivering in the end. It lasted an hour.
Then 3 days later it happened again in the kitchen but not as long. I was having smaller bleeds all the time. I take an anticoagulant for atrial fibrillation so that probably made it worse. I suddenly thought about the Tiva, go some other brand and I was fine. No more bleeds since once the damaged vessels were recovered.
I raised a yellow card. I’m never taking Tiva Levothyroxine again.
Hi Timmyroo. I had the same effect just used for two weeks I stopped completely until I got back to accord. People says is the malytol on it. I have divirtucules and had a serious diverticulitis crises with it.
Take care
Hello Timmyroo and welcome to the forum :
I don't know how much you know about Graves - I knew nothing when diagnosed back in 2004 and simply went along with what was suggested and had RAI thyroid ablation the following year.
You might like to read around on elaine-moore.com if wanting more information about this poorly understood and badly treated auto immune disease.
If your eyes are also dry, sore, weeping, burning, or light sensitive please ensure that any medications you use to ease the pain, whether prescribed or OTC are Preservative Free.
Most important is that you must be dosed and monitored on your Free T3 and Free T4 readings and not a TSH reading - though fully understand that this may likely be all your primary care provider is able to action and work from.
I always tell doctors I’m not normal, they laugh, but soon realise I’m right. I don’t react like “normal” people. Now I know I’m right. I have been taking TEVA for 30 years. Recently it was changed to Mercury Pharma. I had so many problems, disrupted sleeping, headaches, hair loss, etc. So now I have to have two pharmacy prescriptions so I can get TEVA from Boots and the rest of my meds in a cassette from another pharmacy. 🙄
I also had problems with Teva - I got the GP to write “not Teva” on my prescription - and that’s worked most of the time!
I too had problems with teva, different to you but mine were 24/7 headaches that made me feel nauseous. Do you order your repeat prescriptions online? If so put in the comments box that you would prefer not to have Teva , you never know it may work. I started feeling better within 2-3 days
I can not take Tevo medicine so my doctor made a note on my medical records. So the pharmacy do not give me teva products
I had bad stomach issues when taking Teva and put it down to the Mannitol ingredient in it. I now take Vencamil and dont have the stomach issues anymore.

Hi Jenny thank you for replying. I haven't been on here the last few days. I have been a bit overwhelmed. And I feel so ill I think I am going crazy. I have started to get jerks and tremors as I am felling asleep which jerks me awake. I am so frightened. I can't believe this has happened I am angry and sad at the same time.