Hi, I would so appreciate some advice..after months and months of feeling dreadful and my GP telling my levels were normal I have recent paid for a full thyroid panel. This has shown my antibodies are very high at 384IU/MD. I now need to make an app to discuss with my GP and not be fobbed off again... I can't keep feeling like this! Any advice welcome
Advice on Hashimotos : Hi, I would so appreciate... - Thyroid UK
Advice on Hashimotos

Which antibody test in particular did you get tested, and please include the range.
Do you have blood tests for TSH, Free T4 or Free T3 by any chance?
You will get tons of great advice and shared experience here, but we do need to know a little more about you!
Many thanks for your reply, I will try to answer the best I can...
So my Thyroglobin Antibodies are showing 364 IU/ML I'm not sure what you mean by range... sorry...
TSH - 1.45 mU/L
Free T4 12.1pmol/L
Free T3 3.77 pmol/L
Does this help?
Thankyou so much
It helps yes! Let me help you find the ranges : )
Near the TG antibody test it likely has a “less than” symbol. Like this: <
So maybe it looks something like this <116 IU/mL
for the free Ts, chances are you will see something like 12-22 for the Free T4 and 3-6 for the free T3.
BUT ranges are different for different labs, so let us know if you see anything like that.
Can you also clarify what symptoms are making you feel awful.
So I am constantly totally exhausted no matter how much sleep I get.
My joints ache all over, back, knees..
When combing my hair wet I seek to be losing loads!
My hands and feet are constantly so cold I need to wear two pairs of socks and gloves inside !
I have slowly gained 16 pounds over the last year, even though I eat well and walk upto 19 miles a day
The heels are sore and dry and crack easily
I struggle to stay asleep at night but could nap all afternoon!
Are you on HRT?

Welcome Sarageorge1971
Although positive Thyroglobin test indicates Hashimotos, it is unlikely your GP will do anything except monitor your blood tests, as your TSH is ‘within range’. Medication (Levothyroxine) is not offered until TSH is significantly higher.
So we can offer better advice, can you tell us more about ongoing symptoms and add ranges (in brackets after results- as these can vary between laboratories)
Plus key vitamin results (ferritin, folate, vitamins D and B12) Having these optimal supports thyroid health.

Many of us with Hashis have cold extremities; I’ve also got mild Reynaulds ( I’ve found daily turmeric with ginger & black pepper aids circulation) Hair loss, joint aches & tiredness all likely linked to key thyroid vitamins not being optimal, hence it’s important to have these tested. Please don’t supplement until levels tested first/ shared with us for further advice.
Also, have you ever trialled a gluten free diet? Eliminating gluten has helped many members (myself included). Interestingly, a GF diet massively reduced my thyroid antibody level(although they are still over range!) & inflammation markers.
Hi S. Not a comment on blood tests but on fatigue . It’s important to be kind to your body . I gave up the hard exercise and long walks/runs runs in favour of strength training and yoga .

TSH - 1.45 mU/L
Free T4 12.1pmol/L
Free T3 3.77 pmol/L
Please add ranges on Ft4 and Ft3 or say which company did the test
Eg Medichecks ranges are
Ft4 12.1 (12-22)
Ft3 3.77 (3.1-6.8)
Recommended that all thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am, only drink water between waking and test
Is this how you did your test
ESSENTIAL to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Are you vegetarian or vegan
Get coeliac blood test BEFORE trialing strictly gluten free diet
So sorry you feel unwell. I’m afraid you do have to fight to be listened to. I spent 4 years feeling unwell until a dermatologist ordered full bloods and it showed thyroid issues. It was her who referred me to an endocrinologist. My GP was annoyed by it all.
Go to your GP armed with a list of the anomalies in your results and a list of your symptoms(GPs like lists!!). Tell him/her that you want to try levothyroxine and try not to leave without either a prescription or a referral to an endocrinologist (I don’t know whether you can go to one direct in the UK?)
I am fed up with the medical profession fobbing off women of ‘a certain age’, not listening to them and not taking them seriously! (Rant over)
I hope you get sorted quickly. Good luck
You sound just like me 40 years ago+ for more than 4 yrs I was fobbed off as my bloods were 'within range'! Yet I had Hashimotos that was slowly destroying my thyroid gland! Fight your GP with the info/ evidence available here from such knowledgeable folk - far more knowledgeable than any GP I've come across! The vit tests are vital info+impact your thyroid health . Grab the wealth of help available,esp from Admins, and go and battle the ignorance in many GPs, which is astonishing!
A significant problem with MDs is that they don't understand environmental health: i.e. the role of the foods we consume, and industrial pollutants, in affecting health. I had to goto an ND to get a diagnosis of gluten intolerance, which was elevating my TPO antibodies. If you are intolerant of gluten, it erodes the villi in the intestines. This has two major effects: (1) Your body cannot properly absorb nutrients and you fall into malnutrition. (2) Intestinal erosion causes substances, e.g. peptides, to get into your bloodstream that should not be getting into your bloodstream. That precipitates an autoimmune response, usually as Hashimoto's.
I know just how you’re feeling …. I have Hashimoto’s 25 yrs I’ve been tolerating it I’m afraid doctors don’t want to listen sometimes I feel like I’ve been kicked all over, the winter & damp make it worse. Cut down on gluten & take D3 B12& Selenium it does help. Don’t over exercise it will burn you out & make it a lot worse unfortunately. Take care.