Feeling bad again today. Very short of breath and swollen. Walked a very short way yesterday and wondered if it had an impact. I tend to find if i do too much if effects me the day after? Is this usual? Ive decided tomorrow im coming off Tevo and breaking my 50 in half instead.
Feeling bad again: Feeling bad again today. Very... - Thyroid UK
Feeling bad again

Post exertional malaise 🙃 most of us are dealing with it😕
Tire easily and take longer to recharge, especially when under replaced and/or vits and mins are low
Thanks. So frustrated, im in such a hurry to be better. I know it takes time.
It takes 6 weeks for each dose to have full effect
Starting on just 25mcg frequently makes symptoms worse, as in effect you become more hypo.
You need to pace your self carefully until up on reasonable dose Levo
It is a horrible period, try not to fight it as this makes it so much worse, I think we have all tried to push on through and it just drops you lower with an even slower climb back up 😕
Far better tackled with planning and splitting up any arduous tasks physical or mental and knowing you are going to need recovery time.... if you have a fitness device they are rather good at helping you pace and give you a nudge if your recovery is suffering
oh no, so sorry to hear this ? You’ve had total thyroidectomy right? Was it recently?
I wonder if it is worth getting your levels checked (bloods) through your GP or even getting help at A&E?
Do you think you might be over medicated - the swollen thing might be cardiovascular - are you on heart meds?
Hope you are able to get help and feel better soon.
JCMartin has been recently diagnosed with Hashimotos and has been prescribed Levothyroxine; they've not had a thyroidectomy.
I have gone on my 50 dose broken in half to get off the Tevo brand. Not had a Thyroidectomy. I have 2 nodules but wtf ENT to see if that means anything. Private Endo said start on 25 as i have had Bracacardis and Trachacardia since ive been ill. Wtg Cardiology to fit a loop recorder as i have a heart block but they wont fit a pacemaker at the moment (dont know why. My heart goes to 36bpm then shoot up to 140 etc...).i am deluding myself that now i have meds it will all go away. Have to live in hope.
Hi, you mention TEVA in your message above is that the brand of levothyroxine they have you on?
Sorry to hear about your symptoms. Getting to the correct fuse is tough but you may also try a different brand of Levo, as Teva is not well tolerated by some. Gluten also contributes to unwellness; I love bread dobtry to eat very little of it and in the earlier part of day rather than cutting it out. You should start feeling better once you are on the correct ( for you) type of Levo , correct diet and balance of vitamins. If this fails, you can try NDT but it is an expensive private route. Good luck
You sound like you might need to increase your thyroxine.
I have gone on my 50 dose broken in half to get off the Tevo brand. Not had a Thyroidectomy. I have 2 nodules but wtf ENT to see if that means anything. Private Endo said start on 25 as i have had Bracacardis and Trachacardia since ive been ill. Wtg Cardiology to fit a loop recorder as i have a heart block but they wont fit a pacemaker at the moment (dont know why. My heart goes to 36bpm then shoot up to 140 etc...).i am deluding myself that now i have meds it will all go away. Have to live in hope.