I know i have been a regular user of this forum lately but i have had a really really bad night of my neck and throat feeling very tight and back of neck and still feeling breathless, i have tried to go to sleep but i keep getting body jerks and in my throat whixh makes me wake with a start upright as i cant breath, like my throat closes up. I cannot lie on my back as being breathless makes it worst. This is day 3 on carbimazole 20mgs and i feel emotional and upset and so tired with lack of energy to do anything, iyesterday was a better day and even if i sleeep 5 mins it .will wake with a jolt and breathless. Like im gonna choke.Ent had looked inside my throat and says nothing is in there and nothing on my windpipe?
Cant help but feel this has taken away everything i enjoyed before and feel for my 11 year old daughtet who hasnt had a holiday this summer cos mum is poorly.just want to see some light at the end of the tunnel.😩