My DHEA was less than 10 (106 - 300) so my thyroid Dr gave me a prescription for DHEA. Has anyone had headaches after taking them? I’ve been four weeks in and too early to tell if they are working. Be grateful for any feedback.
I also think I’m having a Hashimoto flare, my own fault if it is. Two days of manic cleaning, four visitors Christmas Eve staying til the 28th, waited on them the whole time. 17 people on Boxing Day! By the 29th I was beaten. Feel completely exhausted and headachy, not quite with it type feeling. Not forgetting a UTI thrown in
To add to this four weeks ago my thyroid Dr helped sort me out with meds. I had stopped my T3 as it was making me so poorly and was just taking 100 levothyroxine. The DHEA should help with the low daytime adrenals and she started me back on 2.5 T3 at midday and 75 levothyroxine at bedtime. Then four weeks later adding another 2.5 at 4pm. I started this second one yesterday. So I’m thinking my levels are also on the low side.
I’ve got a blood test in 4 weeks and DHEA test to see where I am. I have learned a big lesson on messing with medication and rushing to change things.
Thanks for reading, I just wanted to share really as it’s difficult to explain to people who are healthy.