Blood from Medicheck 2021 since then only TSH taken with GP that states is always within range I will arrange more from Medicheck as did not realise it was so long ago
blood results from Medicheck 2021: Blood from... - Thyroid UK
blood results from Medicheck 2021

Assuming test done as recommended, early morning, ideally just before 9am, only drink water between waking and test and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
FT4: 21.5 pmol/l (Range 12 - 22)
Ft4 95.00% through range
FT3: 4.4 pmol/l (Range 3.1 - 6.8)
Ft3 only 35.14% through range
So shows poor conversion
Low vitamin levels results in poor conversion of Ft4 to Ft3
Low Ft3 results in lower vitamin levels
Those results demonstrate exactly why you cannot dose by TSH alone! Your TSH is good but your FT3 - the active hormone that causes symptoms - is far too low. A TSH reading by itself won't show you that.
You appear to be a very poor converter. A TSH reading by itself won't tell you that.
Your doctor is woefully ignorant about thyroid, and it's no wonder you're not feeling good.
Hi thank you for your reply I don’t feel like any of the GP at the practice really know much about the thyroid not really sure where to go from here though as they dismiss more in depth tests hence the private checks when I can
It's very rare to find a GP that knows much about thyroid. We have to try and subtily educate them by making it clear we are not going to put up with their ignorant nonsense. After all, we have rights too. And treatment should be a joint decision, not just your doctor dictating to you and telling you what you can and can't have!