HRT question: Sorry, I know it's technically off... - Thyroid UK

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HRT question

WitchingHour2point0 profile image

Sorry, I know it's technically off-topic but I also know there is a lot of knowledge on this board!

I've been prescribed HRT; estrogen patches & progesterone tablets.

When should I start wearing the patches? I'm on day 13 but cycles are somewhat irregular...

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WitchingHour2point0 profile image
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42 Replies
Regenallotment profile image

I just had an appointment too. TiggerMe is my go to for these questions.

I think start oestrogen straight away and progesterone on day 12-14 for 14 days.

My women’s health nurse said don’t fret about dates just be sure to take for 2 weeks out of every 4. Important it’s the 2 weeks because of needing to oppose the oestrogen. 🌱

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Regenallotment

Here is the doc that TiggerMe sent me

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to Regenallotment

So I would effectively be starting both E&P on the same day if I start P on day 14. Does that sound ok?

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Yep, I’ve done that a couple of times, I’ve done a few rounds of starting stopping HRT. Should be fine 🤗

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to Regenallotment

Ooh. I hope so! I'm a bit nervous of throwing more hormones-to-titrate into the mix but only one way to find out..! 😬

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Yeah it’s a tricky balance. A few years down the line with sorting my thyroid hormones and finding a good balance and I’m starting to see what is perimenopausal and what isn’t. I read today on Dr Sarah Myhill’s website that the only two symptoms she believes are actually perimenopausal are vaginal dryness and flushed and she thinks flushes are hypoglycaemia related. I’m waiting on an NHS genetics referral via the breast cancer team via the women’s health specialist at my GP due to family links of breast cancer and possible BRCA 2 gene found on ancestry dna that may or may not be accurate so will have to wait patiently 😕

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to Regenallotment

I've actually just chased my referral from the breast clinic to clinical genetics for my high risk status. My maternal grandmother died of breast cancer in the 70's aged 50ish. My mother was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer aged 50ish.. so... That's fun!

BRCA gene was found on ancestry? Was that your own or a relative?

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Ahhh so similar process here too. It was my own Ancestry data, I downloaded the text file. Searched (CTRL F) for the RS numbers associated with loads of commonly known mutations checked the alleles (the C and G bit) wrote it all down somewhere. Of course having the mutation doesn’t mean you will develop the thing. I had some for conditions I don’t have but MTHFR, DIO2 and BRCA2 were easy to find. 🌱

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to Regenallotment

That's fascinating! I've been tempted to do mine but always put off by the cost. Maybe I'll do it for my birthday next year!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

I'd suggest taking a look at this website, it should cover absolutely every question you might have

Are they really progesterone tablets? I thought they always issued Utrogestan which are more like softgels but you can use them vaginally every other day if that suits you better.... I started this way for a couple of weeks as the P made me decidedly punch drunk so getting up for a night time wee was rather akin to the silly game where you spin around and then try to walk straight 😵‍💫😅

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to TiggerMe

Ah. No, they are utrogestan! I've not got them yet and just assumed they were tablets. 😂

Did the dizziness get better? Or did you switch to another type? Did taking them vaginally help the dizziness?

I have to say I'm really dreading the Progesterone. I'm nervous as heck that my OCD will flare up again or the low mood will return. 😶

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

No issues vaginally as it keeps it localised so not interfering with stomach, liver etc, I assume this allowed my body to adjust as after a couple of weeks of slightly sunflower oily knickers I switched back to orally and the amusing dizziness didn't return.... it does seem to help with deeper sleep so if I am disturbed I can be a bit woolly for a minute 🤗

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to TiggerMe

Did you experience any side effects from the P outside of dizziness?

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Hmm... no nothing I could put my finger on, it certainly helped.... but I started HRT whilst on T4 only before finding this Forum and realizing my fT3 was rock bottom!

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to TiggerMe

That's good to hear. I've only heard the horror stories of low mood & anxiety!

HRT arrived today; patch is already on. 😂

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Yay🤗... I found progesterone calming but I'm aware others don't 🤞

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Generally, it's oestrogen that makes you feel fat, frumpy and depressed

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Maybe it's coincidence but I've had a patch on since 1pm and I've spent the afternoon feeling anxious. ... 😬

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Are you worrying that you might have a reaction? Too much oestrogen just made me feel that I didn't want to get out of bed and I had no interest in doing anything

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to Angel_of_the_North

No, it's less worrying and more a massive increase in my OCD intrusive thoughts.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

What strength of patch? I'm assuming 50 which is a low dose and slow release... you are likely anxious as you want it to work 🤗 and you might feel a bit of a chump walking around with a patch on 😆

Where did you stick it?

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to TiggerMe

Yep. 50mcg. So I know it's a slow release patch and logically wouldn't get any reaction straight away. Hoping there's a different reason for the massive increase in intrusive thoughts! 🤪

It's on my bum. :D

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Interesting... I usually get the intrusive thoughts with low estrogen

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to TiggerMe

I have had OCD for 15 years+ (although my first compulsions started when I was about 8). Worst on 2020 when I could barely leave the house but my UAT was diagnosed that year too.

So... Suspect too-low-for-me-estrogen has played its role as well at T3. Not quite sure which is doing what at the moment! 🤪

My son woke with a fever in the night so maybe I'm just under the weather because that always fills me with intrusive thoughts too!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Parenting is a minefield, always left me doubting my ability... as you say likely we have been struggling along for years under par... but it's our norm 🤷‍♀️ who knew you could just tweak your hormones

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to TiggerMe

Yes, a few glorious days that shine through where I've felt capable. Rest of the time I've been fighting fires rather than being the mindful guide I'd intended!

Maybe that's just true to all parents though, thyroid issues or not. 😂

FoxyTed profile image
FoxyTed in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Gloaming, it takes time for things to balance out, us women sure don’t get it easy🙃

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Progesterone is generally a feel-good hormone. I wouldn't be without it. You might need testosterone (or DHEA) as well if your mood is low

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to Angel_of_the_North

I hope it's good for me! 🤞🏼

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to WitchingHour2point0

I trialled it orally and vaginally for a few months (prior to asking NHS for a prescription) and no difference for me, slept so well. I’m prone to low mood and haven’t noticed anything. I guess I’d need to try it for longer to see effects fully 🤷🏽‍♀️

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0


TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Regenallotment

And a very good student you are 🤗

Angel_of_the_North profile image

BTW I was diagnosed with stage 0 breast cancer 17 years ago. Have been using HRT for about 15 and I'm not dead (and lumps have gone) - just sayin'

FoxyTed profile image
FoxyTed in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Well done Angel!! Are you on estrogen also?

I don’t use progesterone as iv had hysterectomy and I found before that it didn’t agree with me.

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to FoxyTed

Oestrogen, progesterone and DHEA. The NHS seems to think, erroneously, that you don't need progesterone if you don't have a uterus.

FoxyTed profile image
FoxyTed in reply to Angel_of_the_North

In past b4 hyster Iv only tried cyclogest and mirena and on both I felt so depressed.

It seems some ladies get on well with P and some don’t.

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to FoxyTed

Apparently, most menopause symptoms are low progesterone. Cyclocgest isn't for menopause and is a massive dose 400mg, whereas most menopause treatments are around 100mg a day, and Mirena is well-known for horrid side effects as it's progestin, not real progesterone - very nasty stuff .

FoxyTed profile image
FoxyTed in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Cyclogest was years ago early peri.

Do you have any idea which one I could suggest for trial down the line? Tk you

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to FoxyTed

Cyclogest is supposed to be for women who can't get/maintain pregnancy, and possibly for PMS - not menopause. The only one you can get on the NHS AFAIK is urogestan, which is why I go private

FoxyTed profile image
FoxyTed in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Tks. I am with a private meno specialist, can I ask what I should be asking for? Understand if you’d rather not say

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to FoxyTed

Well, mine is compounded for me, so not a product you can ask for as such. I just get asked how I'm feeling, whether I have any symptoms, then they look at bloods and pelvic scan to see if prescription needs to be changed.

FoxyTed profile image
FoxyTed in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Ok thank you!

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