hi thyroid community. Quick question…I’ve noticed since I’ve been taking Erfa that my pulse races quite often sometimes over 100. Especially when I’m climbing up hill or going up stairs for example.
I’ve realised I’ve had this for quite a while (years) and had put it down to being breathless due to fibro, Hashis etc. but now it’s exacerbated I’m pretty sure it’s always been my heart but I’ve not physically felt it as such.
I’ve recently had medichecks bloods done which I posted here and it was clear I’m under replaced so I now take 90mg Erfa a day split into 1x60 and 1x30, only for about 5 days.
I’m going to start three arrows iron could it be related to low ferritin?
I’m assuming it’s going to settle as my body settles with Erfa. I’ve been on it 7/8 weeks now. Just wondered have others had this and has it settled? My resting pulse is usually 55-60. It can’t be due to over replacement so am a bit stumped. 💜