Starting T3 Side Effects : Hi All,After a lot of... - Thyroid UK

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Starting T3 Side Effects

Tiggs11 profile image
65 Replies

Hi All,After a lot of trying other things (diet, supplements...) I was finally prescribed Liothyronine by a private GP with the backing of Endocrinology.

My new 5mcg pills arrived today, and the plan is I take 5mcg 3 times a day, total of 15mcg which is a small dose. I'm currently on 125 Levo with low TSH, normal T4 and low T3, hence the T3 medication being added in.

First tablet at 12 today I felt fine. Second at 6pm and 2 hours later I was not happy, anxious, clammy, heart rate slightly elevated and felt very odd. Now I'm wondering what to do! I've pinned my hopes on this being the answer- is it normal to get sidetracked effects like this initially? By 9:30 I was fine again.

Thank you for your time in reading this, any thoughts would be great x

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Tiggs11 profile image
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65 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

That’s much too fast

Initially only add 5mcg once a day ….or cut in half and take 2.5mcg waking and 2nd dose mid to late afternoon

Wait at least a week before considering adding 2nd dose mid afternoon

See how that goes

Possibly hold at just 2 x 5mcg and retest in 6-8 weeks before considering adding 3rd dose

What exactly were Ft4 and Ft3 results and ranges on your last test

Recommended that all thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am, only drink water between waking and test and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)

Is this how you do your tests?

On T3 - day before test split T3 as 2 or 3 smaller doses spread through the day with last dose 8-12 hours before test

What vitamin supplements are you taking and what are most recent vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 results

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you so much for your reply. I've worked hard on my ferritin and it's a bit better, B12, Vit D are good, I'm on B12 injections. Coeliac tests negative but thyroid antibodies suggest Hashimotos.


IRON 12.2 umol/L 6.6 - 26.0

T.I.B.C 66 umol/L 41 - 77


FERRITIN 42 ug/L 13 - 150

Optimum Ferritin level for females : >27 ug/L

Serum Zinc 14.9 umol/L 11 - 18


TOTAL THYROXINE(T4) 125 nmol/L 59 - 154


FREE THYROXINE * 23.9 pmol/l 12.0 - 22.0

FREE T3 * 2.7 pmol/L 3.1 - 6.8

TRIIODOTHYRONINE(T3): * 0.9 nmol/L 1.3 - 3.1

25 OH Vitamin D 97 nmol/L 50 - 200

This is my recent thyroid panel, Free T4 and TSH are not great, too high and surpressed, but still low T3 :-(

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Tiggs11

Was test done as recommended

Early morning, only water to drink between waking and test and last dose Levothyroxine 24 hours before test

Has Endo reduced your Levo dose and if yes, by how much


As you have Hashimoto’s it’s always worth trying strictly gluten free diet and/or dairy free

However only make one change at a time or you can’t tell what’s helping

Which brand of Levo are you taking

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to SlowDragon

That test was mid afternoon, as it was the only time I could get this side of November with a phlebotomist.

No reduction of Levothyroxine at present, I did question that.

I am taking 2 forms of gentle iron, Spaton and another with a probiotic included that helps absorption. I don't tolerate iron well. I'm pretty much gluten free and very low dairy.

I'm thinking of trying just 2.5 mcg tomorrow first thing and then monitoring my response. But slightly scared now!

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Tiggs11

That test was mid afternoon

So had you taken levothyroxine that morning


retest full iron panel 3-4 times a year if self supplementing.

Test early morning, only water to drink between waking and test. Avoid high iron rich dinner night before test

Medichecks iron panel test

Look at increasing iron rich foods in diet

Eating iron rich foods like liver or liver pate once a week plus other red meat, pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate, plus daily orange juice or other vitamin C rich drink can help improve iron absorption

List of iron rich foods

Links about iron and ferritin

Great in-depth article on low ferritin

This is interesting because I have noticed that many patients with Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism, start to feel worse when their ferritin drops below 80 and usually there is hair loss when it drops below 50.

Posts discussing Three Arrows as very effective supplement

Iron patches

Post discussing just how long it can take to raise low ferritin

Iron and thyroid link

Posts discussing why important to do full iron panel test

Good iron but low ferritin

Chicken livers if iron is good, but ferritin low

Shellfish and Mussels are excellent source of iron

Ferritin over 100 to alleviate symptoms

Great research article discussing similar…..ferritin over 100 often necessary

Low Iron implicated in hypothyroidism

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to SlowDragon

Yes, I had taken my levo that morning, would that have skewed the results a lot 🫣x

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Tiggs11


SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Tiggs11

I'm thinking of trying just 2.5 mcg tomorrow first thing and then monitoring my response.

That should be fine ….you might feel a very slight whoosh 15-30mins after taking for first 2-3 days….then this will fade

Which brand of levothyroxine are you taking

Which brand of T3

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to SlowDragon

I actually feel a little clearer than normal now, on the 2.5 - was hard to tell earlier as I felt a bit worried after last night, but nothing bad has happened 😊 I'll check brands and get back to you x

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Tiggs11

Suggest you add 2nd 2.5mcg around 3-4pm.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to SlowDragon

I'll do that - feeling quite good just now - a little tired but I think that was yesterday evenings "excitement" catching up 🫣😖😅x

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to SlowDragon

I'm on Almus Levo and liothyronine Sodium from SigmaPharm.

Levo, and I have 50's of the same brand that I cut in half
Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to Tiggs11

Hope these pics get through OK x

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Tiggs11

That test was mid afternoon, as it was the only time I could get this side of November with a phlebotomist.

No point testing late afternoon

Do your own test including both thyroid antibodies privately

Recommended that all thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am, only drink water between waking and test and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

On T3 - day before test split T3 as 2 or 3 smaller doses spread through the day with last dose 8-12 hours before test

List of private testing options and money off codes

Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins

Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins

Only do private testing early Monday or Tuesday morning.

Link about thyroid blood tests

Link about Hashimoto’s

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Tips on how to do DIY finger prick test

Medichecks and BH also offer private blood draw at clinic near you, or private nurse to your own home…..for an extra fee

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Tiggs11

iron and transferrin are still very poor

Has GP/endo prescribed iron supplements

SlowDragon profile image

previous post 11 months ago shows dire ferritin levels

Have you managed to improve this

Have you had thyroid antibodies tested for autoimmune thyroid disease and coeliac blood test done

Buddy195 profile image

Tiggs11, from experience I am now an advocate of ‘low and slow’ when it comes to adjusting thyroid medication. I only added 5mcg of Liothyronine at first, until well tolerated. I then added 2.5 mcg to this (using a pill cutter) and again waited until this was tolerated before considering more. I get high anxiety, palpitations, fast pulse and tremor if I adjust too quickly. I’ve ended up in A and E in the past with these symptoms, so this is why I’m now a tortoise not a hare when adjusting (either upwards or downwards).

When you have been on a consistent new dose for 6-8 weeks it is advisable to retest TSH, FT3 and FT4 and share with us.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to Buddy195

Hi Buddy195,Thank you for your reply, I have to say I was scared last night - and gave my husband the pill box in case he had to call 999. I'm going to just try 2.5 first thing this morning, plus my normal levo, and then see. At least the symptoms passed after a couple of hours.

I'll just stick to that 1 dose for a few days/weeks and go from there, thank you again x

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to Tiggs11

I actually reduced my Levo dosage slightly for a few days prior to commencing Liothyronine. Whatever you decide, I would only add Liothyronine in small amounts and monitor effects over several days before adding more.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to Buddy195

That's helpful, did you have to wait long after reducing the levo, days/weeks? My endo said to stay on the 125 but I'm wondering whether to try 100? Cx

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to Tiggs11

I reduced Levo in the week prior to starting Liothyronine, so yes a reduction of 25mcg might be worth trying prior to adding T3. It’s better to go slowly, as otherwise you might miss your ‘sweet spot’ of feeling better.

radd profile image


Great advice from above. I just wanted to add many of us when introducing T3 have only risen increments every two weeks.

Also sometimes we have to raise in 2.5mcg increments as opposed to 5mcg to prevent symptoms of over stimulation.

15mcg T3 isn’t a small dose as many only require 5mcg or 10mcg. We need what we need. Good luck, I hope it makes you feel better soon. I felt improvements very quickly.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to radd

Thank you so much for you reply, I'm going to start at 2.5 once a day and monitor it carefully x

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to radd

Really hoping to start feeling better. Are you on a combination of levo and T3? Cx

15 mcg isn’t a small dose and to take that as a starting dose is asking for trouble.

More realistic would be to start on 5 mcg a day and titrate up to 15 mcg gradually.

If they’re 5 mcg tablets you can halve them and take 2.5 mcg twice a day.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to

Thank you, I'm beginning to feel less anxious that I might have just spent £200 on medication I can't use 😵‍💫 I seem to have tolerated the 2.5 this morning, wondering if I should just stick to that for a few days, the try a second 2.5 dose in the afternoon x

in reply to Tiggs11

That’s the way I would go. I think you’ll tolerate it if you take the ‘slow but sure’ approach.

The prescriber should have been more cautious.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to

It was actually really scary, and I'm not prone to body anxiety. I kept going clammy and panicky and had to walk around to avoid starting to hyperventilate! My pulse was up but steady at 80bpm, I'm normally around 54, and BP was up for me but still normal, so I kept telling myself it would pass, but I was clinging to my phone in case I had to call 999 😔x

in reply to Tiggs11

Very frightening. And of course a vicious circle as you get more and more anxious 😬

Let’s hope you can put it behind you now.

Take care 😉

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to

🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 Thank you for the support 🙏🏻 I'm feeling calmer today and the first dose yesterday did feel quite nice - although that might have been placebo? Or does it actually work that fast 🤔 x

in reply to Tiggs11

I feel it quite quickly 😉

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to

🤞🏻💕🤞🏻 Hoping to get this right - I want to feel like a human with a life, not just work and sleep! X

in reply to Tiggs11

I wish you well. Take it easy, slow but sure. The tortoise will win the day 😉

Brightness14 profile image

You have started to fast that's all, I was the same but the body has to get used to it. Two hours apart is to short.

I take my first one 6.25 at around 9.30am the second one at around 1.30 and the third one at around 5.30

You may start on just one and after a few weeks work up to 2 and 3.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to Brightness14

Phew, thank you 😊 I'm feeling a bit less anxious now that I know it's not just going to be a no go, I've been pinning my hopes on this working x

in reply to Tiggs11

Remember that you have ‘back up’ Levo.

It’s far more difficult for people who are trying to introduce T3 only.

in reply to Brightness14

I take 2 grains NDT - my daily dose - at 7 am.

When I was trying Levo / T3 at circa the same dose (75 mcg Levo with 20 mcg T3), there was no way I could cope with taking that as one dose. I had to split the T3.

Strange isn’t it? There’s certainly something very different in the way T3 in NDT is released /absorbed.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to

I haven't tried NDT, I imagine that might be next if this doesn't work. It's all so complicated- and expensive 😅x

in reply to Tiggs11

One step at a time. I don’t think this will be as difficult as you think. You just got understandably frightened. 😉

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to

Thank you, all the help and support here is making a huge difference 💝x

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to

I have no gut problems and the T3 works to fast for me. I am now back on Thyroid s. which is a slower release.

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to

With having no gut problems Armour and T3 is too fast acting for me. I can now take 6.25 T3 but that's with starting on NDT again. Just to keep me alive until I get to 2.25 grains.

in reply to Brightness14

I’m considering dropping from 2 grains (which has been my dose for 5 years) to 1.75 grains. Not feeling comfortable with FT3 at top of range.

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to

I am good when at the top of the range. I did have to drop from 2.5 to 2.25 some years ago but with the same results. Mine does depend on the BT results but also how I feel

with no thyroid too.

in reply to Brightness14

No thyroid here too

BT results ??

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to

Blood test results my shorthand. No thyroid either, snap.

in reply to Brightness14

Sorry. Should have recognised the shorthand. Thought we’d drifted onto the merits of Broadband providers 😉

Brightness14 profile image

When I first started I had to cut up my 25mcg pill into eights not easy because I couldn't take even 6.25 it was to much. After several weeks you will be able to increase your dose. The dose was 3.125.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to Brightness14

Omgoodness, thankfully my pills are 5mcg, so only need to half them. I think I'd have been in A&E if I'd taken any more than the 2 yesterday. Going to go v slowly now 😊x

Brightness14 profile image

You will be OK just 2.5 at a time and slowly. Do you have Hashi's.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to Brightness14

Yes, I'm Hashi x

Catseyes235 profile image

I started on extra T3 a couple of years ago and it took a while to work out what was best. I’ve had TSH of around 0.02 for over 20 years so looked like I wasn’t converting properly.

I was on 125 mcg T4 at the time so dropped down to 100 mcg with added 15 mcg T3. Felt good for a few day or two but the palpitations I had seemed to be so strong felt like my whole body was moving! Dropped to 10 and now 5mcg which I take split in two doses. I also add in an extra 25 mcg thyroxine once or twice a week. Things have settled down now and must say the difference is amazing. Not feeling cold all the time, no hair loss, more energy and lost that sort of bloated fluid weight you get round your middle and neck when hypo.

What dose Thyroxine were you on before?. As T3 is approximately equivalent to 4 x T4 you’re taking the equivalent of 170 mcg thyroxine which is quite a large dose for a woman. Sound like you added T3 but maybe didn’t drop your T4? But gradual introduction is definitely the way forward.

Good luck and hope you find right does for you!

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to Catseyes235

Goodness, we sound very similar - I'm on 125 levo and similar low to surpressed TSH, normal to high T4 but low T3, hence the addition of T3, but have had to do that privately. I've been SO cold l, tired, sore etc... over the last few years that I was feeling quite panicked going into this winter - I think dropping the Levo a bit sounds sensible. I split a 5mcg pill in 2 yesterday as suggested on here and took it in 2 doses, felt good and definitely clearer in my head, so we'll see how today goes 🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻 Thank you for the support, hearing that others have been through and found a balance point is really helpful x

nettecologne profile image

15 T3 ist NOT a small dose!!! You have to know that is it up to al least three times as potent as T4, so you are adding in 45µg of T4 in one go! Just don't. This is what happens when your doctor does not really know about T3. Start with 2,5 ONCE daily. Wait for 2 weeks, only then add another 2,5 µg. Give you body time to get used to that amount of T3.

With your labs, I would strongly advise AGAINST Adding T3 at this moment! You are overdosed on thyroxine as it is. T3 may be low BECAUSE of too much thyroxine, not IN SPITE, as you seem to think. I suggest reducing at least 12,5 thyroxine.

If you add T3 to what you are taking now, you might easily end up overdosed with racing heart.

Eddie83 profile image

Need to add T3 in gradually! Do your FT3 and rT3 show that you need/can tolerate T3?

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to Eddie83

Ooooo... I'm not sure about the tolerate bit - how would I tell? My T3 has been prescribed by a functional medicine GP with the backing of an endocrinologist x

thyr01d profile image

Hi Tiggs, I agree with the others about starting slow and low. I take no Levothyroxine at all, only Liothyronine and my thyroid is doing nothing and yet my endocrinologist started me on a low dose and took about 3 - 4 years to build up to 40 mcg a day. Best of luck.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to thyr01d

Thank you 😊 x

underact15 profile image

Hi Tiggs11 , thank you so much for writing this post, we sound like we’re in a very similar situation and it’s been really comforting and helpful to read. How are you feeling this week? I hope you’re ok? More than ok!

I’ve been on levo (same brand as you) since 2015 (currently on 100mcg but I’ve tried all sorts of different doses!) and I’m starting liothyronine (also same brand as you! I wonder if we’re working with the same FMP/endo/pharmacy!) tomorrow having tested positive for the DIO2 gene mutation. I have to do a private trial before asking the NHS to back it - they’ll obviously only do it if it works for me 🤞🏽

I’ve been prescribed 15mcg liothyronine (5mcg x3) but just before the end of my appointment, she casually suggested that I try one dose of 5mcg (on waking - with my levo) to begin with. I will definitely do that but I’m wondering if I should now take 2.5mcg to start with! Seems like it might be a good idea…

I’ve been battling since 2020 for this and have tried all sorts of other things to no avail so keeping everything crossed that this just might be the thing that makes me feel better at last but I also know not to get my hopes up too much!! 😫

All the best 🦋

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to underact15

Hi Underact15, We do sound very similar. I was diagnosed in 2012, and I think Levo kind of helped for a few years - but I was under a lot of pressure with life stuff so wondering now if I was actually just running on adrenaline and cortisol. Anyway, everything seemed to crash some years back, and I haven't felt well since.

I'm working with Dr. [ redacted doctor identity ] my T3 is from Roseway Labs.

My gene test was OK, but my conversion is pretty awful, despite having improved on a number of things over the past year.

I am now on 2.5mcg at 06:30, 11:30 and 16:30, and I'm feeling some changes. Not sure I'm up quite enough yet, and I seem to get symptoms about half an hour before my next dose is due - funny kind of headache... so I'm thinking I might increase a little this week - but after that experience of going hyper I'm doing it all very slowly.

Keep in touch and let me know how you get on.

Sending hugs xX

underact15 profile image
underact15 in reply to Tiggs11

Ah Tiggs11 I knew it! Same doctor, same pharmacy and probably same endo backing! How lovely to have found eachother!

Yes I was the same and thought levo was helping me but I was in a whirlwind of newborn/toddler/pregnancy (pregnancy seemed to have triggered it all for me) so who knows. I started to feel especially unwell with new symptoms in summer 2020 and I don’t think it was due to the juggle of homeschooling!

I’m the same re.conversion too - I’ve worked hard on diet and have tried so many different tests and supplements (I was working with a nutritionist for two years before moving to MM at the start of this year - it didn’t get me very far at all!).

It sounds like you’re managing to up the T3 well?! I’m so pleased that I read your post last night so knew to only start on 2.5mcg, I wouldn’t have enjoyed what you went through I don’t think! Which dose did you add in next after getting used to the wake up dose?

I took 2.5mcg T3 with my 100mcg levo about an hour ago. I don’t feel any different - I don’t think! It’s so hard to tell what’s causing what sometimes isn’t it.

Are you also on LDN?! I’m not sure if that’s helping much either but maybe! Again it’s hard to tell. Looking forward to seeing if it’s lowered my antibodies!

All the best and thanks again for connecting! x

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to underact15

Weeding apart what is what with the symptoms feels like a bit of a minefield- I'm peri-menopausal, which doesn't help, as GP's like to attribute all my symptoms to that, but tbh I have had my Thyroid symptoms a lot longer so I feel I can tell the difference, but it can be difficult not to start second guessing. I think I felt a more definite response after about 3 days, and started to realise that my odd headache had kind of become part of me, and then I noticed it's almost gone 40 minutes after the T3 dose, then starts to creep back!

Hoping you start to notice a bit of a change quickly - it's so hard with family etc... to juggle xX

shaws profile image

A Doctor - Dr John Lowe - scientist and researcher and was an Adviser to Thyroiduk before his early demise due to a bad fall that caused a bleed in his brain.

I take T3 only and am well, symptom-free and my dose is 30mcg daily. I follow Dr Lowe's method and that is one daily dose with water and wait an hour before I eat.

Before taking T3, I did not improve on the usual prescriptions. In fact levothyroxine was awful for me and gave me severe palpitations.

Now, my body has no symptoms and I feel well.

Tiggs11 profile image
Tiggs11 in reply to shaws

Thank you, that's really helpful to hear x

vroooom5 profile image

hi @tiggs11 and @underact15 , 8 months since, what is your review of adding t3? thanks

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