is it possible to have mild/low grade fever as a hashimotos symptom? No other symptoms besides a slight headache. I know symptoms especially when hormones change can vary, but not sure about this.
Fever and Hashimotos?: is it possible to have... - Thyroid UK
Fever and Hashimotos?

As a hypo symptom, yes, I'm pretty sure you can. But, then again, like most hypo symptoms, it could be due to other things, like an infection. Coupled with the headache, I'd say you could be going down with flu or something.
Turned out to be covid! First time getting it. GP wants to start me on antivirals but is that needed?
I really couldn't say. Depends how bad it is, I suppose. When I had covid I just rode it out like I would flu, and didn't even see a doctor. The only 'treatment' I gave myself was ibuprofen.
Sounds good! Yeah I don’t want to take anything more than I need to. Let the immune system learn. But didn’t know if we were supposed to with hashimoto. I think he heard autoimmune and that was it.
Not sure anybody has the knowledge of covid to answer that question. There are still so many unknowns where covid is concerned. I have Hashi's - although my thyroid is long dead - but I really don't know if that had any effect on the covid. I was very unwell, but not bad enough to be taken to hospital, or anything like that. Perhaps he was just being over-cautious.
If you have other conditions it is quite common to give antivirals as they are not prescribed without cause especially the ones on the NHS website for COVID, I would advise speaking to your doctor to ascertain the reason as they are best taken within 5 days of symptoms starting.
Yes it certainly is. I had low grade fever as a symptom for several years when not even knowing what was wrong with me, along with the sort of headaches that make you throw up and it was pretty hellish.
Wow! It turned out I have covid but I’m curious for the hashi’s, what did you do to resolve it?
I was given levothyroxine which helped those symptoms if nothing else. I now take some T3 and vitamins C, D, Fish oils, Zinc and Magnesium everyday. Rarely get headaches now unless I'm ill or have a flare up.
But if I stop levothyroxine I can get the low grade heat again or if I try to exert myself too much that can bring on a flare as well.