Today I saw an nhs endo who agreed to prescribe a 3 month trial of T3 (liothyroxine) From previous post and advice on here I believe I am a poor converter. He wasn’t entirely sympathetic and disagreed with most things I said. His views included ‘no point in testing T4 or T3 as it’s too variable, only test TSH.’ T3 works for some but it may just be placebo.’ ‘You should take your levo on the morning of your blood test’ etc etc… I smiled sweetly as all that mattered was his willingness to prescribe.
I am currently on 100mg levo and quite sensitive to changes. He’s prescribed 20mg T3 and reduce to 50mg levo all taken in one dose in the morning. He said see how I go and if in a couple of weeks I’m experiencing adverse effects to discontinue and go back to my existing regime. I’m a little nervous to embark on the change but know I must try it to see if it works for me. My main symptom is exhaustion.
As an aside he’s given me a new brand of levo as my current brand is not available in the Uk. I moved back from Spain last year and brought a stock of Eutirox with me. He’s given me mercury pharma generic levo.
i have 3 questions :
I still have my eutirox brand of levo and could use these so that I’m not making two changes?
Does his prescribed regime sound sensible?
will I, as he suggested, know if there’s a benefit within a week or two?
Thanks in advance you lovely people