Here are my last two NHS test results - after the March one my GP contacted the local endo who suggested increasing levo by 25 mcg per day (to 225mcg daily) in order to increase the T3 which was below range.
So the T3 has been dragged into range (just!) and the T4 is right at the top of the range - I do feel better partly I suspect to improving mineral and vitamin intake and tweaking diet to eliminate gluten (almost) and cut out a lot of dairy.
However, I still feel rough - the usual tired, aching joints & muscles, dry eye, dry hair, postnasal drip, brain fog, depression, lack of confidence etc.
I've a f2f appointment with my GP at the end of August when I'll ask for a referral with a view to a trial of T3 with reduction in T4 in view of continuing symptoms and heart health. Hoping for the best outcome, but I don't feel optimistic