I saw Helvella's post regarding the article in the Guardian on NHS checks; I did post this elsewhere, but I guess would only be visible to folk following the original post, so I thought it may be helpful to post separately.
Some on here may well be aware of this work:
The work of Malcolm Kendrick and others' is really interesting regarding Cholestrol and heart disease; if anyone is interested, please watch ; The Great Cholestrol Con (see link below)....At around 26 minutes of the video, there is a chart that shows that when we block cholestrol with Statins, the rest of the other essentials in our bodies are hindered at a mitrochondrial level.
On Dr Peter Longsjoen's webiste, (he is one of the Dr's on the video) he has done lots of research (although I haven't read them!) on Ubiquinol and it's role in the body and heart.