Ive found the posts here absolutely fantastic to get context, recently i started coming back to this page because i had to have a thyroidectomy due to long long term Graves and Thyroid cancer. What i was seeking was to find out if i would feel better but struggled to really find any strong positive stories.
Hopefully im not writing too soon and this all turns around on me...but here goes, im 55 year old female
2 weeks after my thyroid has been removed:
the headaches of the last 7 years have gone
my fibromyalgia is gone
my skin is beginning to look less reptile-more human and im not glowing red
im not starving hungry
the swelling in my legs has gone
my weak thighs are normal
walking is a pleasure
the brain fog has left-i am still smart!!
the rampaging cranky cow is now a bit chilled out and a much more civil person to talk to ( i think my thyroid was my venom sack)
my knots in my back and back pain is gone
im only crying at/for the stuff i should
i think my labido is returning
So if the op is coming up for you, mine had a few extra bits and pieces to fix but within 4-5 days the healing is well and truly underway, the meds are easy (just 1 tab each morning) and drinking down a big glass of water each morning with it also makes your bowels work better
my heart goes out to the precious should here still in battle-sincerely, if i could only express my gratitude for how much loneliness and fear your generous sharing of your stories saved me
I truly hope these changes stay for me and RAI works in the coming months to ensure my cancer is gone but for now i just want to share that there is some light at the end of the tunnel, it may just be all ok, you can go back to work healthy (i work in mining so ive really struggled over the last too many years).
Thank you all for being so awesome xxxxxxx