So..... these are my most recent results. 2wks previous I got levels tested at my own doctor's and my tsh was 0.55
T4 was 21.5
T3 wasn't tested at Doctor's.
Diagnosed 10yrs ago with Hashimoto.
Post menopausal 4yrs but still having lots of symptoms, and thyroid levels are up and down all the time.
What's going on
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I have just removed the image from your post because it had lots of personal information - like your full name.
TiggerMe pointed this out as well!
Either edit the original post or reply and add an image without you details onto it.
This is entirely for your privacy, safety and security.
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Sorry will do
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Apology appreciated but not at all necessary!
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Thank you. I have now cropped my results. Hope this is ok
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Actually more readable as well!
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Hi, were you able to get a look at these results?
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You have Hashimoto’s
Important to maintain OPTIMAL vitamin levels
What vitamin supplements are you currently taking
Vitamin D too low
Folate could be better
Are you on gluten free/dairy free diet….or tried either
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FT4: 16 pmol/l (Range 12 - 22)
Ft4 only 40.00% through range
FT3: 4.26 pmol/l (Range 3.1 - 6.8)
Ft3 only 31.35% through range
Helpful calculator for working out percentage
Was test early morning and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
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