Hi need help please .. I have a prescription ( private) for T 3 my problem is I can’t have Acica powder filler .. I looked at the list and saw Accord has it without the filler and phoned them and it’s in stock albeit 20mcg and I need 10mcg another story trying to get the prescription filled and cut them in half .. Anyway my dear friend spoke to Accord and found out morningside manufacture for Accord and can’t confirm if that filler acacia powder is in it ? Rang Morning side and had to leave a message .. is there anyone on here that takes Accord T3 that can check the ingredients leaflet ? This is stressing me out as I need to start taking it
aHep T3 : Hi need help please .. I have a... - Thyroid UK
aHep T3

Helvella has a document which lists the available T3 in the UK and their fillers. Page 36
Please be aware that TEVA T3 is not like Teva levothyroxine - it does not have the same fillers so is not a problem.

There’s no Accord T3
Options are
Mercury Pharma ( Advanz) 20mcg only
Contains acacia powder
Teva 20mcg only
Does NOT contain acacia
Morningside 20mcg, 10mcg and 5mcg
Contains Acacia
List of T3 brands including ingredients here
Private prescription enables access to non U.K. Thybon Henning 20mcg
Does NOT contain acacia
Prices are vastly different depending on brand and dose
Cheapest by far at 50-60p per tablet (in boxes of 100 tablets) is Thybon Henning
Most people on private prescription get this and cut into 1/4’s to get 5mcg doses
Teva 20mcg
£50 per 28 tablets = £1.80 per tablet approximately
To get 5mcg dose T3
Use sharp craft scalpel or pill cutter
Personally I vastly prefer to use scalpel
Hi slow dragon there seems to be a Accord in T3 made by morning star I’ve now established that there is but not being able to tolerate the acacia powder it’s a no no .. My GP surgery said they could get Accord in 20mcg but wouldn’t do it as my script stated 10mcg I said I could cut them still wouldn’t dispense but makes no difference nor as it has acacia powder in it .. so we can get Accord T3 even though it’s made by morning side .. I now have to get a letter from my doctor to say why I need Tybon Henning as unlicensed xxx
I think there is a lot of confusion going on here.
If you visit Accord's own website and search for liothyronine - there is no liothyronine product:
If you visit various other sites, including the British National Formulary, they appear to list liothyronine under Accord:
If you visit the MHRA's documentation site, Accord liothyronine documentation is available:
Accord must have applied for approval of a liothyronine product and submitted documentation. And this is what is shown on the MHRA site.
Accord do not supply this product. I have absolutely no idea whether they intend to in the future, or changed their minds.
The BNF lists products by supplier (not manufacturer). It looks like Accord, in their role as a distributor, handle Morningside Liothyronine.
The MHRA site lists Morningside liothyronine documentation. It has many differences to Accord's own documentation including ingredients and name of manufacturer.
If anyone thinks I have got anything wrong, any detail, please let me know. It is confusing enough without me including mistakes!
Lynnwin says this further down this thread 'Morning side has got back to me and the T3 they make for Accord has acacia powder in it'
Yes - it will be Morningside's standard liothyronine product.
Does it come in Accord branded packaging?
I doubt it - but it is possible.
I would very much appreciate it if anyone has EVER had Accord branded liothyronine would let us know!
And I so wish the MHRA products site would include such things as packaging (for everything) and be easy to use!

So you need endocrinologist to change prescription to Liothyronine 20mcg tablets
If wanting Thybon Henning
20mcg x 100 tablets
If Teva
20mcg x 28 tablets
Hi update Morning side has got back to me and the T3 they make for Accord has acacia powder in it .. I can get Thybon Henning but now need a letter from my GP to state why medically I need this as unlicensed in the Uk .. this is all so stressful 😞 xxxx
You can get Teva on NHS
you can’t get Thybon Henning on NHS
You said you have private prescription
You can get Thybon Henning on private prescription
Ring/email Roseway Labs
Prescription needs to read
Thybon Henning Liothyronine 20mcg x 100 tablets
I did message you at 10.58 and said I’d been in touch with Morning’s de for you and they confirmed it does have acacia in it
How stressful for you xx
saw that rose but didn’t see the bit about the acacia powder .. just that morning side make it for Accord .. is this Thybon Henning private only ? As the endo writing to my GP to put on nhs repeat cxxx
endo writing to my GP to put on nhs repeat
Did you see endocrinologist privately?
A) you can only get T3 on NHS if see NHS endocrinologist
B) initial 3-6 month trial via NHS endocrinologist has to be prescribed via NHS hospital pharmacy
yes saw endocrinologist privately..
first prescription private but writing to my GP to add on my repeat prescription.. 3 month trial x
Seems no pharmacy will dispense for me as they only have 20mcg and my script is for 10mcg so I need to get that changed before I can even get the T3 honestly it’s been a nightmare .. I might just try Teva but again that’s 20mcg so have to wait for the endo to change the prescription xxx
Yes obviously a prescription for 10mcg is useless
is this a private prescription
If it is ask for prescription to read
Thybon Henning 20mcg liothyronine x 100 tablets
Taking as 10mcg per day (as 5mcg waking and 5mcg late afternoon)
If it’s an NHS prescription
Lactose Free Teva Liothyronine 20mcg x 28 tablets
Cut tablets into 1/4’s as required
Get weekly pill dispenser for spare 1/4’s
Initially only start on 5mcg dose
Waiting a week before increasing to 2 x 5mcg

Current price NHS paying for T3
Varies hugely across brand and dose
In extremely rare occasions that some NHS patients are getting Thybon Henning on NHS …..as a “special “ unlicensed medication pharmacy can charge NHS whatever it chooses as there’s no price regulation on specials
So Thybon Henning on NHS prescription can be vastly more expensive than a private prescription costs you