unable to set up thyroid t4 intolerant? - Thyroid UK

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unable to set up thyroid t4 intolerant?

u1f6f9 profile image
4 Replies

Hello Fellas,

I'm out of Solutions and or Understanding the Situation. I've got Hasimotos and 4,5ml Thyroid left.

I tried a lot, but never could get used to T4. Since I've added T3 (Thybon, Henning) just 5micg, it's slightly better. Also tried more, an also T3 only.

It wasn't bad but at some point I was clear in mind but tired and got startet to get thick legs.

My Mainsymptoms under T4 over 40micg are thick legs, which I'm able to press permanent wholes in it. puffy face, swollen nose muscola, swollen tong, hands, feet. everything swills up.

brainfrog and in the end koma like tiredness. absolut done.

with less I'm able to experience really good times, but never stable, it seems more like I'm just waiting for my thyriod to kick in by it's own untill it's exhausted again.

in underfunction I'm depressed, have zero ability to concentrate, or focus and I got slightly paranoid, I can't tolerate anything and break down by even moderate stress. I'm not having any skin, and can't seperate my mind from the outside. I got serious mental health issues.

I'm on Drops T4 for a year (Henning drops) seem to be better over all. but kinda the same issue. I've to stay on low dossage. Even at the beginning I took 2x40micg and had an awesome time.

My Bloodwork showed TSH normal while my t3 and t4 where under the norm. TPO antibodies where slightly elevated that was 2011. I never got back onto normal health ever since than.

with medication I also never reached over the norm, just with TSH under.

Right now I try to get tirosint-sol, to make a new trail. but I'm exhausted and I lose hope. besides lifetime. With this condition I'm not able to do anything. but everytime I have a good period. I caught up a lot. I'm capable of doing incredible things. (study mathematics and I started skating 5 years ago) If the thyroid is on point, I sweat have force and concentration, I'm over the top.

But I alwas just have a period before everything starts going to sh//t again.

these days I don't even understand whats going on. How am I supposed to find a decent dosage, if I'm not having a clue whats going on.

My stomach is horrable, It's like a ballon but without having gases. I'm not getting my period, just today on cycle day 32 a little spotting, but already over again, but by having the usual pain for days.

it's cold, the whole day, in bed worse, hands cold, face cold, never feel any heat. no sweating.

I took the last days much more of every thyriod stuff I've got, but no change.

I don't understand!

whats this? whats wrong with me? and what the hack am I supposed to do?

can't skate, like I used to for a while now. troubles with studying too. my life slipped out of my control again and again and again.

is there anything I can do?

only thing I got in mind, go down again to a minimum and wait for my thyroid giving me another good period someday somehow and giving up on believing that there is a dosage or a medication that will do the trick. waiting for my cats to die to follow them, because obviously my body is gone long time ago, and I should respect that.

physician mostly think if the bloodwork is in line everything is fine, even if I show him my legs, it's in my head. but first I'm not like that. I fight. and I wanna live, I wanna skate and I love to study. but if my entire body is getting swollen and I can't breath right, plus the legs, that's not in my head!

could really everything point to underfunction, when I'm overdosed?

in the past I had at least some things clearly about overdosage, f.e. heat phases besides the extrem cold, and flush, tremor of my hands. rn there are more stiff and no movement soever.

does anyone have those experienced and find a solution?

best regards


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u1f6f9 profile image
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4 Replies
Regenallotment profile image

have you looked at adrenals? See Hidden posts, you might see some similarities.

I read a book by Dr Peatfield that explains why some people’s bodies can’t deal with T4 especially when adrenals aren’t working properly, and if you’ve been hypothyroid for a long time the adrenals have been picking up the slack.

Good luck and keep trying things but remember it takes months for each dose to settle and often we feel worse before we feel better which is challenging 🌱🌱

Nomorepharmacon profile image

I completely understand how you feel. I have been there very often. If you would like to discuss, I can provide some advice, based on my experience on how to manage this, albeit imperfectly and without medication, pm me.

FAB-jellybean profile image

I understand the swings of good and bad but have personally found that to happen when I change dose and it's not optimal for me. I feel good for a couple of weeks then really bad again. Even when optimal (for me top third of the range for fT3 and around half way through the range for fT4) my TSH is suppressed and the doctor doesn't like it. It can take months for my body to 'right' itself again and improvements are gradual. I also get puffy when my sex hormones are put of balance so might be worth getting those checked too. Do you have copies of your blood results that you can post along with lab ranges (every lab is different) and some of the extremely informative admins will advise you on what you can do. Best of luck.

FAB-jellybean profile image

If you add your gender, where you live and a bit of history to your bio, people will be able to advise you better.

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