Iron deficiency symptoms..? GP says not.. advic... - Thyroid UK

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Iron deficiency symptoms..? GP says not.. advice please !

Snqanq profile image
11 Replies

Hi there

I've been unwell struggling after catching covid with those iron-deficiency like symptoms for long time GP has done some blood tests then told me Im fine all time but Im worst ever..too much weird dizziness & headaches can't standing bit long mostly have to sit down at least extremely tired extremely hair lost (75% gone now) thyroxine doses is fluctuate..up abit it go high, down a bit it go low everytime high & low made me more dizziness & mental mad.. feeling fainted most of time..taking a glass of sugar & bit salt it will help a bit.. suffering long..😥 not know what to do.. here is the very modest recent blood test that GP reluctant done when I said go for private test, I haven't tried B12 or Iron supplement yet as my body systems has changed weirdly after covid I couldn't take supplements but now over 2 years after that covid time I really want to try again.. taking right supplement to see if it help

some bt look like iron is low so I order Raw Iron & B12 more in natural form than synthetic which body seem to reject..

I got RAW IRON from Garden of Life with added Vit C, B12, Folate to promote iron absorption ( lots of efficient review )

Pls advice should I take this one or any other more suitable products

Thanks in advances !

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11 Replies
greygoose profile image

Your ferritin, folate and B12 are fine, so I wouldn't take those supplements, if I were you.

On the other hand, your TSH is too high for someone on thyroid hormone replacement. So, your symptoms could be due to low FT3. From what you say, your doctor is dosing by the TSH, which is 100% wrong! And that's why you can't get the dose right. He's put you on the TSH seesaw, and therefore making too many dose changes, and that's why your health is suffering. He should be at least testing the FT4.

I think it would be a very good idea if you could get private labs done so that you can have your FT4, FT3 and vit D tested. But, in any case, refuse any more reductions in dose unless he tested your FT4/3 to prove that it is necessary. :)

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to greygoose

Hi Greygoose they have tested T4 normally but not this time as they reluctant to do it said Im within range..normal last test so retest in 12 mths

My private test back on early Feb 23

T3: 1.36 ( 0.89 - 2.44 )

T4: 115 ( 66 - 181 )

TSH 2.29 ( 0.27 - 4.2 )

(Then end of Mar retest as doses change and mess again 😔)

GP not changing doses I've done this myself as Im not feeling good with TSH round 2 it should be over 3 then I'll be bit better but its not stable have to change this every 8-10 weeks after retest

Im not feeling well right at the beginning when GP prescribed Thyroxine.. told them but they has not know what to do other than told me to changing doses

I might not be tolerant of Thyroxine

been thinking should I swap to NTD for a try but hesitation

Please advices, thanks !

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Snqanq

T3: 1.36 ( 0.89 - 2.44 )

T4: 115 ( 66 - 181 )

TSH 2.29 ( 0.27 - 4.2 )

Those aren't Free T4 and T3, are they. So, they're not much help. And, your TSH is still too high.

The word 'normal' is meaningless where thyroid is concerned. And, your result being somewhere within the range certainly doesn't make it normal. The ranges are too wide. A common FT3 range is 3.1 to 6.8, but you won't feel the same if your T3 is 3.2 as you would if it's 6.7. So, if your doctor says your results are 'normal', call his bluff. Ask him how they can be 'normal' all the way through such a wide range. It's totally illogical.

The TSH doesn't make you feel good or bad. It's the T3 that does that. So, what is your FT3 when your TSH is 2? That's the important thing to know. The TSH itself is a very bad indicator of thyroid status and you can see that your method of dosing by the TSH doesn't work because you still have a lot of symptoms. How much levo are you taking?

NDT doesn't agree with everyone. And, if you can't tolerate thyroxine, you might not be able to tolerate NDT, because it contains thyroxine. You won't know unless you try. But doubtful you'd get it on the NHS.

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to greygoose

sorry for late reply I've been terrible blood test above when I was on 5 days 100mcg 2 days 75mcg, I was bad when I was on full 100mcg.. we can hardly get the right doses as it seem to fluctuate all time

my symptoms just getting worst since taking Thyroids never improve 😔 I need to find a good private endo as NHS dr not help at all

As you and other here saying that I my TSH is high so I'm raising back to 100 already few weeks then will do private bt with T3 as suggested

Thanks for advices !

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Snqanq

If you increase your dose, and you feel well for a while and then bad again, that doesn't mean that you need to reduce the dose again. It means that you are ready for the next increase. Doctors don't tend to know that.

Ruby1 profile image

you mention above that you’ve been changing doses yourself, but you also mention TSH was around 2 and you said it should be over 3. I might be misunderstanding, but just to be clear, you want your TSH to be low in the range, not over 3. Mine is often slightly below the normal range and I feel well.

With your results, I wouldn’t be supplementing either.

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to Ruby1

We can't get the right dose as its fluctuate 100 too high 75 too low in the middle better for just couple of weeks then back to bad & terrible again 😞

Need to find a experienced private endo

Been to a few but not the right one.. still stucks .. No help

Thanks for your advices

Batty1 profile image

I had Covid last year and Im thyroid-less covid screwed with my thyroid …. Your sounding similar to what I was feel for almost 3 months after covid …. Tired, vertigo attacks, headaches, palpitations that were insane at times and breathlessness …. I just felt bad.

You have to stop upping and downing your medication thats not the answer and downing supplements when your not needing them isn’t the answer either…. If you were me I would do private blood test following the suggestions here and post those results…. You need time to recover from covid “completely”.

humanbean profile image

T3: 1.36 ( 0.89 - 2.44 )

T4: 115 ( 66 - 181 )

TSH 2.29 ( 0.27 - 4.2 )

Your test results are rather unusual by UK standards. I think your T4 and T3 results are from Total T4 and Total T3 tests, rather than Free T4 and Free T3 tests. I'm guessing this is the case based on the reference ranges, and I could be wrong.

Total T4 and Total T3 are not nearly as helpful as Free T4 and Free T3.

Im not feeling good with TSH round 2 it should be over 3

What makes you think your TSH should be over 3? Where did you read that, or who told you?

The higher the TSH is the more hypothyroid (underactive) you are, the lower it is the more hyperthyroid (overactive) your are.

People with treated hypothyroidism often feel at their best with TSH at 1 or less, although it varies so much that it is a useless indicator of wellness. The best measure of wellness is the Free T3.

You might find this thread of interest :

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to humanbean

sorry for late reply I've been really bad again, yes that test results are not in Uk that time.

"People with treated hypothyroidism often feel at their best with TSH at 1 or less, although it varies so much that it is a useless indicator of wellness. The best measure of wellness is the Free T3"

I see your points but we hardly find the correct doses it's fluctuate all those years was on 100mcg and too bad with much more dizziness down 75 mcg same bad

4-5 days 100mcg other days 75mcg better for little while then back to same crap

My symptoms just getting worst and feeling weird since taking Thyroxines but don't know what to do just bear with it all those year until covid knocked me out bed ridden

As people saying this recent TSH blood test is high so been already raising to 100mcg then will do private blood test with FT3 and post back

I need to see hood experienced private endo as NHS dr no help at all

Thanks for your advices

Sharoosz profile image

The hair loss is probably from covid. It will come back. Very helpful is putting aloe vera extract or gel on your scalp after washing hair (extract is more like water so might be better). Don't rinse, just style. I hope it comes back soon!

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