Hi all this is my second post concerning the effects of Amiodarone on the thyroid. I don't have a thyroid but this medication also effects T4 T3 conversion. In my previous post some well informed and knowledgeable people suggested that I keep a close eye on my thyroid levels along with being vigilant for hyper or hypo symptoms because this toxic medication really can interferes with the thyroid and thyroid meds. Have been on Amiodarone since 17 April 23.
Am sending for test kit tomorrow from medichecks re: thyroid levels. In the meantime I just wanted to run some symptoms by you because I am not sure if they are hyper or hypo symptoms.
First of all since being on this medication my core temp has risen to 37.6 which is very unusual for me because prior to this my core temp did not rise above 35.2. My inflammation marker is 2 so I assume I do not have an infection anywhere in my body.
More generalised information: chronic insomnia, sore tired watery eyes with light sensitivity, anxiety but no palpitations that I am aware of while awake. However, this morning after a sleepless night I took my thyroid meds (75mg levo + 1/2 of 30mcg of Efra) and fell asleep and was having a normal dream which turned into a chaotic and anxiety provoking dream which I woke up from. So two hours had passed since I took my thyroid meds. Could this indicate a peak of t3 along with a rise in heart rate while I was asleep, hence the chaotic dream? Over the past few weeks these type of dreams occur quite often. Could this be due to a change in thyroid conversion due to Amiodarone?
I am not hyper active during the day, brain fog has improved greatly which is a bonus. Also I don't do afternoon naps anymore even though my body feels tired at times I do not get the mental fatigue that used to accompany the tired body. What is going on here?
Really would appreciate some feedback as to what you think is going on here. Am reaching breaking point due to extreme insomnia. I need to find out what is causing it so that I can live in the solution rather than the problem.
Sincere thanks you for taking the time to read this post