looking for advice again please…: these are my... - Thyroid UK

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looking for advice again please…

Goinginsane1 profile image
14 Replies

these are my results today…

the Drs report says it’s a bit odd as TSH is high but so is T4 and a bit of a contradiction.

I was taking propranolol a week or 2 prior to this test although I had stopped taking it a couple of days before. I have read that propranolol could give a false reading of a high TSH potentially 💁

The symptoms I have seem to suggest over medication ie over heating, losing weight, heart problems and breathing issues, anxiety.

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Goinginsane1 profile image
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14 Replies
Jaydee1507 profile image

When did you take your last dose of Levo before this test? Was it just before the test?

What dose of Levo & or T3 are you on?

Recommended blood test protocol: Test at 9am (or as close as possible), fasting, last levo dose 24hrs before the blood draw, last T3 dose 8-12 hours before blood draw & no biotin containing supplements for 3-7 days (Biotin can interfere with thyroid blood results as it is used in the testing process)? Testing like this gives consistency in your results and will show stable blood levels of hormone and highest TSH which varies throughout the day. Taking Levo/T3 just prior to blood draw can show a falsly elevated result and your GP/Endo might change your dose incorrectly as a result.

Free T3 (fT3) 4.3 pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8) 32.4%

Your FT3 is still too low.

Do you have any symptoms of a virus or have you been unwell?

What were your vitamin results?

Goinginsane1 profile image
Goinginsane1 in reply to Jaydee1507

the last dose I took was 24 hours before the blood test at 9am. I do this every time and I hadn’t eaten or drank anything that morning either.

I am currently taking 62.5mcg Levothyroxine.

I have not had a virus or been unwell only severe anxiety.

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to Goinginsane1

Your ferritin inparticular is very low and can cause anxiety like symptoms. NICE state that a level of 30 or less is deficient so you should show this result to your GP who will likely want to run their own tests. They may then prescribe iron for you.

Both your folate and B12 are too low. Recommend taking an active/methyl (should say on label) B complex which contains 400mcgs folate (also B12). This B complex has all the right vitamins at a not unreasonable cost for 90 days supply. amazon.co.uk/Liposomal-Soft...

Vitamin D should be around 100 - 150. Buy one that includes vit K2 to help it go to your bones. Some are available in oil or you can take it with an oily meal for better absorption. Use this calculator to work out how much to take to get your level to 100-150. wildatlantichealth.com/vita...

Most members here need to supplement continuously to achieve and maintain optimal vitamin levels.

Recommend retesting thyroid in 6 weeks as the result is odd if you did take Levo 24hrs before test.

Your FT3 is still too low at the moment but working on vitamin levels will help conversion.

Goinginsane1 profile image
Goinginsane1 in reply to Jaydee1507

thank you so much for your advice. I have been feeling drs that my thyroid isn’t right for almost 2 years now since having a baby. They only check TSH and nothing else 😡 and blank refuse to refer me to an endocrinologist.

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to Goinginsane1

To be fair an Endo wouldn't be able to add an awful lot at the moment. You need toget your TSH down to 1 or just under 1 though. Start on supplements one at a time to assess if they are OK for you and what effect they are having. After a few weeks add the next supplement.

As thyroid patients we do need to become our own health advocates with GP’s and Endocrinologists. They get little training in how to make us feel well, instead relying on lab numbers on paper. Take some time to read up on your condition, learn and get your confidence up. This will stand you in good stead when discussing your condition and challenging things that medic say. Take printed medical papers with you evidencing what you are asking for, and also take someone along with you if you feel it would help.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Goinginsane1

Before supplementing with B12 you should request that you do not have Pernicious Anaemia. I have P.A. and have regular B12 injections.

My mother also had P.A. but her GP stopped her B12 injections which (at that time) I thought that was 'good' but unfortunately it was awful as someone who has pernicious anaemia should have regular injections. I used to have a quarterly injection but now have monthly ones.

Goinginsane1 profile image
Goinginsane1 in reply to Jaydee1507


SlowDragon profile image

What are you prescribed propranolol for?

How much are you taking

Propranolol lowers uptake and conversion of thyroid hormones

Goinginsane1 profile image
Goinginsane1 in reply to SlowDragon

for anxiety symptoms including fast heart rate, chest pain.

I was taking between 20 and 80 a day. I honestly feel like the propranolol made my chest pain worse and it has left my heart feeling really quite shallow and it feels like it’s working much harder than it should especially when I am more relaxed.

I stopped the propranolol after the lunch time dose on Thursday. The blood test was done Friday at 9am.

I didn’t eat or drink anything and my last thyroxine was the morning before approx 25 hours before.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Goinginsane1

You would need to be off propranolol weeks to get true reading

It’s extremely important not to stop propranolol suddenly

Absolutely essential to ween off propranolol very slowly

How much do you typically take everyday day

Anxiety is a very common hypothyroid symptom and should improve as dose of levothyroxine is slowly increased

Getting vitamin levels optimal will also reduce anxiety

Especially improving very low ferritin

Vitamin levels are CAUSED by not being on high enough dose levothyroxine

Trying strictly gluten free diet may help significantly too

I was stuck on 4 x 10mg propranolol for almost 20 years…..going strictly gluten free and getting vitamin levels optimal…..enabled me to very very slowly reduce and then stop propranolol…..took 4-6 months……more on my profile

Hopeful129 profile image

I have a feeling of fast heart rate and anxiety. My ferritin is 23 and there is a list of low ferritin symptoms including these and and many more. I’m working on increasing my levels

Goinginsane1 profile image
Goinginsane1 in reply to Hopeful129

I have bought some iron supplements this afternoon and taken one. I am mindful of taking it at least 4hours after thyroxine.

What symptoms did you have due to low ferritin?

Hopeful129 profile image
Hopeful129 in reply to Goinginsane1

I take thyroid medication first thing, at least an hour before any food. I take iron tablet ( ferrous fumulate from doctors) with a vitamin c tablet mid pm on empty stomach. It’s early days. My symptoms are muscle twitching, sore muscles, fatigue, heart palpitations , racing heart beat, anxiety and sleep jerks. Need to sort out my thyroid meds and waiting for some t3 but know that hypothyroid and low ferritin symptoms similar

greygoose profile image

the Drs report says it’s a bit odd as TSH is high but so is T4 and a bit of a contradiction.

Not really, because your FT3 is too low. You are a poor converter, I'm afraid.

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