I am on various supplements via my old FD but Selenium is one that has never been added for me. I read so many posts on the importance of this when you have Hashi's but it's something I never added because back in 2019 I private tested and my levels were fine and I am aware if you supplement on certain vits and minerals you can get toxic, so I am careful what I add.
I looked at possibly adding this as so many seem to be taking it. I prefer to test first but it's around £100 and with the private therapy I am having, it's all getting costly again.
Should I in fact be supplementing and if so, at what safe dose please?
Same with zinc, another one that a lot seem to take and another one you can take too much of. Within a supplement I take there is 5mg?
My current list of supps is:-
2 Digestive enzymes with each meal (only twice a day)
500mg Vit C twice daily
340mg Magneisum Glycinate at night
Apex Engergetics Tributyrin 350 Active (1 twice daily although she recommended 2 twice daily but starting off slow) - to shift microbiome to a more favourable balance and support immune system. Also helps with blood sugar regulation
Apex Engergetics Apex omega co 3 SE - 2 daily - -this is for immune regulation and inflammatory response - contains GLA in the correct ratio with EPA/DHA
Seeking Health B Complex Plus - 1 per day
Apex engergetics Apex Nourish Greens - for extra nutrients (not started yet)
Apex Energetics Apex HistoX - to help with histamine breakdown - not taking yet
Comments and recommendations please?