I have under function of thyroid glands and also osteoarthritis for a number of years. Since over a year I notice that the ball of my feet as well as the back of my toes feel 'numb', especially first thing in the morning when I wake up. Sometimes this sensation is also there during the night. Rather unpleasant, but it goes once I am up. I've asked my GP and my rheumatologist, but they could not give me an answer. I was wondering whether someone here at the Forum can give me any information. Thanking you in advance for your help. Lola 2003
Numbness in feet: I have under function of... - Thyroid UK
Numbness in feet

Hi Lola,
I have this too, ask for a podiastrist referral, I had a Moreton's Neuroma (a tiny lump) between two toes that presses on a nerve and gives you numbness. The podiatrist gave me shoe insoles with a lump further back up the foot, was very uncomfortable at first but it has forced the metatarsals apart and made space for the lump. If its bad, they can operate, but I was told I might lose feeling in those toes so to wait and see if the shoe insert works (which it does).
Plantar fascitis is also very common in hypothyroid patients, this goes to the heel.
Hope that helps 🌱🦋🌱

What are your most recent thyroid and vitamin results
How much levothyroxine are you currently taking
Is it always same brand
What vitamin supplements
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 tested
Also both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested at least once for autoimmune thyroid disease (hashimoto’s)
Very important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 at least once year minimum
Thanks Slow Dragon for your comments. I am on 75mcg. Levothyroxine on one day and 100mcg. the next day. My GP tests me regularly, and Vitamin levels are ok. They do not test FT3 and FT4 here in the UK. Main concern is testing for CLL Will talk to her about B12 when I see her on next appointment.
This is a U.K. based forum and by far and away the busiest forum on Health Unlocked
The reason there’s over 130,000 members is exactly because just testing TSH is completely inadequate
all thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)
Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or all relevant vitamins
List of private testing options and money off codes
Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins
Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins
Just Thyroid includes BOTH TPO and TG antibodies -£49
If you can get GP to test vitamins then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3
£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off down to £26.10 if go on thyroid uk for code
Monitor My Health also now offer thyroid and vitamin testing, plus cholesterol and HBA1C for £65
(Doesn’t include thyroid antibodies)
10% off code here
Only do private testing early Monday or Tuesday morning.
Link about thyroid blood tests
Examples of private testing results
Blue Horizon
monitor my health results
I would suggest you get tested for type 2 diabetes because that can make feet numb.
And I would also suggest plantar fasciitis as another possibility. I had this but it disappeared when I raised my levels of Free T3. I'd had problems with my feet since childhood.
Doctors usually suggest exercise as a cure for plantar fasciitis. I don't believe that works when the cause is low T3.
I would suggest getting your B12 tested, as I believe numbness can be a sign of low B12
I have this. Started like yours but is much worse now. Very painful and burns and stings at night. I am sure it's thyroid related. My B12 is good, I'm not diabetic, I've had plantar fasciitis and it's not that and I don't have any lumps in my feet. Both are affected equally.
I struggle with T3 in it's pure form so I am just trying NDT at the moment to see if I can get any relief from this and other hypothyroid symptoms. I hope so. I have no idea what else it could be that could affect both feet equally. It's horrible. It's got so bad that my balance is affected now because I can't feel the ground very well.
I too suggest you get Vit b12 and folate checked. I need VitB12 up at , or over 1000, or I get lack of feeling in the soles of my feet. At times it feels as if the soles of my feet are asleep, if that makes sense. At its worst, the lack of feeling does not allow proper feedback from the accelerator pedal or brake pedal when driving. I have taken high dose Vit b12 since 2013, but only since joining the forum did I become aware that folate needs to be near top of the range, for Vit B12 to work properly.
I was never aware of having low folate either until I joined the forum and asked at G.P. surgery for historical past results for folate. Turns out I had had folate tested years ago which was 0.01 over the bottom of the range. I was never made aware that folate was low , and practically deficient. I therefore only supplemented VitB12.
Turns out I do have genetic problems re. folate and vit B12 which I have only managed to find out about a few months ago , despite being tested 2 years ago. Part of the Vit B12 problem is likely to do with the final step involved for adenosylcobalamin. Fortunately, in the last few years, I have made sure that I take methylcobalamin. I also have a high strength liquid sublingual combination product by Vitablossom, from Amazon which is a combination of methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin and hydroxocobalamin.I would recommend this to cover all the bases as to type of vit B12 you take.
Hope this helps.
I have been so touched that so many of you answered to my query. Will make notes and talk to my GP about of these possibilities when I see her in 2 weeks time. I believe my Vitamin levels are ok. I do take Vit. D regularly, am also sure B12 is ok. Thank you for all your info. Was interesting to read how many of you have that numbness in the feet !
I have numb feet that's now extending up to mid calf. This has been going on for years and has gradually spread. I recently got checked by a neurologist for Peripheral Neuropathy but she said I don't have that, but didn't offer any further explanation, I have had Coeliac Disease and hypthyroidism for 30 years and I don't convert Levothyroxine so that's been an ongoing battle.
I've never had any explanation for the foot numbness though which is a very persistent and unconfortable sensation.

Sorry that you have that sensation for so long. Mine gladly goes when I get up and start moving around. It is still an odd and unpleasant sensation on the balls of my feet and the underside of all the toes. But I do not have pain there.

My 80 year old hypothyroid neighbour has been complaining of numbness and pain and balance issues for a couple of years....fought hard for lots of tests and finally got to see the podiatrist last week....who thinks the pain and redness is Raynaulds?? Balance is a mystery. I was thinking it was to do with her undertrested thyroid. Like me she was given 50mcg years ago and told its now normal.
much of my foot pain disappeared after I was given folic acid by doctor due to being deficient in blood tests. Have you had your vitamins tested?
A friend of mine suggested I should take folic acid to help tummy problems. I mentioned this to my GP and she said I should not take this under no circumstances because I have CLL. So I'm glad I didn't go to the Health Shop and get some ..............Thank you for your reply. All are so appreciated.
look into neuropathy. B12 would help.
It sounds like neuropathy to me. I have had it for years affecting different limbs/ extremities in slightly different ways. Due to problems keeping fT3 levels decent I’ve been struggling with plantar fasciitis for quite some time. I also had Morton’s neuroma sone years ago. It was totally different to neuropathy causing extreme pain and reducing me to wearing gardening shoes to work. Only surgery helped then and result was amazing. I supplement B12 to help with neuropathy in addition to prescription medication.
Should say I am diabetic as well as hypo so no surprise that neuropathy is present. I do suggest you a chat with GP.
Definately B12 and check folate also. I would advise getting an active b12 test as serum can sometimes be 'in range' whereas its our active level thats important. It goes hand in hand with the conditions you suffer with