b12 range 211-911 my level is 206.
b12 206 do I need to supplement : b12 range 21... - Thyroid UK
b12 206 do I need to supplement

Hi Mccrae
Absolutely you
Need to supplement, 😱 has the doctor said nothing? There is a link to a post that may help inform at the bottom of my reply.SlowDragon has a wealth of info that she provides on this topic and she also advises if your vitamins are out/low the utilisation of thyroid hormones can be compromised. I notice you haven’t filled in your bio. If you click on my face you will see mine - it’s good to do and can help people get a bit of background to your situation and give better advice from a lived experience perspective- I’m presuming you are hypo? Link below 😊👍
thyroidectomy 2013 secondary to benign nodules.
Hi Again Mccrae 😊
So totally hypo by virtue of no thyroid which is not the most common route to hypothyroidism. I’m one of the common variety- Hashimoto’s.
Are you on mono therapy or combo or NDT?
If you have vitamin deficiency/ies you need to supplement, but how is your thyroid hormone replacement therapy going? Everything works together and if everything isn’t optimal (rather than the ridiculous term normal which is a misused term) you won’t be at your best.
Could you share recent/latest results for thyroid and vitamins with us that you have? Make sure with ranges and units and anonymised.
Do you follow protocol advised on here for blood tests? Early morning advisable, fasting bloods, nothing but water (but plenty) and take meds after or modify dosing if on combo.
How are you actually feeling right now and could you tell us any OTHER health issues? Sometimes if we keep an eye on things we can ‘head stuff off at the pass’
Have a read of the link to useful post and come back and give us some more background to situation. SlowDragon advice got me back on my feet 🤗❤️
I take NAMEBRAND synthroid. Waiting to take labs in a couple weeks. I feel my best when tsh is 4 or 5. I just started bhrt for perimenapause. Haven’t worked in 4 years due to symptoms. Present symptoms
Swollen tongue
Short of breath
Tingling hands and feet
Hair loss
Actually just increased antidepressant because I didn’t know what else to do
😱 gosh not sure about swollen tongue but just about every other symptom mentioned screams under medicated. Glad others have come in with advice.
Swollen tongue, Scalloped tongue is a hypothyroid symptom thyroiduk.org/if-you-are-un...
Hi Mcrae. Shame on your GP not acting on such a low B12 level! Are you vegetarian? Not eating meat can cause a very low B12.....as the main source of b12 is in meat. Your GP should be checking cause. So before supplementing ask GP to check your Intrunsic Factor. This is a test for PA. However this test still misses 50% of PA. At this low level if not due to diet its extremely likely you will need B12 injections. Have a look at the B12d.org website. It has a very helpful assessment sheet of symptoms. If you have any neurological symptoms such as blurred or double vision, pins & needles, tingling or sense of electric shocks running up down, numbness, memory loss, robotic feeling in legs when trying to walk, weakness then your GP should not delay treatment whilst running further blood tests. Neurological symptoms should be treated with alternate day b12 injections until all is resolved.....which can take a long time.
will b12 affect synthroid absorption?
Might affect effective uptake into the cells but not absorption. We do know that patients on thyroid treatment need an optimal level of B12 to feel well. And it commonly low in Hypothyroidism. But not as low as yours....however I don't know your test ranges and I was basing it on uk ranges. You are in the USA Ive realised.....so the test may use a different range. Hence my request for the ranges.
my level 206 lab ranges (211-911) is there still a need for supplementation
Although based in Wales, UK, the Pernicious Anaemia Society forum might be worth joining.
You absolutely do need to supplement. You probably should have at least a course of B12 injections. (Precise practice varies by country.)
BUT - if you supplement now, that will mean that future blood tests will not show the esame very low B12, and can also affect Intrinsic Factor antibody tests.
Further, if you are considering any other supplementation, be aware that taking folic acid while very low on B12 can cause problems. Always start treating B12 before folate/folic acid.
Yes! You are below range too. You must feel awful. You will need injections of B12.....a specialist once told me when you ate that low & are a meat eater it's unlikely supplementation eith tablets will work. Get the Intrinsic Factor done.
Igf level 229 range for my age (118-298)
I truly don’t understand that lab but that was result
Sorry I don't know know what the igf test is. Have you been checked for coeliacs?
IGF would be Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)
Intrinsic Factor antibodies is a completely different test to that.
From one UK lab:
Reference ranges
Less than 1.20 AU/mL: Negative
Results are considered negative for the detection of intrinsic factor antibody. Samples with ratios less than the negative cut-off are reported as negative.
1.21 to 1.52 AU/mL: Equivocal
Results that are above the negative cut-off and below the positive cut-off are regarded as equivocal and are reported as equivocal
Greater than 1.53 AU/mL: Positive
Results are considered positive for the detection of intrinsic factor antibody and are reported as positive
But there is no certainty that the lab which did yours will use anything like the same reference intervals. Especially as the units are "arbitrary units" so only comparable to other results on the same system.
Im sorry to hear this but not surprised given your b12 level. Do you know the ranges of the b12 blood test - figures in brackets. Definitely see your GP. Go on the website I mentioned and do their assessment sheet. Fatigue is a big factor with B12 deficiency too. Ask your GP to check for anemia too. Endocrinologist would not know about PA or b12deficisncy, I'm afraid.
Oh nooo thats terrible. Is it worth ringing their reception & explain about your very low B12 and you need an urgent sppointment. You maybe be able to order this test online but I don't know who you go to in America. There are postal blood tests. Do it yourself ones....finger prick involved. On Thyroid UK website there is a list but I don't know if it applies to America. Lol