Has anyone tried LDN to stimulate the thyroid gland? Or for any other condition?
I have been taking LDN for 5 days
Has anyone tried LDN to stimulate the thyroid gland? Or for any other condition?
I have been taking LDN for 5 days
You presumably mean taking LDN as well T3/levo
LDN is not a replacement
It doesn’t stimulate thyroid
Posts that mention LDN
Hello Jen i took LDN for a few years - to suppress my overactive immune system (i have non-responsive coeliac disease and Thyroid condition) i really believed it would help me to modulate my immune system. There is a lot of compelling research to show it helps some. It didnt help me though and after 2 years of paying for the consultations and medication i started to experience sleep issues and my GP suggested i try stopping LDN to see if that was the root cause of my problems. I felt better when I wasn’t taking it so i stopped. Good luck and i hope it does help you.
I took LDN until I had a serious back injury and even that small amount stopped the Opiod pain killers working. Before that I had a reaction to the Levothyroxine I had just been prescribed which caused a lump in my throat feeling and radiating chest pains. Whilst looking at something else during an Endoscopy they discovered I had Esinophillic Oesophagitis. The LDN worked like a wonder to stop those very unpleasant feelings immeciately ! I have recently started taking it again now off opiods. There has been no significant improvement in my Thyroid though.
Hi thanks for replying. Do you have your thyroid gland or was it removed? I have half of mine so hoping the half will reboot with the LDN. Do you have regular blood tests?
How much LDN do you take?
Does your GP prescribe it?
Thank you
Jen 😁
I have my Thyroid.
In 5/6yrs I’ve had two NHS blood tests despite also having other health issues and under 6 consultants. So no, no regular blood tests. I intend to pay privately soon. I have paid a lot for other private tests.
Because I reacted to the Levothyroxine I have to buy NDT which costs a few hundred on top of all other supplements and the LDN which I buy from a compounding pharmacy on private prescription.
I do know it stopped the Esinophillic Oesophagitis symptoms that day ! And when I ran out it was awful again until I got more LDN and then the symptoms stopped without LDN altogether.
I dont know if it does anything for Hashimotos but my TPO antibodies had dropped alot on the second test. But thats not enough evidence to say.
Hope that helps x
Hello Jenholder :
I do not believe LDN offers any thyroid function - and not aware it is promoted as a thyroid hormone support medication.
I read you have had a hemi thyroidectomy and it seems had additional health issues because of being poorly treated for hypothyroidism but have found some relief of symptoms on T3 - Liothyronine only.
Why is your doctor wanting to reduce your current medication ?