eGFR and contrast CT: Feeling a bit queasy after... - Thyroid UK

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eGFR and contrast CT

Regenallotment profile image
30 Replies

Feeling a bit queasy after my own research with Dr. Google.

I’m looking for reassurance that my GP is trying to cure rather than kill me.

I’ve been booked in for a CT scan following an ultrasound that showed two small cysts. Possible parathyroid involvement.

Letter in the post this morning from radiology saying please get an eGFR blood test before the injection of dye during the scan.

DYE? 😰

Google suggests a sensitive autoimmune Hashi little flower 🌸 like myself may well experience hyperthyroid symptoms for up to 16 weeks after from this. 16 WEEKS? That’s April!!! Or hypothyroid symptoms for an indeterminate amount of time. I’ve literally just started to settle after 4 weeks @100mcg and am worried this is going to **** about with my thyroid hormones.

If anyone is going to react to something it’s me. I react to everything 😥

Is this true? Should I make a fuss and seek an alternative form of scan? Should auto immune thyroid patients have CT with Dye?

am I over reacting? Entirely possible but one site suggested fatal complications bmcendocrdisord.biomedcentr...

Approaching meltdown 😭

I have so little trust in my GP surgery.

Have also discovered thyroid related treatment at my local hospital is managed by ENT, looked up the local ENT surgeons and they are all ear specialists. I’m jumping the gun there, but very worried about surgeons with no experience in thyroid treating me. Is it possible to go out of area with NHS when local services (very rural area) don’t have the skills?

Please lovely experts tell it to me straight. CT & dye OK or swerve and demand an alternative 🦋💚🦋

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Regenallotment profile image
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30 Replies
humanbean profile image

I think this question has come up several times on the forum. When the question last arose lots of people said they had had no adverse effects, I don't recall anyone saying they had had a problem.

You might find this link of interest :


I've had contrast dye in the past - both iodine and gadolinium. I followed instructions and made sure I drank lots of water in the 24 hours beforehand and also in the 2 to 3 days afterwards. It helps to wash the contrast dye out of your body.

I have never had any adverse effects. Whether you will be okay is something nobody can predict as far as I'm aware.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to humanbean

Thank you for the reassurance, much appreciated. I don't have any info about drinking water but will follow your advice. Did you take a day off work or go back in afterwards?

Thanks, Regen

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Regenallotment

I've been perfectly fine (or no worse than usual) after all the scans I've had.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Regenallotment

Oh, I do get the warm feeling, mostly in my bladder, that makes me feel like I need to pee (or have urinated). It only lasts a few seconds though.

bantam12 profile image

Doing the blood test beforehand is routine. I’ve had loads of contrast CTs and MRIs and never had any problems, I had 5 last year alone !

Regenallotment profile image

Ah OK so I've scared myself silly, thanks for sharing this, it does make me feel less anxious. I'm reading through the link from humanbean which is super informative.

snow22 profile image

I am in London and was worried about the iodine contrast for C T scan, was not offered an alternative. Before scan TSH was nearly 4 and a month later 0.7. I went hyper. Was not listened to by medics and refused sleeping tablets. So I came off levothyroxine and have never touched it since. Like you my body is very reactive and often I need a smaller dose than others.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to snow22

thank you, this has been my worry. So you’ve not needed Levo since? At all? How long ago was this? Do you have any symptoms?

snow22 profile image
snow22 in reply to Regenallotment

this was march 2020. Not touched Levo since. Feel better now than then. As Jan 2020 was in a and E and discharged myself at 3 am as falling asleep on chair and regulurly in bed by 6-7pm. Now can make it to 8-9pm.

TMartin06 profile image

Hi, I actually work in CT and i get why you're concerned. It's called a dye but it's actually clear, so it won't make your pee blue or anything weird like that! A better name for it is contrast, as it helps contrast different parts of your organs against each other We test your kidney function beforehand just to make sure everything is working okay. If anything gets picked up there, then it would be a discussion with Dr's as to whether it's worth doing a scan without the contrast. Having the contrast does give a whole lot more detail though.

The only people I've ever seen have reactions to the contrast have a known iodine allergy or have multiple drug allergies. Of course if you're worried on the day, ask your radiographer to talk through things!

As humanbean said, drink water before and after (about an extra litre should do) as it gives your kidneys a hand flushing everything out :)

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to TMartin06

Thanks for this, it’s very reassuring. I’m allergic to aspirin, sulphites, lactose, lots of cosmetics, dust, cats, cleaning products, soaps etc. Before this forum I was snacking on dried seaweed and eating miso soup with seaweed to try and stave my salt cravings without eating crisps, but of course made myself more hypo. Love shellfish too. Don’t think I’m allergic to iodine. Fingers x’d it’s a routine response from me then. Much appreciated, 🦋💚🦋

snow22 profile image

look at related posts esp one by kazbe many people had a reaction and needed antidote so some suggest not taking contrast unless you need to see blood flow.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to snow22

Thanks for this, I’ll have a read. Really appreciate you signposting this 💚

suelemaistre profile image

Hi , my daughter(30) had an adenoma on her parathyroid, fortunately picked up by a vigilant doctor during pregnancy . She had a blood test that showed her parathyroid hormones were very high and her calcium levels were very high . Have you had blood test ? Due to the incompetence of the surgeon in jersey she travelled to Oxford and had surgery there , I believe the surgeon is one of the top parathyroid surgeons in Uk . Fantastic outcome She did have the dye test , but a couple of days before surgery . Not sure if allowed to name surgeon in Oxford but can private message you . I understand there is a parathyroid group which helped my daughter , which I can send to you . Hoping all goes well for you 😊 and this helps

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to suelemaistre

thank you! I’ve been reading about the Oxford clinic, we aren’t far Geographically from there so perhaps that’s an option if needed. Glad to hear your daughter was able to do that. This is what I was hoping, so it sounds like a referral is possible if skills in the area are weak. Yes being sent for blood tests to discover PTH too. Credit to this particular GP. She does seem to be ‘on it’ she was the one that spotted HRT wasn’t what I needed, and diagnosed sub clinical before auto immune. Despite being rural she told me she’s worked in 11 hospitals and in ICU. Maybe I should have a little more faith 🦋💚🦋

suelemaistre profile image
suelemaistre in reply to Regenallotment

so glad have amazing doctor . My daughter was operated on in jersey , took out lymph glands rather than parathyroid tissue 😡 So grateful we found Mr K in Oxford , excellent surgeon and very kind and reassuring. The surgeon in Jersey was ENT supposedly with 15 years of experience . 😊

userotc profile image

My mum currently has annual CT & dye checks following a nephrectomy due to renal cell carcinoma. She needs to drink lots and also get as warm as possible to enable the procedure to be as good as possible (difficult for her due to collapsed veins).

I was unaware of the thyroid link. Maybe that explains why she has fairly regular thyroid bloods - albeit only TSH? If so, it wouldve been nice for the medics to inform her.... or maybe she just "doesnt need to know", as usual 😌

rick2525 profile image

I had Nephrectomy OP due to renal cell carcinoma in 2018. Since then I have had CT scans every 6 months for first 3 years and annually since all with contrast dye. Like you I was concerned about the dye. I discussed this with my oncologist specialist who reassured me it would have no adverse effect on my remaining kidney. I can confirm it has had no effect on me. I was diagnosed Hypothyroid in August 2020 but I cannot blame this on the dye because my drs diagnosed sub clinical hypothyroidism in 2016 but did not treat me until my TSH was above 10 which it became in Aug 2020 at 11.1

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to rick2525

thanks for this, goodness you must have been very unwell when you were finally diagnosed hypo. Hope you are feeling better nowadays 💚

Digger0 profile image

The blood test is just to check your kidney function. I have had CT and MRI's with contrast dye and have had no problems at all. I just make sure I drink plenty of water in the following 24 hours to get rid of the dye. It's just an odd feeling when the dye gets injected, as if you have wet yourself - warm and damp!

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Digger0

good to know! Thanks 💚

cgauthie profile image

I went hyperthyroid from iodine used in CT and mri scans. They can do it without. Tell them you are allergic. There is contrast they use for pregnant women that is safe.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to cgauthie

thank! That’s good to know. I’ll talk it through with them 💚

snow22 profile image

I don’t know if their is a link, but my body does over react to caffeine, sometimes I can manage one coffee at breakfast. I read this happens to 20 per cent of population. So I predicted I would over react to iodine and I did.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to snow22

thanks for this, yes I have to have decaff otherwise I’m a jittery mess and feel sick. Takes over 24 hours to clear. I’ll mention it to them. Much appreciated. Naomi

Spangle15 profile image

Last time I had a scan (not parathyroid) that was supposed to be with contrast, I asked for it without and they still did it.

I also did have a parathyroid adenoma, and it wasn't picked up in the contrast scan, it was actually found via ultrasound.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Spangle15

interesting you say that, the video on in Florida says they often don’t show up on a scan they check them during surgery with a sensor that detects normal tissue v abnormal tissue. They aren’t sure where mine are by the sound of it, trying to rule out parathyroid. Thanks 💚

Spangle15 profile image
Spangle15 in reply to Regenallotment

What do your bloods show - calcium and pth?

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Spangle15

Don’t know yet, blood tests booked for next week.

Regenallotment profile image

Spoke to X Ray department today confirming eGFR blood test appointment and they investigated CT with contrast and Hashimoto’s with staff. Rang me back and offered MRI instead. No reason to risk being unwell, was their position. Hope the GP is OK with that 🙈

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