Feeling a bit queasy after my own research with Dr. Google.
I’m looking for reassurance that my GP is trying to cure rather than kill me.
I’ve been booked in for a CT scan following an ultrasound that showed two small cysts. Possible parathyroid involvement.
Letter in the post this morning from radiology saying please get an eGFR blood test before the injection of dye during the scan.
DYE? 😰
Google suggests a sensitive autoimmune Hashi little flower 🌸 like myself may well experience hyperthyroid symptoms for up to 16 weeks after from this. 16 WEEKS? That’s April!!! Or hypothyroid symptoms for an indeterminate amount of time. I’ve literally just started to settle after 4 weeks @100mcg and am worried this is going to **** about with my thyroid hormones.
If anyone is going to react to something it’s me. I react to everything 😥
Is this true? Should I make a fuss and seek an alternative form of scan? Should auto immune thyroid patients have CT with Dye?
am I over reacting? Entirely possible but one site suggested fatal complications bmcendocrdisord.biomedcentr...
Approaching meltdown 😭
I have so little trust in my GP surgery.
Have also discovered thyroid related treatment at my local hospital is managed by ENT, looked up the local ENT surgeons and they are all ear specialists. I’m jumping the gun there, but very worried about surgeons with no experience in thyroid treating me. Is it possible to go out of area with NHS when local services (very rural area) don’t have the skills?
Please lovely experts tell it to me straight. CT & dye OK or swerve and demand an alternative 🦋💚🦋