constipation: Coping with constipation - Thyroid UK

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Cyclehappy profile image
31 Replies

Coping with constipation

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Cyclehappy profile image
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31 Replies
Jazzw profile image

Hi Cyclehappy. You have my every sympathy on this one!

I see from previous posts you’re on carbimazole. How long has it been since you last had thyroid blood tests? Is it possible you’ve tipped into hypothyroidism now?

greygoose profile image

Constipation is something a lot of us get. The best things to help are magnesium citrate and large doses of vit C.

Four things to think about with constipation:

1. Are you getting enough fibre? You need fibre for your transit, BUT you don't want too much fibre because it could affect the absorption of your levo, making you more hypo, and therefore possibly more constipated. It's a matter of finding the right balance.

2. Are you drinking enough water? Your body needs a constant supply of water, and if it's not getting enough, it will suck your poo dry (sorry for that image!) to get the water, leaving you more constipated and unable to 'go'.

3. Do you have low stomach acid? Low stomach acid can be caused by being hypo, but also by low-salt diets and B12 deficiency (also old age, but not much you can do about that). Low stomach acid will cause constipation. So, you need to check your nutrients, and your stomach acid level (bicarb test), and if either are low, you need to raise them.

4. Do you, by any chance, have high levels of calcium? Because that, too, can cause constipation. So, that’s another thing that wants testing.

Cyclehappy profile image
Cyclehappy in reply to greygoose

Thank you Greygoose. I have heard that magnesium citrate is good but worry about taking too many vitamins and minerals. I take B12 and D3 in addition to 5mg carbimazole and 5mg amlidopine. I have regular blood tests and currently am still being prescribed carbimazole but my GP checks the readings and has hinted that I may be able to stop the medication in a few month's time to see if the readings stabilize. I do drink plenty of fluids but also have to pee a lot, which probably doesn't help!

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to Cyclehappy

If you’re currently “bunged” (technical term! :) ), prune juice is marvellous stuff. Works well for maintenance too, small glass a day with breakfast.

Cyclehappy profile image
Cyclehappy in reply to Jazzw

Thanks for your input. Prune juice is now on my shopping list!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cyclehappy

If you're taking vit D, you should be taking magnesium anyway. The two work together, and if you don't supplement magnesium, the vit D will deplete your levels - which are probably pretty low, anyway.

What do you mean by 'too many vitamins and minerals'? If you need them, you should take them, regardless of how many.

Cyclehappy profile image
Cyclehappy in reply to greygoose

Thank you for your advice. I will try some magnesium, especially as you say it should be taken with vit D (I didn't know that) I have always been wary of taking any medication but since being diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and high BP, have had to accept that sometimes it is necessary and if supplements help, then I will try to embrace them.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cyclehappy

Supplements are just replacing what you can't get from your food, for whatever reason. Hardly on a par with medication. :)

Marymary7 profile image
Marymary7 in reply to Cyclehappy

Make sure it’s magnesium citrate not magnesium oxide which is very hard to absorb. I use Solgar which is expensive but works, two at night, it helps sleep too.

Cyclehappy profile image
Cyclehappy in reply to Marymary7

Thank you. I have ordered magnesium citrate capsules and should receivers tomorrow

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Cyclehappy

I take alot of medication for different ailments and Magnesium Citrate hasn’t interfered with any of them …I take it a couple of hours before bed it also relaxes me.

SlowDragon profile image

What are your most recent thyroid results

Just testing TSH is completely inadequate….as TSH often stays suppressed months after Ft4 and Ft3 reduce

Test thyroid levels early morning for highest TSH

Essential to test vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin

Is GP testing these

Sounds like Gp is hinting you’re now hypothyroid

Low vitamin levels extremely common when hypothyroid and tend to lower TSH….

if your taking B12 you likely need separate Vitamin b complex too

But …..Test Vitamin levels before starting

You are legally entitled to printed copies of your blood test results and ranges.

The best way to get access to current and historic blood test results is to register for online access to your medical record and blood test results

UK GP practices are supposed to offer everyone online access for blood test results. Ring and ask if this is available and apply to do so if possible, if it is you may need "enhanced access" to see blood results.

Link re access

In reality many GP surgeries do not have blood test results online yet

Alternatively ring receptionist and request printed copies of results. Allow couple of days and then go and pick up.

Important to see exactly what has been tested and equally important what hasn’t been tested yet


For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3

Very important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am

This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)

Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or all relevant vitamins

List of private testing options and money off codes

Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins

Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins

Only do private testing early Monday or Tuesday morning. 

Watch out for postal strikes, probably want to pay for guaranteed 24 hours delivery 

Cyclehappy profile image
Cyclehappy in reply to SlowDragon

I do have the NHS app and access my results, which is very helpful. The last readings were still within the accepted range but my next blood test is at the end of this month so will be interested to see the results.

Pixipot profile image

Try selenium daily it works wonders 😊

Buzcat profile image

I had chronic constipation after being switched from Mercury pharmacy levothyroxine to Teva now have extensive diverticulitis

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to Buzcat

oh I’m sorry

All caused by Teva?

Did you report it to the Yellow Book?

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to HowNowWhatNow

lots of reactions like this go unreported. We all should be submitting to yellow card.

Yellow book makes me think of yellow pages. 😀

Buzcat profile image
Buzcat in reply to Buzcat

yes I did put in a yellow card like hundreds of others that was switched from MP to Teva.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to Buzcat

Go you!

Well done.

Was there any result from that?

pennyannie profile image

Hey there :

How are your mouth ulcers now ?

Were you swopped to a different anti thyroid medication and feel any better ?

Do you have any blood test results to share now ?

To be constipated while being treated for an overactive thyroid sounds as though you are now underactive and need your AT drug reduced down ?

Brightness14 profile image

I have had the same problem since 2006 after the removal of my Gallbladder. I take lactoluse which works more or less straight away. I also buy and eat dried prunes. The Lactulose was the result of a visit to the Pharmacy she was so helpful and told me it worked well and was easy on the stomach. If you can buy tins of prunes it's cheaper but they must be in prunes juice not apple juice.

limonene7 profile image

Some people find dairy very constipating and don't realise it because they consume it everyday. Different types of fibres can produce different results, it may be worth experimenting...pears for example can be excellent as they contain sorbitol. Spinach may also be very helpful but would need to experiment to see what works best.

For stubborn or chronic constipation, some people find getting a colonic hydrotherapy session (usually around £80) to be a godsend and may also get everything moving again.

Lizzab profile image

Try raw carrot salad.

Eat it mid afternoon. An hour away from food.

Grate a couple of carrots long ways on a hand grater. Rinse it well until the Bester runs clear.

Put it in a bowl. A little vinegar, salt and olive oil or coconut oil (which you will have to melt). Adjust the three ingredients to suit your taste and use good quality oil and vinegar.

Give it two weeks and see how you are.

It's kind of like a toothbrush for the gut.

Keeps me 'moving'. I hope you like carrots!

Charlie-Farley profile image

Hi Cyclehappy

Through going gluten-free I have found the new (better) GF breads often contain phsyllum husk - improves the texture of the bread -. Also improves bowel movements and can be got in health food shops. Inulin is great, I sprinkle a teaspoon into my oats before making porridge. Keeping hydrated and magnesium citrate. I do occasionally have issues now but generally due to not managing the situation 😬. I have the tools now.

Persevere99 profile image


Fibre, fibre, fibre is what you’re prob not getting enough of?

The body can’t digest it, so, with lots of water, it has no way to go but out.

All bran, banana skins, mango skins, Inulin powder et al.

Good luck!


Jaybrooke profile image

rhubarb complex twentyfirstcenturyherbs, hexham UK amazing results ,no gripe pain or bloating unlike laxatives.

Cyclehappy profile image

Thank you for all your comments and suggestions. Am trying Magnesium citrate and flax seeds initially. I also eat plenty of fruit, so hopefully some of these measures will help. I have more blood tests later this month so will find out whether I have gone hypo.

anniec11 profile image
anniec11 in reply to Cyclehappy

You are probably quite overwhelmed with suggestions now. Here's another. Lol . I have suffered with that problem very badly for about 4 years. Tests showed no problems. I took laxatives then was prescribed Laxido. That worked for a while, then stopped. Tried Prunes... no luck. I was having granola with fresh fruit for breakfast. No good. Finally, in desperation I tried fresh fruit with (here's the funny bit) a good amount of Kellogs All Bran. Success! This was 4 weeks ago and is still working. I fo make sure I drink a reasonable amount of water during the day Goes to show...we're all different. I am hypo by the way. I wish you luck, I know how awful it makes you feel.

Omg52 profile image

hello always an issue for me too…newly diagnosed hypo sub clinical and already discovering the different brands causing different symptoms 🤔my current new try’s for constipation with some success are large glass fresh orange with bits last thing at night & 2 kiwis last thing (probably something to do with low acid 🤷‍♀️)…I think soaking prunes for a bit helps too- at the same time when I find something works within a couple of weeks my body shouts no bored with that 😂 I eat plenty fibre but dr still put me on Fybogel 🤯…great suggestions from others that I will try and may give apple cider cider try before each meal 🤔

Triphala does the trick for me.

Ukie profile image

probiotics (not all the time, but if expecting a change of diet, e.g.holidays). I routinely have Weetabix and cabbage most days (not together haha). The biggest change in my ongoing constipation was getting more thyroid meds.

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