Hi I hope you’re all doing well.
Sorry if this has been posted before I have tried searching but can’t find it.
I have been on thyroxine for many many years but just felt in the last few years I have been struggling more.
Also my levels were always bottom of range for T3, higher in range for T4 and the gp had concerns over my tsh as it was just outside of range making him want to reduce my levo which was 150mcg
I have recently been referred to a thyroid consultant who in May put me on half grain (30mg) of ERFA NDT and to take 100mcg levothyroxine.
I am trying to get my recent blood results with him as I stupidly didn’t make a note at the time. He seemed to think it was ok but t3 still wasnt where it needed to be and tsh was still slightly suppressed so changed me to 1 grain of NDT (60mg) and 50mcg levothyroxine which I’ve been on for nearly 2 weeks now. I can’t say I feel any better in fact I’ve been so drained but I have just developed a virus and also work has been incredibly busy so it could be external factors. Does the conversion of reducing 100mcg levo and replacing with 60mg Ndt mean I would just feel the same or should I be feeling better with more T3? Assuming my T3 is a better level as still Awaiting the results but I’m assuming as ndt contains t3 it should be better???
Anecdotally I ran out of ndt around mid august whilst on holiday so reverted to just my original dose 150 mcg levo whilst I waited to get it back. In that period I had a thyroid test with nhs and the t3 level was 3.7 (range 3.1-6.8) but tsh 0.02 - as ever the tsh level was the only concern from my gp. My anxiety started getting really bad and when I restarted Ndt within 1 day my anxiety was significantly better - is that coincidence?