Has anyone tried both and found NDT alone to work best?
I am asking as it´s often said that T3 is the active hormone, and that too much T4 will just build up in the body, be execreted or converted to rT3, so it sounds logical to take some NDT and add T3 to avoid having too much T4 in the body.
However, after experimenting during the holidays, I find NDT alone to work better. I have tried to replace one grain of NDT (Thyroid-S) with 6.25 mcg of T3 (Unipharma T3) but I notice a difference: on NDT alone, I feel warmer and more energetic. Surprisingly enough, it seems that T4 is doing something for me that T3 is not...even more surprising: I feel a difference after just a couple of days, whereas I always believed that any increase or decrase in the T4 dosage would not be felt for weeks, given the relatively long half-life of T4.
It would be interesting to know if others have noticed the same thing.