I am reducing dairy intake and have been using oatmilk. However today I noted that it contains potassium iodide. Each 100mls contains 22ug . This is the only reasonably tasting milk substitute that I have been able to find and I have tried most of them! However I am concerned about the iodine content given that most advice I have seen suggests it is not recommended to supplement iodine when hypothyroid. I would welcome any advice please.

That 22 micrograms of iodine needs to be considered against your other iodine intake, how much oatmilk you consume, and that the standard requirement is often said to be 150 micrograms a day.
Remember that approximately 66% of levothyroxine (by weight) is iodine.
Then reflect on whether it is really going to make a big difference. I suspect it isn't. Many probably consume broadly equivalent as dairy milk! (Probably why they chose to add that amount of iodide!)
That is why I buy my oat milk from Riverford. It has fewer additions than any other oat milk I've seen.
Hi I'm not sure about oat milk But have you considered Camel milk?
Surprisingly it helps with under active thyroid pls check into it
My personal experience of trying anything to control my TSH levels
Camels milk is one of the alternative I switched to I found powder form most convenient (cost affective)
You can purchase it on line Please check the benefits they are truly incredible
I believe it contains natural form of T4 and T3
However this information is easily available on the Internet
I researched Camels milks affect on underactive thyroid
Thanks. So have you had to adjust/reduce your thyroid medication since taking camel milk?
" have you considered Camel milk?
Surprisingly it helps with under active thyroid pls check into it "
"Please check the benefits they are truly incredible
I believe it contains natural form of T4 and T3"
I'm finding it really really hard to believe there's any T4 and T3 in milk .. from whatever animal it comes .
I'm pretty sure you 're only going to find natural T4 and T3 in thyroid tissue , so unless your camels milk includes some camels thyroid gland .. it's highly unlikely to have any. ... and would no doubt taste pretty nasty of it did.
could you provide us with any evidence for this curious belief ?
Izabella Wentz and others support camel's milk for hypothyroidism but I haven't read enough to determine if valid and reliable research is used to support this. Also, not sure if drrid camel milk would be the same as fresh. thyroidpharmacist.com/artic...
Thankyou for the info . I stand corrected , it seems that there is a bit of T4 and T3 in camels milk (or at least sometimes, Izabella's article writes that levels are highest within 30 days of giving birth )... and it has some other very interesting properties . Apologies for my scepticism Pauper . Pricey though ... about £13 a pint.
I have managed to come of medication however I have used various homapathic and alternative medication I had to change my whole lifestyle including my diet after a long struggle I did manage to come off levothyroxine with normal TSH levels