Hi, I have been newly diagnosed with two large nodules (1.6 x 1.4 and 2.3 x 2.2) lower mid pole on either side of my multi nodule thyroid, the one on the right has been given a TI-RADS score of 5, meaning it’s extremely likely unconfirmed cancer. This was from the ultra sound scan on my neck. I don’t want to do the FNA at the moment.
All nodules appear solid and mildly hypoechoic.
My question is can they do a partial cut out on both sides of the Thyroid, leaving what’s left? My Thyroid functions well and I have a low TSH.
I have read all the terrible stories about trying to medicate with T4 and T3 tThyroid meds afterwards I’m very concerned about this.
Although in saying this if it all looks cancerous it can’t possibly stay.
No other symptoms except I’ve had a goitre for about 20 years and thought I should get it checked as it was enlarged.. I am 42, with school aged kids.
My operation is scheduled for next month. I am waiting on a response from my surgeon. Any other questions I should ask her?
Any help or comments/tips on any of the above would be very much appreciated, thanks in advance.
Kind regards