Hello, I hope you accept me. I joined this group today.
I have a rare syndrome called Pendred syndrome. It makes you deaf at birth and later on in life you get an enlargement of the thyroid gland with sometimes hypothyroidism.
I presently have a euthyroid multi-nodular goitre and I am not on any treatment for it. Does euthyroid mean it's borderline from being under active? I have been told it's borderline, but I doesn't need any treatment for it. But, over the few years I have noticed few things. One of my feet buzz, I get blue fingers, very heavy periods, indigestion problems, breathlessness and the worst one of all is anxiety. The anxiety happens at night when I am just drifting off to sleep, it suddenly hits me and shocks me awake. Horrible.
Should I get myself on thyroid tablets? Cos I can't put up with it anymore? Would my GP or consultant let me have them?
Thank you