Hi guys I have low FT3, TSH and FT4 ok. I’m awaiting a DUTCH plus test results for adrenals and hormones etc. I’ve severe CFS/ME. I’m on adaptogens and various supps, diet etc
Will thyroid glandular help the low T3?
Thanks all 🙏
Hi guys I have low FT3, TSH and FT4 ok. I’m awaiting a DUTCH plus test results for adrenals and hormones etc. I’ve severe CFS/ME. I’m on adaptogens and various supps, diet etc
Will thyroid glandular help the low T3?
Thanks all 🙏
In a word - no.
Are diagnosed hypothyroid and on Levothyroxine.
IF the thyroid glandular contains any thyroid hormone it will contain both T4 and T3 so it would raise your FT4 as well as FT3.
What are the results of the TSH, FT4 and FT3 tests? Can you post them, along with their reference ranges (these vary from lab to lab).
If TSH is 1 or below, and FT4 at the upper end of range with FT3 at lower end of range this is poor conversion.
Good conversion needs optimal nutrient levels, have you had Vit D, B12, Folate and Ferritin tested? If so can you post the results along with their ranges and unit of measurement for Vit D and B12.
If nutrient levels are optimal then it may just be a case of needing the addition of T3 to your Levo - assuming you have a diagnosis and taking Levo. If not supplementing with selenium is said to help conversion.
Hi thank you. Great name!
TSH 1.86 (0.27-4.2)
FT3 3.1 (3.1-6.8)
FT4 17.1 (12-22)
Vit D normal and B12 high but I’m supplementing. On folate too.
I’m not on Levo. I’ve just started selenium but I’m not sure if it’s made me more awake then more wired?? Not sure.
But that’s why I was wondering about thyroid glandulars with inactive hormones.
Thanks x
Is Vit D between 100-150nmol/L (or 40-60ng/ml) which is the level recommended by the Vit D Society and Grassroots Health?
Have you had ferritin tested? Some experts say that the optimal ferritin level for thyroid function is between 90-110 ng/ml. It would ideally need to be 70+ for conversion.
How much selenium are you taking?
Zinc also helps convert T4 to T3 so it might be worth testing that, along with copper as they need to be in balance.
Thanks Susie
Vit D 83nmol/l (50-200)
Ferritin 74 (10-200)
folate 17 (3-20.00)
selenium 1/4 of supp as so sensitive to all supplements
im on zinc and copper too
But you think no to the natural bovine thyriod glandular
thanks so much
Well your nutrient levels aren't too bad, your folate level is now very good so you could come off methylfolate and take a B Complex to keep all the B vitamins balanced.
But you think no to the natural bovine thyriod glandular
As I said, if it contains any hormone it will be both T4 and T3 so your FT4 is likely to rise as well as FT3 but it has to be your decision. Presumably you're seeing a practioner, what is their view?
Welcome to our forum.
There are mixed reviews on the forum regarding glandulars. I don't get on with them as make me spacey but some have found them extremely useful and others say they have actually replaced their prescription meds and are continuing to function well.
Dr Peatfield was a huge advocate of glandulars. He claimed whether the patient was medicating Levo or not taking a thyroid glandular could raise FT3 levels by improving T4 synergy on a cellular level and thus conversion abilities. He had many followers on this forum and his book is called "Your Thyroid & How To Keep It Healthy'.
Selenium & zinc will help with conversion, and adequate iron is essential in the making of thyroid hormones. Good ferritin levels aren't a definitive that iron levels are adequate because ferritin can be raised for other reasons. Given you have severe CFS/ME, I would ask for an iron panel to eliminate any masked anemia.
I took the DUTCH test too. It's extremely comprehensive. Have you a practitioner to help you interpret the results and direct you to which supplements will help with any found issues?