I have hypothyroidism and have just developed a drooping right eyelid. It is defiantly not age related as I am 27 years old. The left eye is normal. I have recently had a dosage increase to 50mg and last time I was on this dosage I suffered symptoms of hyperthyroidism and had to reduce dosage again. I don’t know if the drooping eyelid is down to my thyroid being under or if it’s as a result of too much levothyroxine as I have read this can be a symptom of either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. I have been feeling very dizzy and ill all week which is how I felt last time on the 50 dosage. I have a blood test scheduled in 2 weeks time. Has anyone else suffered from dropping eyelid?
Dropping eyelid: I have hypothyroidism and have... - Thyroid UK
Dropping eyelid

Is it affecting vision?
Any eye watering, dryness, redness, pain or headaches?
It may not be thyroid or medication related, but you should have it checked out.
Some uk areas have urgent eye care via high street opticians. Many find opticians offer helpful advice & can provide a referral letter via GP or (depending on area) can liaise directly with hospital ophthalmology. Might be worth calling around and seeing what services are available.
Should vision be affected or you develop pressure or pain it’s appropriate you seek emergency care.
Yes I sometimes have blurry vision but at the moment it’s more eye floaters and sensitivity to the light. They do feel tired and I keep getting tension headaches with pain in the back of eyes. I have had these other symptoms for a while and have had my eyes tested . There’s nothing more serious with my eyes. I think it’s defiantly hormone related as my eyes are also affected before and during my periods and I have noticed my eyes being bad when my thyroid results are worse.
Over recent years when I have been under medicated and I have developed droopy eyelids. My right eye initially but recently it seems the left eye is thinking it’s the way to go. I very much doubt it’s too much medication. My last blood tests gave fT4 @ 4.8 (12 - 22) fT3 0.7 (3.1 - 6.8) so obviously not an excess of thyroid hormones. However I have no way of knowing it’s thyroid related at all. You should always ask your GP to check.
Thanks for your response, I sometimes find it difficult knowing which way my thyroid is as some of the symptoms I have had have been the same or very similar when my thyroid has been under active or over active due to over medication.
It can be hard to tell. However if symptoms are present and persistent it’s always good to check with your GP. There can be lots of reasons for different things and to say ‘it’s my thyroid ‘ and not doing anything about it can lead to a delay in diagnosis of something unrelated which needs treatment.
I see the optician annually and have been to the eye hospital(pvd) in addition to annual retinopathy checks. No one has ever expressed any concern about droopy eyelid. so hopefully you’ll get the all clear . Take care.
Looks like your FT3 is very low. My eyelids have drooped since I was in my late teens and have been that way until I actually got enough T3 in my system. Obviously being on T4 most of the time hasn't helped for me. I ended having to do a combo of T4/T3. I can tell when my levels of T3 are low. My one eyelid definitely droops (right).

Definitely see an optician; they will refer you to an ophthalmologist if they have any concerns. If you have any dryness use preservative free drops like HycoSan or HyloForte. Consider taking a selenium supplement if you suspect it’s thyroid related. I have thyroid eye disease with Hashimotos & this has improved with optimal medication. Protect your eyes and wear sunglasses outside if sunlight causes discomfort. Keep posting if you need further advice!

50mcg is only a starter dose of levothyroxine
Do you always get same brand of levothyroxine
Which brand?
Have you ever had Ft3 tested?
When were vitamin D,folate, ferritin and B12 last tested
What vitamin supplements are you currently taking
As you have Hashimoto’s ....Have you had coeliac blood test done and are you currently on strictly gluten free diet
Bloods should be retested 6-8 weeks after each dose change or brand change in levothyroxine
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 tested. Also EXTREMELY important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 at least annually
Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and before eating or drinking anything other than water .
Last dose of Levothyroxine 24 hours prior to blood test. (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).
This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)
Is this how you do your tests?
Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or thyroid antibodies or all relevant vitamins
List of private testing options
Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins
Thriva Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins By DIY fingerpick test
Thriva also offer just vitamin testing
Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins by DIY fingerprick test
If you can get GP to test vitamins and antibodies then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3
£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off down to £26.10 if go on thyroid uk for code
NHS easy postal kit vitamin D test £29 via
My thyroid previously stabilised briefly on alternative 25mg and 50mg dosage. I was unable to take 50mg dosage due to side effects and previously TSH going overactive. However, I am on 50 dosage again due to thyroid being just under active still.
Hi luci10
I find that if I am under medicated or over it affects my eyes; looking heavy and puffy.
I find that when I have been on Levo or NDT.
I notice that if I am over medicated aa the evening draws in and the meds metabolize my eyes lift and I have a Wide Eyed fresh look.
But I want to look normal upon taking my meds; I am so frustrated and identify with your experience.
I know I haven't offered a solution, but in my case its the meds causing (if over medicated) and my body swelling if I am under medicated.
Thanks for your reply, I am finding it very frustrating too as I haven’t being able to stabilise my thyroid and my TSH is up and down. I find it confusing trying to figure out if my TSH has gone over or is still under as some of the symptoms are the same or very similar.
TSH doesn’t cause symptoms, it serves to signal the thyroid to produce new hormone. It’s the levels of FT4 & particular FT3 which is the source of symptoms.
TSH is unreliable once thyroid becomes impaired. You need replacement by FT4 & FT3 not by TSH.
I know the FT4 and FT3 are important tests but my GP will not test them so if I want these tested I would have to pay privately for them.
You can't dose levothyroxine by TSH
Essential to test FT4 and Ft3 - all thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning before eating or drinking anything apart from water and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
Aiming for Ft3 at least 60% through range
Guidelines on dose by weight is 1.6mcg per kilo of your weight
Levothyroxine doesn't top up failing thyroid....it replaces it
This is probably not relevant , but i thought i'd just mention it......once when my GP had heard my description of 1 eyelid drooping (but not all the time) ... i later found he'd sent off for a blood test on some unusual antibodies to test for Myasthenia Gravis (MG) which is also autoimmune , with notes saying;
"description sounds like possible ptosis , check acetylcholine receptor AChR antibodies ... ? MG "
'Ptosis' is 'drooping eyelid'
It appears i didn't have MG... never found out why my eyelids go droopy when i'm feeling dreadful . they just do.
Drooping eyelids can run in families, it does in mine. It's called ptosis which I think is short for blepharoptosis. I've recently had mine operated on. I had moved house, so had put off getting it treated when I was planning to move. My new ophthalmologist referred me directly to the local hospital which has an excellent reputation for eye treatment. My daughter had previously had her ptosis operated on there.
My drooping lids didn't seem to be related to other symptoms, unlike yours. Mine were just getting worse over time.
Definitely get it checked by your ophthalmologist and see if you can get referred. See your doctor as well. There seem to be a number of possible causes for this. We can't blame everything on our thyroids!
Hi Luci20, I can completely identify with this. My right eyelid droops when I’m not feeling great. It’s normally monthly for a couple of days...and definitely when I’m feeling thyroid symptoms...I get a bit puffy and my eye drops. I am also under active. Chances are that if you tried to see a doc, it would be back to normal by the time you see them. Why dont you take a photo and show them. They might keep a closer eye on you until they are sure you are correctly medicated.

Thought you might find this interesting
I have more energy, my face shape is changing, and ptosis [drooping eyelids] is not an issue.
You might have the start of Thyroid Eye Disease which is a separate autoimmune condition. I had Ptosis in my left eye and bulging in my right eye. I have Hashimoto’s disease too. It took 2 years for it to burn out. The bulging eye went back to normal but my ptosis eye didn’t return to normal and I had to have eyelid surgery to correct it.
Get to an ophthalmologist to get your eyes checked. They will check eye pressures too.
My endocrinologist referred me to an eye hospital even though he said I couldn’t have Thyroid Eye Disease with Hashimoto’s. When I walked into the appointment she straight away said “oh you have thyroid eye disease” before she knew I had Hashimoto’s disease. She said about 5% of TED patients have Hashimoto’s, so it’s rare but not impossible.
You’ll probably need night drops and ointment and day drops. They don’t cure it but they help to ease the redness, grittiness and tears. Also take selenium and sea buckthorn capsules which also help.
Really hope you get some treatment. Good luck.
I developed a drooping eyelid aged twelve, I went to London eye hospital, they offered an operation. My dad God bless him asked if it would make any difference to my eye sight. I am very short sighted, they said no, so I did not have the op. 60 odd years later I have cataracts, not big enough to operate on, but been waiting 11 years. Nobody ever commented on my eyelid droop. So do not worry about it, unless you want it operated on privately. I doubt if at the moment it will be a priority. Enjoy your life, in time you will forget about it.