Front Page of The Times today - April 3rd - isn... - Thyroid UK

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Front Page of The Times today - April 3rd - isn't it ?

pennyannie profile image
121 Replies

We'll stop you getting sick, says NHS chief :

Bin men to help doctors target vulnerable people :

I know the devil maybe in the detail - but I'm looking forward to this already ??

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pennyannie profile image
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121 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image

I don't know about anywhere else but the bin men don't come to our houses, we take our bins/recycling to a collection point which is outside one house at the entrance to our short pedestrian lane. They wouldn't know where any of us lived if they saw us.

humanbean profile image

I can imagine a few ways they might do this

1) Ban foods which come from an animal source and get everyone eating loads of grains. Children will all be malnourished and diabetic by the age of 10.

2) Create vaccines for every disease known to man and make it mandatory for us to have them all.

3) Make the denial of chronic disease and chronic pain complete by refusing to treat it and instead treat us all with anti-depressants, statins and CBT.

4) Make exercise mandatory for everyone, irrespective of their ability to do so, and accept no excuses in people with no visible health problems.

I haven't read the article, by the way.

thyr01d profile image
thyr01d in reply to humanbean

Hi Humanbean, I love most of your posts but would like to query your point 1. My youngest daughter went vegetarian at a very young age then vegan which worried e dreadfully. Older daughter was vegetarian from about 11 (son normal) and has been vegan for about 15 years. Both daughters are healthy and the older one, who does a physically demanding job, was recently tested (medically) and found to have excellent levels of everything, including B12, though she never supplements. I would just like people to know that humans can be very healthy on a diet with nothing from an animal, with no fish and nothing like eggs etc.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to thyr01d

I have no problems at all with people eating however they want.

What I object to is the increasing number of articles, videos, TV programs and films I come across that tell me I must eat a certain way (and there are plenty of suggestions that it will eventually become mandatory), when what I want is to eat the way that humans have for millennia. And by wanting to eat a diet containing animal products it is insinuated that I am responsible for climate change.

Before humans killed so many of them off there were many, many millions of bison in the world, both in the USA and Europe. Massive herds of grazing animals used to roam Africa. Those animals didn't cause climate change in times gone by, but now cows have to be gotten rid of because they are going to destroy the climate/planet? I simply don't believe it.

Many rich people want us all to eat processed food because it brings in huge profits. Many processed products contain added sugar and it is disguised in many ways with many different names. And grains are cheap - they are far less labour intensive to produce than producing animals for food.

There are also people who have become vegan who haven't a clue how to do it safely and have ended up seriously ill. (Look up people who became vegan and then went back to animal products on Youtube.) And some people who do have an idea of what they were doing ended up getting sick anyway because a vegan diet isn't suitable for everyone - we all have our own existing health problems that can change what we need to eat to maintain the best possible health.

The EAT Lancet diet (otherwise known as "The Planetary Health Diet") is what the Powers-That-Be would like us to eat. And it is nutritionally deficient.

And the companies supporting the EAT Lancet diet are all processed food companies.

If we get rid of grazing animals, particularly on ground that can be used for growing crops where is the fertiliser to come from? I'm on shaky ground with this but I've read it comes from oil. I think much currently fertile ground will end up becoming sterile dust.

Climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels, and yet we are being brainwashed into believing that eating cows is what is causing the problem. And for anyone who talks about cow farts, you're worrying about the wrong end. Cows burp and produce methane when they do so - but of course farts are considered more disgusting, so farts get all the blame. However, I wonder if the poor diet that cows are forced to eat in feed lots in the US are more to blame than anything else. Apparently, if cows were allowed to live beyond the age they usually get slaughtered in the US they would get sick and die anyway because their diet is so poor, and so unlike what they would eat in nature. Does it make a difference to the amount of methane they produce? I don't know. But the solution appears to be we have to stop eating them. Since nobody will pay to keep them alive if they can't be sold for profit they will eventually get wiped out as a major population.

Another issue is that a huge proportion of land on the planet is not suitable for growing crops, but it can be used for animal husbandry. But if eating cows gets banned then what will people in those areas live on?

And finally, too high an intake of carbs is known to increase the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.

Sorry but you got me going on one of my hobby horses. I'm not keen on discussing this subject really, because I know it gets a lot of people worked up (including me), and the insults get very personal in such conversations. I just want people to be allowed to eat how they want, whether that involves lots of processed food, lots of grains, lots of meat, or lots of fruit and veg. But what I'm expecting if the rich and powerful get their way is famine, malnourishment, ill health, stunting, and shorter life spans. I'm thinking that H G Wells describing the Morlocks might have been prophecy, not fiction.

thyr01d profile image
thyr01d in reply to humanbean

I read carefully your reply, however I'm an ethical vegan, and ethical also in the sense of respecting others' rights to choose what they eat. The only point I wanted to be clear about is that although some vegans are malnourished, so also some omnivores are malnourished and there are many reasons for that.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to thyr01d

In terms of malnourishment, I agree. Anyone who eats poorly can be malnourished. Women are at particular risk of anaemia as well because of pregnancy, giving birth, heavy periods etc. And in some parts of the world the best food/most food is reserved for men, while women get very little, so they end up unhealthy that way too.

I wasn't trying to upset you, by the way. You just happened to choose a subject which gets me quite worked up.

thyr01d profile image
thyr01d in reply to humanbean

No worries Humanbean, I could see you care very much about the subject and you didn't upset me but it does concern me if people read that you can't be vegan and healthy.

Suvi8901 profile image
Suvi8901 in reply to humanbean

And of course terminal cancer patients who SMOKE will not be treated?🥺😱And those suffering with invisible AI diseases will continually be mocked, gaslighted and publicly derided by GPs in waiting rooms and surgeries. Fat shaming, thin shaming etc will all continue!


pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Suvi8901

This post is over a year old and " dead in the water " now :

It has been used as an emergency measure by someone who isn't able to contact me by PM and the content is of no relevance to the subject matter .

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to pennyannie

pennyannie , Has the contact problem been sorted out now? Would you like this old post to be closed so that no-one else jumps in on it?

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to RedApple

Well we left it last night but I'm still unable to message Koola - her name has disappeared on the list of who I PM - though I can still read where we were but my reply just now failed again - the response is - message code failed :

I don't know really as the issue isn't mine but Koola's.

My PM took too long her end to fully load, so she closed the PM post thinking the internet was slow, and now she can't get in : guessing she has deleted me :

Resourceful as ever she then found this old post and contacted me this way so to raise awareness of her issue.

Koola - just keeping you in this loop !!

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to pennyannie

Koola and pennyannie

This may or may not help:

Go to each others profile page (i.e. Koola look here and pennyannie look here )

Do you see a button for Message or do you see a button that says Muted? If one says muted, then you cannot message each other.

If you see Muted, click on it to Unmute and you should now be able to message each other.

PM Muted
pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to RedApple

Thank you :

I get message - no mute - but then when I try to message i get server error and am guessing that I've been blocked Koola's end ???

I think Koola has deleted me as a PM and needs to unblock me.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to pennyannie

If the problem doesn't get resolved by this method (i.e. Koola also sees Message and not Muted), then both of you could contact HU Technical Support for help

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to RedApple

Ok then - I think we will need to wait a couple hours to know how Koola is doing - ironic really that she chose this post which i started as a joke last year for April 1st :

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to RedApple

Hello again :

I think it makes to close this old post now before further people feel the need to jump in :

I'm on email with Koola and she has full access to the forum but for sending and reply to my PM' s so I'll nto take it personally !!!

Many thanks - the technical department have ben briefed by no change as yet.

humanbean profile image

For people with good enough eyesight, the front page of The Times can be read here :

Edit : Ignore this post. The link only showed the front page of The Times for a day.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to humanbean

For those with possibly less good eyesight, try this:

(Might not work beyond today - not sure.)

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply to helvella

Hope bin men get paid more for extra responsibility!!!

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Mostew

Quite how do think the bin man job description may change so to qualify him/her for a pay rise ?

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply to pennyannie

Well it’s time title was changed . It’s very’sexist’isnt it !!! Can’t think of a good new title yet . Any ideas anyone ????

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Mostew

I'm just thinking of the wording of the new job description - and yes, of course, equal opportunity !!!

KnackeredKaty profile image
KnackeredKaty in reply to Mostew

Their job title is refuse collector

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to pennyannie

Refuse Operatives I believe!

Localhero profile image
Localhero in reply to pennyannie

As an HR person in a previous life, I’m imagining the conversations with the unions to get this introduced. Especially now it’s been plastered over the newspapers, presumably before any such staff consultations have been even thought about.

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Localhero

True to form :

Suvi8901 profile image
Suvi8901 in reply to Mostew

How many bin men do NOT have lifestyle related diseases eg cancer and heart disease??🧐

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Suvi8901

This post is over a year ago - and now " dead in the water " :

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply to pennyannie

I did wonder . Couldn't even remember it !!!!!

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply to Suvi8901

How come you wrote above after all this time !!!

Suvi8901 profile image
Suvi8901 in reply to Mostew

I only just noticed it!🤣

Zephyrbear profile image
Zephyrbear in reply to helvella

Worked fine just now... 07:46am Sunday morning.

Stourie profile image
Stourie in reply to helvella

Still there. Jo xx

nellie237 profile image

Why on earth do they think we have the resources for all this.

About 18 months ago I found one of my neighbours (A) outside looking lost and clutching a letter. I asked him if he was OK, and he thrust the letter at me, which was an out-patient appointment at a hospital about 30mins away.

I took him home, and he'd got all his paperwork on his dining table - I asked him if I could have a look. I found a discharge letter dated 1 month previous from the memory clinic, full of numbers to call, and various organisations to contact if he needed help. A could not use the phone - communication was mainly me asking questions and A nodding. He did understand what I was saying. I tried to arrange transport for his hospital trip, but as he had dementia they wouldn't take him on his own. I took him.

There's a lot more, but my point is that they just discharged A without contacting Adult Services (who were pretty much useless - more interested in knowing whether he could afford to pay for care than actually helping him).

He is now in residential care, and I'm hoping to see him soon. He survived Covid.

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to nellie237

It's simply beyond belief -

I wonder if these people have any idea of how things actually are in ordinary every day life :

So sad for your neighbour :

Sending a hug :

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to nellie237

A lucky man to be found by you and not a bin man pushed for time.It's a monumental mess.

DippyDame profile image

I think he would be laughed all the way to the refuse dump if that was suggested in Scotland....has he never visited the countryside where bins are often moved some distance to main roads for rubbish collection ( in the entire UK) let alone watched bin men running along the country's streets rushing to get their job done

Our bins are emptied in the early morning, we never see the bin men. The bins from our house, which is through an archway, are taken out in the evening away from the house. The bin men wouldn't know if we'd been dead in here for a week let alone "too frail to put out the rubbish".

Ex BBC The Papers

"The head of the NHS in England, Sir Simon Stevens, tells the Times that the success of the vaccination programme has given the health service a blueprint for the future.

He thinks it shows the importance of disease prevention, with health workers seeking out the most vulnerable to help them stay well, rather than waiting for them to become ill.

He suggests, for example, refuse collectors could alert GPs when residents become too frail to put out the rubbish."

If this is an example of future NHS strategies then I fear thyroid disease will sink in the morass!

Sorry all.....I'm ranting again

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to DippyDame

It's good to rant and get rid of it - just don't put it out for the dustman to collect !!!

It's all too much -I might lay down but I've mowed my lawn so I guess if anybody had seen me, I'm ok ?

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply to DippyDame

Rant on !!

shaws profile image

Maybe they'll also take us to hospital in a bin.

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to shaws

We could go out with the recycling - maybe with grass cuttings - as this service is probably a bit slower in the winter months and they may well have excess capacity - provided of course that you had renewed your yearly subscription.

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to shaws

When they find me dead after the bin men have failed to recognise my frailty they will maybe remove me from the house in a wheelie bin tastefully lined with bin bags and attended by Refuse Operatives!!Multi tasking!!

If we didn't laugh we'd cry!

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to DippyDame

You did make me laugh, just at the mental picture I had of a body in a 'wheelie' bin. What would happen if it escaped and kept on going down the pavement - or even a road?


Jazzw profile image

My bin—once emptied—is nearly always left outside my neighbour’s house instead of mine. I’m not sure they know where I live. So even less sure they’d notice if I stopped putting it out.

I thought when I saw the headline it was going to be something about what they may have spotted in my bin, like empty packets of thyroid hormones or painkillers. :-o

nellie237 profile image
nellie237 in reply to Jazzw

Do I remember some controversy a few years ago, where a Council put hidden cameras in bins to check recyclable stuff wasn't being thrown in rubbish bins?

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to nellie237

I vaguely remember that. I suspect the outcome was less than useful.

jacobite33 profile image
jacobite33 in reply to nellie237

You had me laughing away about councils.My council went viral with there repair of pot-holes a few years ago.You got me laughing looking that up again!

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to jacobite33

That's hilarious....But Weetabix sets harder.... and they're much cheaper.

jacobite33 profile image
jacobite33 in reply to tattybogle

Interwoven and pressed cereal.Great idea! You should work for the council.Maybe pack your lunch in a sunblest bag and the kids call you tattybogie? Ah the old school humble council worker and Deacon Blues Dignity

tattybogle profile image

It's a nice idea , but in reality the places where there's "one bin per driveway" are more likely to have better off inhabitants, in better health, with neighbours who'd notice a problem before the fortnightly bin collection anyway..... whereas the places that are more likely to have residents with health problems. like where i live, have one 90' long alley for 14 houses some split into 2 or 3 or 6 flats, with 27 bins, most of which have the wrong number written on them as they've been 'liberated' from round the corner. .... i wish the bin folk the best of luck with that one.

Mind you.... some of the yellow commercial bins have people living in them ... so that makes a problem easier to spot i suppose.

Edit .. i know this cos i've just moved the bins to mow the grass in the alley... it makes quite a good cricket pitch.

pennyannie profile image

If that was the " crux " I'd hate to try and work out the rest of it - I'm now totally confused with bins, dinners and who clears up ???

pennyannie profile image

Well, doodles good, especially now - it's freeing expression, and good for your mental health.

pennyannie profile image

Well there's hope for you too:

Mostew profile image

Excellent .... I like it !!

tattybogle profile image

Somebody should . Round here if you go in for a cup of tea it's full of fridges when you come back out.

nellie237 profile image

A could read - he could cope with 1 letter at a time. He used to check every day by reading a word or 2, I'd see him looking and mouthing the words, then nodding his head "OK got that still" He could get the odd sentence out too, but then it would all just get jumbled.

I did find some family for him - found the contact no in the back of his passport, but they are getting on a bit and live in Derbyshire, and we are in Herts. They did come and see him a couple of times before lockdown, and are informed how he is doing.

I still find it incomprehensible that they discharged him without putting something in place. Its so sad when people need help and have no-one.

tattybogle profile image

I sent my kids to a steiner school in a wooden hut. We had lots of onions but no unions, so i was the dinner lady / bus driver / chip buyer on the way home from swimming / bin man.

tattybogle profile image

Milkmen ! now you're talking .... they used to know everything.

We had a lovely jolly one called Colin, who couldn't count well enough to work your change out correctly, but could tell you exactly who was sleeping with who. and what they'd had for dinner on a thursday. (he used to collect recipes at the same time as his bill)

DippyDame profile image

It did I miss that bloomer!!

pennyannie profile image

I thought it was Ernie ?

Stourie profile image
Stourie in reply to pennyannie


pennyannie profile image

Really ?

nellie237 profile image


jacobite33 profile image

Its a thoughtful notion maybe a load of rubbish though (pardon the pun)........Think the days of your interaction with the postie/milkman/binman are in the past for the majority of us.Just the other day the binman here never pulled out the 86 year old elderly mother’s recyclables.Applied for a pull out as they class it as she’s vulnerable.That’s twice in the past few weeks.So if there was a problem I can’t see that being of any help.Do know that he will be vulnerable if he does it again.I will just let the wee prim and proper supergran of the leash.When she has the hackles up she’s still got the agility of the karate kid!

Zephyrbear profile image

My hubby was a milkman for a while back in the days - the stories I could tell... 🤔

Puddleperson profile image

What planet do these people live on! I hope they will be teaching the binmen first aid. Our area is switching to new super recycling with open boxes instead of plastic sacks and wheelie bins or seagull sacks. The local paper is full of letters from elderly residents who can just about drag a plastic sack up steps and paths but can't carry boxes as they won't have a spare hand to hold on to a rail. Lots of scope for elderly people to fall there. It won't affect me though, our bin collection is similar to Seaside Susie's but the new super recycling collection lorries are so huge they won't fit down the road to collect it whether we leave it out in sacks or boxes!

Seconds profile image

I pick up any rubbish outside my house because people empty their cars out when they park outside and just leave it there the bin men never pick up after they drop rubbish and neither does anyone else that’s with out what blows into my garden or dropped into my bin so that would be interesting 🤔

humanbean profile image

I hoped they might keep a history. The link still exists, but the pictures of the front pages have been removed. The text written by the BBC is still there.

birkie profile image

Bin men.... My bin was in my bay for 12 days when I was in hospital, it remained their with rotting bin bags, they never took it out or informed the housing association where I live that my bin had not moved,... So much for them.. 🤷‍♀️

Mostew profile image

The devil may well be in the detail (literally)!!

Marz profile image

When I lived in Greece everyone took their rubbish to the nearest wheelie bin. In our case at the end of the road ! I was an 'expert' at tossing the small bag into the bin from the car window !

Recycling for coloured bottles and cans wa a little further away in the village.

Our village enjoyed regular collections from wheelie bins as the local Mayor lived there ! - or did I imagine that ??

Thank goodness the extended Greek families look out for their elderly rellies as dustmen wouldn't have a clue !

Mostew profile image

Thank you all for a very entertaining thread . Only just caught up with it all .

We need to laugh. Things get more and more bizarre


APAscot profile image

You started a brilliant thread. Very entertaining and so true

Gingernut44 profile image

I buy colouring books for my grandchildren just so I can “help” them 😊

ayjayelle profile image

The crux was that there was a lot of skill in being a dinner lady, cooking, nutrition, child management, whereas refuse collectors just pick up and load bins.

thyr01d profile image

argiegarbage Scrumbler?!

zeberdee2468 profile image

Sounds more like an April fool gag to me. Our bin men already open all the bins before taking them to see what's in them just in case a plastic bag has ended up in the recycle bin. Not at all sure I'd be happy with this anyway as it could well breach privacy laws

KnackeredKaty profile image

Oh sorry! 😳 I missed that bit. I'm trying to keep away from COVID news. 🤪

TVOReason profile image

Can anyone remember binmen and milkmen and postmen that did this service, I used to work in a police control room and when we were on 6x2 we used to get calls from them saying they were concerned about an elderly person so it’s nothing new

Koola profile image

SOS! yr. message was taking so long to appear that I pressed on "stop the conversation" to pick it up later and you got deleted entirely! Please send again... !!! and now I can't send you a message either!??

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

I don't seem able to PM you at the minute - tells me I've failed ?

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

Your name has disappeared on the PM details and probably why I can't link into you - don't know how to resolve this - think maybe you need to get hold of someone your end to re instate your PMs :

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

My message is still showing on my screen - but on the " Chat " icon your name has disappeared and I can't transmit to you there.

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to pennyannie

are you two stuck in some parallel universe from a year ago ? i had gremlins all day yesterday... went to my profile page and it said "seems like this member does not exits" ... and that's not a typo .

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to tattybogle

Don't really know - Koola and I write PMs regularly :

I wrote a PM to Koola 10 hours ago :

Now when I try and contact her on the same PM her name has disappeared and my PM just now was ' unsuccessful " :

She says above that she pressed ' stop the conversation ' which isn't the temporary measure she thought and more like a ' cut the conversion ' as there is now no conversation through PM s at all ????

So I'm suggesting she needs to reinstate herself - as I'm bl....y sure I don't know what to do this end so thanks for coming rescue me : as you know all too well how unadvanced my tech knowledge is !!!

pennyannie profile image

I'm seeing this other email :

Koola profile image

Nothing on my end... maybe this will get thru?

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

Yes I can see this and you have deleted your email address :

Koola profile image


pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

I've got the question marks - we seem ok on the open forum but unable to PM

Koola profile image

Good! so we're on again?

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

We were never off on the open forum the issue is one of your PM page :

Do you PM anyone else and can check if it's all your PMs or just mine ?

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

Can we try picking this up again tomorrow as I'm now feeling exhausted with this and getting stressed by it ?

Koola profile image
Koola in reply to pennyannie

hadn't seen your reply. yes, stressed out too. but, not to worry, birds of a feather etc...🙂😉

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to Koola

i hope you both find your way back to 2022 tomorrow .

Koola profile image

Okay, I'll try to find out. I didn't read the caption that appeared. Maybe something like "are you sure you want to stop this forever" or such. Maybe it's meant for stalkers! :Dbut it's getting late and i have to eat soon.

meanwhile we can still communicate via email, and if this doesn't get settled, I'll send you the email address I use everyday.

Sorry. I suppose I should be more careful!

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

No worries - night night, we'll catch up tomorrow, someone, somewhere @ sometime !!!

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Koola

Try clicking on pennyannie's name or avatar/icon.

That should take you to her profile. And there is a Message button - click on that - should start a new message.

Koola profile image
Koola in reply to helvella

Hi Helvella,Thanks for suggestion but it didn't work. I've contacted The Tech. support people. cross fingers, please!

Koola profile image

I contacted the Tech. support people with my sob story.waiting for an answer

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

OK then - do I need to do anything my end ?

Koola profile image
Koola in reply to pennyannie


Koola profile image
Koola in reply to pennyannie

They might contact you too?

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

OK - hope not - feel anxiety just thinking about ' what to do ' in tech details -

Koola profile image

Sit back and relax. "mon" :) I messed up so I'll try to concentrate. though I'm feeling particularly exhausted and brain foggy today, if someone tells me what to do, I can follow. As long as I don't have to think on my own!!

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

Sounds a bit like ballroom dancing - not sure what dance I'd do though probably tread on toes and choose to sit it out !!!

Koola profile image

well, I'm happy to try out any dance as long as my partner is patient -- and has good shoes on.

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

I'm looking at slippers and likely a do si do dance - especially at around 2o'cock' ish.

The funny thing is, the post you haven't yet read will likely receive a resounding NO from you when you read it !!!

Koola profile image

Unfortunately, I will have to lie down again soon :( after spending all morning in bed, too!

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

Can you PM other people and is it " just me " that's been shot into outer space ?

Koola profile image
Koola in reply to pennyannie

I just pm'ed TattyBogle and it, it's our connection! the forces of darkness have chosen to dirsrupt.

anyway, still no answer from Tech. support.

can you copy paste yr. message to me and send by email?

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

Cut and paste requires scissors and glue for me as you know :

but yes, of course, I'll type it out again , but you're not gonna like it !!!


pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

Have you gone to my profile page :

Do you see- top right hand side - Message or Mute ?

If Mute I think you can change this to Message - if Message - can you start a new PM to me -

otherwise I give up ??

Koola profile image
Koola in reply to pennyannie

I've tried many times. There is no mute. this time I said I'd follow you and then checked again. Nothing. always server error still no answer from Tech. and I have to go outside now. My back is killing me and need break from pc.

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Koola

Ditto - nothing this end - still says server error when I try and PM you:

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to pennyannie

I can only assume you've both been separated by the teacher for whispering to each other beneath your desk lids . Do try to behave better in future, both of you ......or one of you will have to go and sit in the corridor.

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to tattybogle

I'm already there - I'm not actually and my end is functioning perfectly but I can't PM Koola and her name has disappeared off my PM listing though all our correspondence is still there :

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to pennyannie

My best suggestion to handle the tech-stress is to ignore it for a day or two and hope it fixes itself . Last time i had a weird tech problem with my 'news feed' on here, the solution was to un-follow jimh111 ..... no really, it worked. and when i followed him again the problem came back .so i unfollowed him again .. problem solved . Weird.

Hopefully koola will get it figured out in a day or two with some help from the tech people .. Stress not.. all will be well :)

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to tattybogle

I didn't know you to be a stalker of Jim - do you wear a mac and a trilby hat ?

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radd in reply to pennyannie


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radd in reply to tattybogle


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