Blood results help please: Hi people Finaly got a... - Thyroid UK

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Blood results help please

LouBoo85 profile image
11 Replies

Hi people

Finaly got a print out if my bloods from December and was wondering if you knowledgeable people could make some sense of them ahead of my next round of ivf?

Anti mullerian hormone level 88pmol/L

Thyroid peroxidase (tp) level 254IU/no

TSH 0.54

T4 16.3

Since then I have cut gluton and dairy and my go said my bloods last month for thyroid levels were 0.1 - I was on 100mg of Levi at the time so they have lowered me to 50mg...feeling ok on this so far.

They did say that my Anti bodies were over 2000 now though 😫

I'm feeling really good at the moment as really been looking after myself but any advice would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance xxx

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11 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

Just testing TSH and Ft4 is completely inadequate

You need TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 tested together

All thyroid testing should be done as early as possible in morning before eating or drinking anything other than water and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

Is this how you did this test

As you have autoimmune thyroid disease also called Hashimoto’s diagnosed by high thyroid antibodies it’s essential to regularly retest vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

What vitamin supplements are you currently taking

List of private testing options

Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins

Thriva Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins By DIY fingerpick test

Thriva also offer just vitamin testing

Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins by DIY fingerprick test

If you can get GP to test vitamins cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3

£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off down to £26.10 if go on thyroid uk for code

Also vitamin D available as separate test via MMH

Or alternative Vitamin D NHS postal kit

Highly unlikely dose levothyroxine needed reducing at all. You’re only over medicated if Ft3 is over range

If did need reduction likely only small reduction to 75mcg and 100mcg alternate days

Bloods should be retested 6-8 weeks after any dose change or brand change in levothyroxine

TSH should be under one before TTC and dose levothyroxine increased as soon as conception confirmed

Pregnancy guidelines

See pages 7&8

As you have Hashimoto’s are you on absolutely strictly gluten free diet?

Frequently helps or is essential

LouBoo85 profile image
LouBoo85 in reply to SlowDragon

Thanks for your reply! Yes totaly gluton and dairy free and yes tested first thing on empty stomach etc.

I'm taking vit d, folate, zinc, solenium and b12.

Sorry I should have said I was on 75mg and 100mg alternative days prior to being tested and felt awful after I made all the changes to my diet and lifestyle, that is why they lowered me to 50mg.

I've asked gp to test my vit levels and he said no but I'm waiting to receive all my medical records from the hosp who did check them a while back. They told me at the time that they were all really good.

So what will finding out my t3 tell's all so confusing haha!

Thanks x

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to LouBoo85

With Hashimoto’s we frequently have poor conversion of Ft4 (levothyroxine) to Ft3 (active hormone)

Always get actual results and ranges on all tests

NHS only tests and treats deficiencies. With Hashimoto’s we need OPTIMAL Vitamin levels

50mcg levothyroxine is only a starter dose.

LouBoo85 profile image
LouBoo85 in reply to SlowDragon

Yeah someone else mentioned that it is just a starter dose, I'm feeling good on this dosage at present but will be requesting another test in a couple of weeks.

So if I have got poor conversion of ft4 to ft3 what can be done about it, is there anything I should be doing differently or should be requesting from the gp?

Thanks for all your advice x

greygoose profile image

I think your doctor has made a huge error, here. First of all, he should not be dosing by the TSH - that will never work and just sets the patient up for a ride on the TSH seesaw.

Secondly, even if a reduction were necessary, he should not have reduced by 50 mcg. 25 mcg maximum whether increasing or reducing. We have to go slowly with hormones!

What will testing your FT3 tell you? Well, you are only over-medicated if your FT3 is over-range. If your FT4 wasn't over-range, it's highly unlikely that your FT3 will be. Also, testing FT4 and FT3 together, and comparing them, will tell you how well you convert. So, testing FT3 is essential - although the NHS will not admit it!

Your over-range antibodies are telling you that you have Hashi's. Did you already know that? It doesn't matter if the antibodies rise, it doesn't change anything, doesn't mean that your Hashi's is worse - nor does it mean it's getting better if they decrease. The level of the antibodies fluctuates all the time, and has no bearing on the disease. :)

LouBoo85 profile image
LouBoo85 in reply to greygoose

Hi thanks for this, yes I was aware I have hashimoto and was under the impression that the levels can be brought down or even reversed by finding the root cause and making lifestyle that not the case?

I've been told that the antibodies are possibly attacking my embryos when having ivf so I was hoping to get that under control if possible.

Right so plan is to find out exactly what my vit levels are and to demand that I'm tested for t3 as well as t4 when I next go for a blood test then I can ensure that I am definitely on the right Levi dosage?

Thanks for your help, so bloody complicated haha x

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to LouBoo85

NHS rarely tests more than TSH

You will very likely need to test via Monitor My Health

(NHS private testing service)

LouBoo85 profile image
LouBoo85 in reply to SlowDragon

Cheers thankyou

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LouBoo85

I have hashimoto and was under the impression that the levels can be brought down or even reversed by finding the root cause and making lifestyle that not the case?

I have never seen the proof that such a thing is possible, no. Thing is, with Hashi's, you can go through a period of euthyroidism in between a 'hyper' swing, and going back to hypo - sometimes for quite a long time. And, at that point, antibodies will be lower. And, that's when people start shouting about having 'cured' their Hashi's, by whatever means, and being able to come off thyroid hormone replacement. But, in my experience of reading on various forums, it doesn't that too long before their symptoms start creeping back and they have go back onto THR.

But, you see, TPO and Tg antibodies have nothing to do with the attacks on the thyroid. They are just the Mrs Mops of the immune system. During an immune system attack on the thyroid, trace of TPO and Tg leak into the blood, so the respective antibodies come along to clean them up, take them away and dispose of them. Why would you even want to reduce their number and stop them doing their job?

As for finding the root cause, good luck with that! How would you even prove it? And, the root cause isn't even necessarily what triggers the attacks on the thyroid. Could be all sorts of things. There are no end of theories, but not proof. And, even if you did reverse the Hashi's, you can't reverse the damage done to the thyroid. It would still be unable to produce enough hormone to make you well. Thyroids don't regnerate. So, you'd still have to take THR.

I've been told that the antibodies are possibly attacking my embryos when having ivf so I was hoping to get that under control if possible.

TPO and Tg antibodies don't attack anything, as I explained above. Antibodies are very specific in what they do, they don't go rampaging through the body attacking organs willy-nilly. Hashi's antibodies have their job and that's what they do.

Right so plan is to find out exactly what my vit levels are and to demand that I'm tested for t3 as well as t4 when I next go for a blood test then I can ensure that I am definitely on the right Levi dosage?

Well, you can ask, but there's no guarantee that they'll agree. NHS doctors just don't understand T3, what it does, nor the necessity for testing it. And, even if they ask, the lab usually refuses to do it. NHS penny-pinching! They don't realise the extent to which they are shooting themselves in the foot!

LouBoo85 profile image
LouBoo85 in reply to greygoose

Thanks for all your advice!

After 5 years of trying to concieve I'm willing to give any crazy theory a go haha!

So far so good on the lowered dose but might be a yoyo like you said, couldn't carry on the way I was going though, my symptoms were too much!

Will get privately tested for t3 t4 and vits to ensure I'm on the right track and keep positive that I can take control of my health as I'm a glass half full kinda girl 😁

Thankyouuuu x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LouBoo85

You're welcome. :)

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