Hi all, I had the flu vaccine on Thursday, Friday morning I noticed some swollen lymph nodes around my shoulder blade. Has anyone experienced the same thing? TIA
Flu vaccine: Hi all, I had the flu vaccine on... - Thyroid UK
Flu vaccine

*Edit, collar bone not shoulder blade

I think people react differently to vaccines and the flu one is no exception, some people have no reaction, some react badly. It's a very personal thing whether or not to have it, personally I don't even though I'm in two of the at risk groups, I prefer to boost my immune system in other ways.
Reading your other posts I noticed you experience other sensitivities. Perhaps your body is reacting to one or more of the vaccine ingredients. Lymph systems remove toxins from the blood so regular body brushing towards the heart will help them on their way out of the body ....
We had a flu jabs in the local Methodist church so a whole different experience. We were given a time slot but partway through the morning we were invited to come earlier as they were more efficiency than predicted. I was in the car so quickly as mine was scheduled for lunch time. Parked in the pub carpark across the road and joined the queue! Only two ahead of me and someone making sure we waited 2 meters away with the markings taped across the path so two in front of me and I hardly stopped walking. I found 5 masked medics and got through very quickly and out the back door! Brilliant! So back home in about 5 mins! We had been asked to wear clothing appropriate and I left coat in car but I didn’t even feel the needle going in! Only reaction was 2 days later as I woke up with that arm beneath me and felt a bit swollen but went when I made myself more comfortable. I’m really hope they have a day doing this in future as it worked so well and we were all safely treated. Thankfully it was a sunny day but had it rained I’m sure we would have used the rest of the church to wait in. Sorry but long but the set up was wonderful so it may give ideas for the future whatever that may bring!
We had our at a Drive Thru at The Eden Project. It was fabulous, all in marquess in a huge car park. Could do driver and passenger simultaneously. We arrived on time were directed to our area, drove in, opened the windows, received vaccine and drove home. Such efficiency, several surgeries used the site bit no mixing.
No, no side effects at all. But I was handed a leaflet stating side effects are common.
It is not a bad thing if your glands swell. It is your body saying "ohh, what have we got here, better kill that!". So your body recognised a virus (body cannot tell dead from alive), thought to react to kill it, and the result is swollen glands (and quite often a raised temp for a bit). Your body will recognise this particular virus from this point onwards and will be able to fight it, probably without you realising it. It is also a good excuse to eat ice-cream!